• 那时黎明刚刚过去然而现在正在朝着东方天空里,已经没有留下什么黎明踪影

    Dawn is just past, but no trace of it remains in the eastern sky toward which I am now walking.


  • 如果真的接下来几天为了流星雨在拂晓之前起床的话,可能你会埋怨可恶月亮,这时你也可以欣赏东方天空金牛座翘起V字型

    Those of you who are up before dawn in the coming days - watching for meteors, perhaps cursing the moon - will enjoy seeing the tilted V of the constellation Taurus in the east before dawn.


  • 然后几个月以后天早晨黎明东方天空天狼星又重新出现了。

    Then, a couple of months later, one morning in the eastern sky just before dawn, Sirius would reappear.


  • 随着一道强光划破东方天空,末日降临了。太阳还要强一百万目的炽热

    The end came with a shear of light in the eastern sky, a brilliant incandescence a million times brighter than the sun.


  • 一轮橘黄色帽顶慢慢海上升起,突然太阳喷薄而出看上去一个椭圆形大球东方天空布满朝霞。

    Suddenly, the sun sprang out of the seawater, looking like a large elliptic ball, and the sky in the east became red.


  • 天空灰色遥远东方地平线上阴云慢慢汇聚。

    The sky was gray with the gloomy clouds congregating gradually along the far eastern horizon.


  • 不久后日出东方,蔚蓝天空映入眼帘,从清晨起迎接新的一天春天一样。

    The sun rises in the East, and the blue color of dawn opens to our eyes and we experience the new day. Spring is like this.


  • 颗行星本月中继续天空拥抱东方地平线奋进号现在按照预定,准备于 6 月1开始最后一次旅程。

    The four planets continue to hug the eastern horizon at dawn throughout the month, while Endeavour is now scheduled to make its final approach to planet Earth on June 1.


  • 东方天空望去。

    He looked toward the eastern sky.


  • 木星太阳系最大行星地球的东方地区里,可以在黎明天空里看得它,美国宇航局表示说

    Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is visible in the eastern sky before dawn, NASA said.


  • 大多数情况下人造卫星自观测者西方升起,经过中天然后东方落下,虽然轨道人造卫星可以天空任意部分升起和落下

    In most cases, the satellite will rise in the west, cross the observer's meridian, and set in the east, although satellites in a polar orbit can rise or set in any part of the sky!


  • 朝阳烧红了东方天空

    The rising sun flamed the eastern sky.


  • 提到头发黑色光亮浓密长发被认为传统东方美人唯一特征。人们夸赞浓密黑发如同天空中的”。

    Dark, bright, thick and long hair is the only type considered traditionally beautiful when hair is concerned. People praise thick, black hair like streaks of clouds in the sky.


  • 这会儿东方天空已经发白,星星渐渐隐没——只有地平线还有一很大星星。

    The sky in the east was whitish by now and the stars were getting fainter - all except one very big one low down on the eastern horizon.


  • 天空中,月亮一直向东方移动明天夜晚,日落后出现西方更高的地方——更靠近土星

    The moon moves continually eastward on the sky's dome. Tomorrow evening, it'll be higher in the west after sunset - closer to Saturn.


  • 朦胧夜晚天空中降临前驱就东方——亨利·菲尔丁;天空朦胧光亮;朦胧的河流小船

    The dusky night rides down the sky and ushers in the morn-henry fielding; the twilight glow of the sky; a boat on a twilit river.


  • 那天夜里,直到天空东方一直都坐在那里翻着词典,找寻着良心能够验证的解读,泪水羞愧脸上流下

    That night, till the sky grew gray in the east, he sat there turning the pages of the dictionary with wet eyes and glowing face, and selecting definitions by the test of the heart.


  • 东方天空亮了

    The eastern sky lightened.


  • 今天也是个好日子可以你家院子里或者任何你喜欢地方仰望天空找到东方西方

    That makes today a good day for finding due east and due west from your yard or other favorite site for watching the sky.


  • 刘翔东方闪亮流星划破天空,向全世界宣布了我们能力实力

    Liu Xiang of the East, he is like a shinning commet star scorching the sky, proclaiming to the world our ability and strength!


  • 天文角度来说第十二宫指当行星东方地平线上升起小时内占据当地天空中的十二分之一的区域(上图)。

    Astronomically speaking, the twelfth house is that one-twelfth sector of the local sky just above the eastern horizon (see above picture) occupied by planets during the two hours after they rise.


  • 如果晚上8时30分东方看到耀眼猎户座。那么现在开始,一个之后,你就要在下午的6:30在天空同一位置看到猎户座了。

    If you see Orion shining in the east at 8:30 p. m. tonight, look for Orion to be in the same place in the sky at about 6:30 p. m. a month from now.


  • 天空灰色阴云在逐渐遥远东方地平线上

    The sky was gray with the gloomy clouds congregating gradually along the far eastern horizon.


  • 太阳刚刚东方地平线上升起,红色霞光穿透云层整个天空

    The sun was just rising out of the eastern horizon emitting steaks of red hue through the clouds and across the sky.


  • 世界东方雨虹没有终点我们努力不会停止天空蔚蓝

    There is no end to the way of Oriental Yuhong, and our struggle will never stop. Wish the world a blue sky forever!


  • 如果星期六天空晴朗的,那么日落时分走出户外等待最大月亮东方升起

    If skies are clear Saturday, go out at sunset and look for the giant moon rising in the east. It will be the biggest and brightest one of 2009, sure to wow even seasoned observers.


  • 他们三位就是曾经研究如何解读天空星象东方贤人

    They are Magi, who have studied how to read the signs of the sky and interpret them.


  • 他们三位就是曾经研究如何解读天空星象东方贤人

    They are Magi, who have studied how to read the signs of the sky and interpret them.


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