• 中国——中华儿女可亲可敬母亲

    Ah, China - the sons and daughters amiable and respectful of the mother.


  • 实现祖国完全统一海内外中华儿女共同心愿

    To achieve complete reunification of the motherland is a common aspiration of all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation both at home and abroad.


  • 这些陶瓷艺术品表达所有中华儿女生活和美热爱

    These small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.


  • 中华儿女尽心尽力工作不断地奋斗,中华大地繁荣富强。

    The China's youth do one's best the work, struggles unceasingly, the China will be able to be prosperous.


  • 我们坚信通过全体中华儿女共同努力祖国完全统一就一定能够早日实现。

    We are convinced that with the concerted efforts of all sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, the complete reunification of the motherland will be achieved at an early date.


  • 我们祖国有着悠久文化历史发明长城值得我们中华儿女骄傲!

    Our country has a long cultural history, the four major inventions and the Great Wall should be proud of us sons and daughters!


  • 六十承载中华儿女无数光荣梦想向着明天我们双手创造更多的辉煌

    Sixty years, carrying the countless glory and dream of the Chinese people; toward tomorrow, let us use our hands to create more brilliant.


  • 六十承载了中华儿女无数光荣梦想向着明天我们双手创造更多的辉煌

    Sixty years on, carries numerous sons and daughters of the glory and dream; toward the future, let us create more brilliant with both hands.


  • 中国体育报》、《中华儿女》、《武艺》(日本)等海内外新闻媒体专题介绍事迹。

    In addition, various domestic and overseas magazines have introduced his events, including China Sports Daily, China Youth, and Wushu Skills (Japan).


  • 国内的中华儿女应该珍视热爱祖国自己知识行动回报祖国,为了建设好祖国今天未来

    The Chinese still living in China should also cherish and love their country, and give back with their knowledge and actions in order to cultivate the country's present and future.


  • 中华儿女美国所做出诸多贡献,无论大小,都充份体现了他们自身的才华勤奋以及他们父母奉献

    The contributions, large and small, of Chinas sons and daughters in my country reflect their innate talents and hard work, as well as the devotion of their parents.


  • 无论中华儿女还是外国朋友,通过您身边便捷方式我们的灾区朋友上您宝贵的爱心帮助

    No matter who you are, please send you love and help to the people hurt in the earthquake through the most convenient way.


  • 数千中华儿女一直准备着。 10月1那天,他们将用清脆整齐步伐完美无缺的队形整个世界赞叹

    Thousands of men and women have been preparing to dazzle the world with their crisp steps and immaculate formations on Oct 1.


  • 二零零八年的确不同寻常一年第29届奥林匹克运动会北京成功地举办了,所有中华儿女为之骄傲

    The year 2008 is really an unusual year. The 29th Olymppic Games have been held in Beijing successfully. All the Chinese people are very proud of it.


  • 政策虽然特定历史时期打击犯罪方面起到一定作用同时又凝聚了许多中华儿女屈辱鲜血冤魂

    Although this policy had an effect on striking crime during the special history, it also resulted in the humiliation, the blood and the grievances of many people at the same time.


  • 时间生活需要暖和衣服孝顺中华儿女延长使这个节日的一段时间提供冬天衣服作为礼物送给他们的祖先

    It is a time when the living need warm clothing, and filial Chinese sons and daughters extended this to make the festival a time for providing winter clothes for th EIr ancestors.


  • 现代奥运会全世界人民和平友谊盛会,百年奥运,中华梦圆举办一届特色、高水平的奥运会,是全体中华儿女的共同心愿

    The modern Olympic Games are a grand event of peace and friendship for people around the world. The century old dream of the Chinese nation to host the Olympic Games has been turned into a reality.


  • 现代奥运会全世界人民和平友谊盛会,百年奥运,中华梦圆举办一届特色、高水平的奥运会,是全体中华儿女的共同心愿

    The modern Olympic Games are a grand event of peace and friendship for people around the world. The century old dream of the Chinese nation to host the Olympic Games has been turned into a reality.


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