• 过去作为中场队员参加了多次足球比赛

    In the last two years, I played a lot of games in midfield.


  • 中场队员

    He plays (in) midfield.


  • 这个中场队员个月首次在英国亮相

    The midfielder only made his England bow nine months ago.


  • 施奈德处于前锋后面位置,但是中场队员没有能够很好的配合。

    Schneider sat in behind the strikers, but the midfielder failed to come up with the ideas.


  • 1号3号球员传球中场球员后,让他们陆续进场成为新的中场队员

    After player 1 and player 3 passes into the middle player, have them step in to become the middle player.


  • 这位中场队员表示:“没有本菲卡接触过相关传言根本没有根据。”

    The midfielder said: 'I have no agreement with Benfica and there is no substance in these rumours.


  • 他们的中场队员回传至球门线好在我们的左后卫有效阻挡了射门

    Look! Their midfielder chipped a back pass over the goal line fortunately our left back stopped his shot.


  • 对于一个中场队员来说,球队打进130不可思议了,”弗格森爵士

    "For a midfield player to score 130 goals for this club is quite amazing," Ferguson said.


  • 曼联中场队员,比赛到一半时间时,并没有任何自满感觉队员们都更高的期待

    The United midfielder said there had not been any feeling of complacency at half-time but that the players expect more from themselves.


  • 上赛季皮雷打入了14个英超进球,这对于中场队员来说非常了不起的进球

    Pires netted 14 Premiership goals last season, a highly impressive rate for a midfield player.


  • 雷德克纳普能够吹嘘自己出色的中场队员贝尔莫德里奇,但需要转会窗口关闭后防线做调整。

    Redknapp, who can boast the excellent Gareth Bale and Luka Modric in midfield, also needs to perform surgery on his defence before the transfer window closes.


  • 自从主帅法比奥·卡佩罗来到号称“银河舰队”的皇马,这位31岁的中场队员开始坐上了 冷板凳。

    The 31-year-old midfielder has been unable to earn a starting job for the Galacticos under new coach Fabio Capello.


  • 弗雷迪.永贝里阿森纳队瑞典队中场队员、简直这里的常客,因为弟弟菲利普就在这里上班

    Freddie Ljungberg, the former Arsenal and Sweden midfielder, and part-time pants model, is a regular: his brother, Filip, works there.


  • 报道,西甲联赛巨头皇家马德里与19岁中国中场队员林良铭签署一份价值30万欧元五年协议

    La Liga giants Real Madrid have reportedly signed 19-year-old Chinese midfielder Lin Liangming to a five-year deal worth 300-thousand euros.


  • 名小个子的中场队员进行反击不久之后世界杯决赛打进了致胜的一球,使西班牙球迷欣喜若狂

    The little midfielder got back on his feet and soon after was celebrating scoring the winning goal in the World Cup final to send the delighted Spanish fans into raptures.


  • 的确,当红黄牌似乎随着维埃拉所到的每个地方,只有这位关键中场队员冷静下来合适地开发才能

    Indeed, with yellow and red CARDS seemingly following Vieira everywhere he went, it was left to Wenger to calm his key midfielder down and properly harness his talent.


  • 小鬼周二德科埃尔球场和芬洛球星中场队员肯·莱曼斯进行了一训练之后拿到了这份“象征性”的合约

    The toddler joined VVV's star midfielder Ken Leemans during a training session in De Koel Stadium on Tuesday before being offered the "symbolic" contract.


  • 小盆友周二德科埃尔球场和芬洛球星中场队员肯·莱曼斯进行了一次训练,之后就拿到了这份象征性”的合约

    The toddler joined VVV's star midfielder Ken Leemans in De Koel Stadium on Tuesday before being offered the "symbolic" contract.


  • 不会我们中的中场队员别队的任何球员进行交换留下了烙印,他强壮如同皮尔洛安布罗西尼西多夫有动力

    I wouldn't change our midfielder with anyone from another team. He leaves his imprint, he's strong, dynamic as are Pirlo, Ambrosini and Seedorf.


  • 中场队员继续说道:“我们可以掂量一下我们状况怎么样了,能找出哪些地方需要改进没有一个地方好过特拉福德了。

    The midfielder continued: "It will allow us to gauge where we're at and look at the things that need tweaking or working on and there's no better place to do that than Old Trafford."


  • 这个19岁的中场队员上一赛季作为队长代表我们参加英格兰青年足总杯决赛标志性的劲射攻入阿斯顿维拉球门夺得冠军

    The midfielder, 19, captained our FA Youth Cup side last season, and smashed home the winner against Aston Villa in the final with a trademark powerful strike.


  • 公平些来说,皇马需要必须得那么因为身边五名队员希望向前,参与组织进攻,所以他是唯一一个留在中场专注于防守的,他必须完成好这个工作。

    To be fair to him he had to do that in that Real Madrid team because there were five lads who wanted to go forward and he was the only one who even entertained the thought of staying back.


  • 特别是荷兰西班牙的阵型其实并不平衡—西班牙经常让伊涅斯塔侧翼中场球员位置持平,同时比利亚则在另一边伺机同进攻队员做配合。

    Spain and Holland, in particular, played lopsided systems - Spain often had Andres Iniesta on one flank, level with the midfielders, and David Villa on the other, looking to connect with the strikers.


  • 中场休息时,球员知道了另一场的比分——西班牙2-0乌克兰我们希望下半场打的更为主动,不过或许一计划只停留队员的心里。

    The players knew at half-time that Spain were leading 2-0 against Ukraine; we wanted to be proactive in the second half but maybe that was playing on the players' minds.


  • 安切洛蒂应该肯定提醒过队员不久前的安菲尔德,利物浦如何以节奏中场统治力让曼联疲于奔命的,他应该已要求队员在斯坦福桥如法炮制

    Ancelotti would certainly have reminded his players how Liverpool's tempo and midfield determination clearly unsettled United at Anfield recently, and would have demanded similar here.


  • 如果格伦·霍德尔中场队员一个绝对专注

    If Glenn Hoddle said one word to his team at half time, it was concentration and focus.


  • 如果格伦·霍德尔中场队员一个绝对专注

    If Glenn Hoddle said one word to his team at half time, it was concentration and focus.


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