• 鉴于网络主动测试所具有优点主动测试技术成为一种重要SLA监测技术。

    Owing to the advantages active measurement has, active measurement technology is becoming an important SLA monitoring technology.


  • 汽车制造商沃尔沃作为SARTRE项目成员之一,沃尔沃主动安全功能技术总监埃里克林格表示,研究组准备将此项目移出测试跑道

    The researchers will then be ready to leave the test track, says Erik Coelingh, head of active-safety functions for Volvo, a carmaker that is one of the SARTRE members.


  • 向着项目第二个“能量系统主动集成飞行测试知识点”迈出重要一步知识点已经本月早些时候完成。

    This is a major step toward completing the second of the program’s two Low Power System Integration-Active Flight Test knowledge points, the first of which was accomplished earlier this month.


  • 可以开发测试期间主动地提供可用于故障诊断信息

    This proactively makes information for troubleshooting available during development and testing.


  • 要求他们完成测试任务时,他们一些机会表现主动精神要求具体行动。

    When asking them to complete the "test" task give them some scope to show initiative but also ask for some specifics.


  • 由于提供许多利益测试组织应该积极主动确保每个能够被正确地构建

    Because of the many benefits use cases offer, test organizations should be motivated to make sure each use case is built correctly.


  • 框架测试工作简单令人吃惊(愉快),给测试工作带来了便利二者也都拥有活跃的社区,为主动开发提供支持同时生成丰富文档

    Both frameworks facilitate testing by making it amazingly simple (and fun), and they both have vibrant communities that support active development while generating copious documentation.


  • 现已知道有些测试项目g关联性要比另一些项目,而关联性好的测试项目那些需要g能够解决的题目,试题中所谓“主动成分”的难度很高的。

    Some tests and test items are known to correlate better with g than others do. In these items the "active ingredient" that demands the exercise of g seems to be complexity.


  • 荷兰空军联合军演项目风车2010”上,项目主管AlessandroPera将军作了上述声明演习中,北约的主动分层战时弹道导弹防御项目将进行一系列的重要测试

    General Alessandro Pera, Head of the Programme, made the statement following the Dutch Air Force Joint Project Optic Windmill 2010 exercise, which concluded on 16 July.


  • 对于主动植入式医疗器材植入式医疗器材,制造业者记录执行检验测试身分。

    The manufacturer shall record the identity of personnel performing any inspection or testing on active implantable medical devices and implantable medical devices.


  • 我们应该测试创建一个组件不用担心实际工作例如服务器通讯,直到我们主动要求它做这些。

    We should be able to create a component in a test and not worry that it might do real work - like calling a server! - before we tell it to do so.


  • 测试表明主动扫描技术具有很高检测率低的误报警率

    The experiment results show that the new technique has a high detect-rate and a low false-negative.


  • 空间数据库主动规则条件测试对于规则的执行效率至关重要。

    The condition testing of active rules in spatial database is a key element to the efficiency of rules execution.


  • 亚利桑那州州长道格·杜西周三周四发表推特,主动提出亚利桑那州可代替加利福尼亚州,让优步测试自动驾驶车辆

    Arizona Governor Doug Ducey sent tweets on Wednesday and Thursday offering Arizona as an alternative to California for Uber to test out its self-driving cars.


  • 网络多媒体系统中,需要可用带宽进行主动测量,但测试流会妨碍数据传输质量。

    In networked multimedia systems, the probing traffic generated by active measurement of available bandwidth might interfere with the audio-visual communications.


  • 为了检测航天相机主动系统功能性能可靠性设计了主动热控仿真测试系统。

    In order to detect the function, performance and reliability of active thermal control system of a space camera, a simulation testing system to detect the active thermal control system was designed.


  • 一旦加入测试工作团队会雇用新的项目经理架构者,十分主动做出能够今年剩余实践内完成工作承诺

    At the same time that I arrived to help with testing, the team was hiring a new project manager and an architect, and was taking on very aggressive release commitments for the remainder of the year.


  • 作者应用机械应变式测力传感数字显示装置,对减轻钙化化学改性方法处理的主动脉瓣心包组织进行了机械强度测试

    The Mechanical properties of the cardiac bioprostheses (porcine and bovine pericardium), which were prepared with methods of reducing calcification, were determined by a tensile testing device.


  • 作者自行设计模拟循环测试不同生理状态”下主动脉内气囊搏的效果

    The authors designed a mock circulation system for the observation of the effects of different physiological factors on the performance of IABP.


  • 观察新生儿神经行为测试其行为能力、被动肌张力、主动肌张力一般评估4个方面NBNA评分显著高于对照组P<0.01);

    Results The average increase in weight and the NBNA scores in the 4 aspects of nervous behaviors of the observed group were higher than those of the control group (P< 0.01).


  • 观察新生儿神经行为测试其行为能力、被动肌张力、主动肌张力一般评估4个方面NBNA评分显著高于对照组P<0.01);

    Results The average increase in weight and the NBNA scores in the 4 aspects of nervous behaviors of the observed group were higher than those of the control group (P< 0.01).


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