• 圣诞诗作

    He painted pictures for Christmas poems.


  • 玛丽上班,之后还要去圣诞采购,说自己回去。

    Mary was still at work and would be late tonight because, she claimed, she had some Christmas shopping to do.


  • 他们最好开始圣诞帽子,他们很多帽子需要装饰

    They'd better start making the caps now for Christmas because there is going to be an awful lot that need to be embroidered!


  • 看来男人们圣诞已经想出了各种好的借口他们的懒惰开脱。

    ', it appears men have come up with some pretty good excuses for their idleness at Christmas.


  • 我们采购员圣诞我们部门橘子苹果都放进篮子里。

    We put together oranges and apples in a basket one of our vendors had brought the department for Christmas.


  • 西方人绿圣诞色,圣诞到临时家家户户圣诞装潢

    Westerners with red, green, white color for Christmas, Christmas comes each and every family to use color to decorate the Christmas.


  • 圣诞早上打开礼物后,全家则会齐聚一堂快速圣诞午餐准备并且圣诞饼干

    After presents are opened on Christmas morning, preparations are quickly underway for the Christmas lunch where the whole family will gather and eat the Christmas Crackers.


  • 普通人每月存钱用于汽车维修他们需要外出旅行存钱,还要圣诞医疗费存钱。

    The average person needs to be saving for car repairs every month, they need to be saving for their trips, for Christmas, for medical expenses.


  • 他们更是04鲨鱼湖人交易热火第一之后连续3设计圣诞对手。

    The Heat and Lakers were featured for three consecutive years on Christmas beginning in 2004, o 'neal's first year with the Heat after being traded by the Lakers.


  • 圣诞习俗庆祝西方人绿圣诞色,圣诞来临时家家户户都要圣诞装饰。

    Christmas customs and celebrate Westerners in red, green, white color for Christmas, Christmas comes every household used to decorate Christmas colors.


  • 圣诞那天圣诞长筒袜挂上墙,圣诞老人准备饼干牛奶,同样也不忘鲁道夫准备根胡萝卜

    On the eve of the big day, stockings are hung and cookies and milk are set out for Santa as well as a carrot for Rudolph.


  • 对镜欣赏容貌或者圣诞不少而烦恼时,“体温”就可以显示出你的体温,如果发烧还会发出警报

    While a person admires their beauty or fretsabout how much extra weight they put on over Christmas, the mirror displays their temperature and an alarm sounds if they are deemed feverish.


  • 你对镜欣赏容貌或者圣诞了不少而烦恼时,“体温”就可以显示出你的体温,如果发烧还会发出警报

    While a person admires their beauty or frets about how much extra weight they put on over Christmas, the mirror displays their temperature and an alarm sounds if they are deemed feverish.


  • 西方人绿圣诞色,圣诞临时家家户户圣诞装饰。红色的有圣诞圣诞蜡烛。绿色的是圣诞树。

    Westerners to red, green, white color for Christmas, Christmas comes each and every family to use the Christmas color to decorate.


  • 有些带着他们朋友一起去购物促销他们购买圣诞礼物——这种方式实用不浪漫确保收到真正想要礼物

    Some people are taking their friends shopping with them, and buying their Christmas presents in the sales—a practical but unromantic way of making sure you get the gift you really want.


  • 人们整个得克萨斯驱车前来,坐在星光橡树所环抱,静静欣赏圣诞故事上演

    People drive from all over Central Texas to sit under the stars amid the live oaks and watch the Christmas story acted out.


  • 敲响丹尼尔房门前,几个钟头第一次圣诞舞会准备

    I had spent hours getting ready for my first Christmas dance when I knocked on Daniel's bedroom door.


  • 调查显示,有53%未婚同居人士愿意100英镑自己恋人圣诞礼物肯花这笔已婚人士则只有31%。

    While 53 percent of those unmarried, but living together, will spend over 100 pounds on presents for their partner this Christmas, only 31 percent of married couples are prepared to spend that much.


  • 53%未婚同居者愿意超过100伴侣购买圣诞礼物,而已婚伴侣打算花这么多钱的则只有31%。

    While 53 percent of those unmarried, but living together, will spend over 100 pounds for their partner on Christmas gifts, only 31 percent of married couples are prepared to spend that much.


  • 而且像凯文·杜兰特这样的家伙确实应该圣诞我们表演。

    That Kevin Durant guy really should be playing basketball on Christmas.


  • 菲比努力朋友圣诞

    Phoebe works (and works and works) on a Christmas song for her friends.


  • 800年的圣诞加冕教皇利奥三世手中夺过王冠,戴在了自己头上

    On Christmas Day in the year 800, he took the crown from Pope Leo III's hands as the pontiff was about to coronate him, and placed it on his own head.


  • 万众瞩目的圣诞购物KinectXbox 360注入新动力,在全球大获成功

    The Kinect is a global success that gave new momentum to the Xbox 360 for the all-important Christmas shopping season.


  • 圣诞批准62名罪犯赦免减刑

    Three days before Christmas, I granted executive clemency or commutations of sentences to sixty-two people.


  • 9旨在对Ruby语言本身核心进行修改完善,在经过了一试验以后,终于在2007年的圣诞发布了——版本1.9.0

    Ruby 1.9 was released on Christmas Day of 2007 as version 1.9.0, after undergoing a year or so as an experimental testbed for changes to the Ruby language and core class library.


  • 9旨在对Ruby语言本身核心进行修改完善,在经过了一试验以后,终于在2007年的圣诞发布了——版本1.9.0

    Ruby 1.9 was released on Christmas Day of 2007 as version 1.9.0, after undergoing a year or so as an experimental testbed for changes to the Ruby language and core class library.


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