• 学生大学校外学习中心职员对话

    Listen to a conversation between a student and an employee at the university center for off-campus study.


  • 美国疾病控制预防中心正在进行一项大规模研究,该研究发现年龄段美国人体内都有148种化学物质

    A large, ongoing study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has found 148 chemicals in Americans of all ages.


  • 不过各个年龄段学生可以通过参观当地献血中心来了解更多有关献血过程的信息。

    Students of all ages, though, can learn more about the donation process by visiting a local blood donation center.


  • 不过研究指出更广泛标准来衡量亚洲金融中心要真正具有全球影响力,这些城市还有

    But on broader measures, research suggests that cities in the region have some way to go before financial centres there can become a genuine global force.


  • 这些旅馆中心步行只需10分钟沿河小路上你也能拍出些不错照片,享受慢跑悠闲地漫步到小镇

    The hotels are only a 10 minute walk from the centre of town, and the lakeside path makes for great photography, a long jog or a nice stroll into town.


  • 寒冷峡湾里有狭长的石市中心只有一小渡轮的距离,奥斯陆在这里建立了一个著名船只国家公墓

    Out in the cold fjord, on a spit of rocky land just a short ferry ride from the city center, Oslo has created a kind of national cemetery for famous ships.


  • 时间安装映像会存在一致期间捕获的任何快照都不能灾难数据中心中使用。

    There is a period of time when your install image is not consistent and any snapshot taken during that time will not be useful to you in your disaster data center.


  • 仪式举行前日子人们就开始收集到的柴火牛粪以及垃圾堆放在仪式举行地中心周围

    People start collecting firewood, cowdung and rubbish around a central pole in the locality many days in advance.


  • Page推测这个综合症可能由于Y染色体重组出错,导致染色体中不小心出现了一中心没有空隙的回文

    The syndrome may be the result of Y chromosome recombination gone awry, Page speculates, when the chromosome inadvertently becomes a palindrome with no gap in the center.


  • NMR内部建立联系中心概念就是拦截器(Interceptor)。 拦截器代码段代码在消息经过NMR进行消息交换将其拦截下来这个 消息做一番动作。

    The central concept of hooking into the NMR is the Interceptor, which is a piece of code that intercepts message exchanges as they go through the NMR and operates on them in some way.


  • 大桥哲朗泽是日本猴类研究中心的研究员,他们在2002年7月2003年3月以及2004年4月到9两段时间里对博苏地区的黑猩猩进行了深入的观察,同时也记录了6个案例来反映5只不同的黑猩猩是如何破解它们所遇到的陷阱的。

    Ohashi, a research fellow at the Japan Monkey Center, and colleague Tetsuro Matsuzawa observed the Bossou chimpanzees from July 2002 to March 2003 and then again from April to Sept. 2004.


  • 值得强调一点就是段时间内,成功重力中心顶尖的学校发生转移

    The point is that for some time the center of gravity for achievement has been shifting away from the topmost colleges.


  • 若是其他科学中心经验什么可以借鉴的,就是这个年龄段的人臭名昭著的难以取悦。

    If experience of science centres elsewhere is anything to go by, attention in this age bracket is notoriously tricky to attract and retain.


  • 尽管关于自大萧条以来遭到严重金融崩溃发达国家讨论与日俱增,但新兴国家似乎风暴中心还有段长的距离。

    Even as talk mounted of the rich world suffering its worst financial collapse since the Depression, emerging economies seemed a long way from the centre of the storm.


  • 如果这种个人使用在一段时间后促进企业利用增加调查中心会继续进行跟踪

    The Census will be able to track if this personal use drives increased business use over time.


  • 因而片段似乎其它不同其实它们都各又回到同一的起点的中心

    So, while each segment may appear different from the others at a cursory glance, they all really lead back to the self-same starting centre.


  • 是不是每一段都中心句?

    Did I begin each paragraph with a proper topic sentence?


  • 弗林特中心区一小段路程一个坚忍不拔努力奋斗的密歇根小城

    It is just a short walk from downtown Flint, a gritty struggling Michigan city.


  • 八月二十二十一日,也就是周五周六早七点下午五点工作人员关闭所有SR 530路段的通道OSOloop入口之间太阳能道钉安装在高速公路中心线位置

    Crews will close all lanes of SR 530 from 7am to 5pm on Friday and Saturday, August 20 and 21, between both entrances to Oso Loop Road to install the solar studs in the centerline of the highway.


  • Sun基础设施装载拉斯维加斯switchCommunicationsSuperNAP数据中心,并已经经过了一时间的测试

    Sun has stowed its cloud infrastructure - which it's been testing for a while - at the SuperNAP data center run by Switch Communications in Las Vegas.


  • 二战期间图灵莱切里公园工作,这里是英国破译密码中心段时间里他作为Hut8部门这个部门负责德国海军的密码翻译工作。

    During the Second World War Turing worked at Bletchley Park, Britain's code-breaking centre, and was for a time head of Hut 8, the section responsible for German naval cryptanalysis.


  • 不过美国皮尤中心总经理苏珊Urahn争论经过段时间些小变革也能够造成巨大变化

    Still, Susan Urahn, managing director of the Pew Centre on the States, argues that small reforms can make a big difference over time.


  • 其余棱柱体建筑规模不一,每比其下方一栋后撤一段距离,形成阶地的造型,面向大海,也俯瞰着历史城市中心

    The three remaining are prisms of varying dimensions that are setback with respect to the one below, yielding terraces oriented towards the sea and the Historic City Center.


  • 总的来说,Safeco已经成功完成了面向服务、以流程中心模型驱动应用开发第一阶段迭代

    Overall Safeco has been successful in deploying its first iteration of a service oriented, process centric, model driven application model.


  • YouTube段触目惊心视频三个男人片段的中心

    A TOUCHING video on YouTube shows three men embedded in the image of a heart.


  • YouTube段触目惊心视频三个男人片段的中心

    A TOUCHING video on YouTube shows three men embedded in the image of a heart.


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