• 作者娴熟地把情节各种线索串联在一起

    The author skilfully draws together the different threads of the plot.


  • 这些瞬间串联一起我们称之为事件

    These events are strung together in a series we call events.


  • 一个实施方案中多个含有洗涤混合物洗涤器容器串联在一起

    In one embodiment, a plurality of scrubber vessels, each containing the scrubber mixture are connected in series.


  • 一阵短暂冲突士兵发现穿着人质制服男子串联在一起

    After a brief clash, the soldiers found the chained bodies of four men wearing hostage uniforms.


  • 由于浮选槽多个串联在一起相互之间的影响比较大,液位控制有一定困难

    Because flotation cells are cascaded, interaction between the cells cannot be ignored, which cause some difficulties for the level control.


  • 如果我们绘制电路草图的时候就添加电阻电感串联一起,会是一个好办法。

    It helps in analysis to scribble on the schematic a resistor in series with the inductor or transformer whose value is the winding resistance.


  • 马丁·确实整部电视剧串联在一起的灵魂人物,高兴他们决定成为固定演员。

    Martin Sheen is really the glue that holds the show together, so I'm glad they decided to make him a regular.


  • 以火柴柴火故事主要线索讲述过去对火理解通过食客线室内自然串联一起

    Matches and firewood for the story the main clues, tells the story of the past understanding of fire, with the move line of diners in series with the interior and nature.


  • 当然包括掌握英语的音调韵律单词等串联在一起,而不仅仅一个个单独发音单元。

    Of course, it's also about getting the intonation and the rhythm right - it's not just individual sounds, it's pushing them all together.


  • 来自德拉大学一体化电力研究中心的主任威利•普顿认为,解决方法近海风电场串联一起

    The answer might be to connect a chain of offshore wind farms. That’s according to Willett Kempton, director of the Center for Carbon-Free Power Integration at the University of Delaware.


  • 攻击会起作用是因为SQLServer允许多条 SQL语句分号空格分隔)串联在一起

    This hack works because SQL Server allows you to string together multiple SQL statements separated by either a semicolon or a space.


  • 城市人与人串联在一起职业工作改变生活,你的工作改变的生活,他们的工作改变我们的生活。

    City connects people with jobs: my job changes your life, your job changes his life, their job changes our life.


  • 大多数情况下服务器不会使用空格回车格式化XML而是一切串联在一起,就清单5看到的那样。

    In most cases, servers will not format XML with Spaces and carriage returns; they'll just string it all together, like you see in Listing 5.


  • 通过将几个指出串联在一起,再加入一个切割dna的核酸酶,研究人员们能够精确地导向将切割的特异性基因

    Bystringing together several zinc fingers and adding a DNA-cleaving nuclease, researchers can precisely target specific genes to be cut.


  • 方面可以通过公司数据安全政策串联在一起所谓数据安全政策,一种确保消费者数据隐私能保证数据安全的策略

    These two aspects can be linked together through the company's data security policy, the so-called data security policy, is not only a guarantee of consumer data privacy and data security strategy.


  • 最终呈现出效果完美表达了灯笼概念:贯穿室内外的黄铜立体网格结构店铺的各个空间串联在一起引导着顾客逐个探索店铺的每一个角落。

    This is what led to the lantern concept, where a continuous brass structure is the element ties the whole store together, guiding customers while they explore the full extent of the space.


  • 它们美丽生活一部分我们能够所有事情串联在一起这些事情能够使我们感到开心,然后我们的日子感到更加光明,而不是感觉到不好

    They are part of the beauty of life, the threads that bring us together, the things that can make us laugh and make brighter a world that can sometimes feel too serious.


  • 它们美丽生活一部分我们能够所有事情串联在一起这些事情能够使我们感到开心,然后我们的日子感到更加光明,而不是感觉到不好

    They are part of the beauty of life, the threads that bring us together, the things that can make us laugh and make brighter a world that can sometimes feel too serious.


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