• 更往南方数百公里外东加王国有丧生

    Another seven people were killed in Tonga, several hundred kilometres farther south.


  • 今年年初,严重旱灾袭击了圭亚那勒比群岛

    Earlier in the year, Guyana and the eastern Caribbean islands were badly affected by drought.


  • 里曼丹,39%工作集中在林业矿业农业领域

    In East Kalimantan 39% of jobs are in forestry, mining or agriculture.


  • 飓风伯爵正在美国海岸挺近,它已经造成勒比海地区供电中断暴雨

    Hurricane Earl is heading for the us east coast after causing power cuts and heavy rain across the eastern Caribbean.


  • 那利群岛地块内围层一个例子完全确实,在地形上相邻的大陆有关

    The East Canary Islands block is an example of an island inlier with a morphologically well defined relation to its adjacent continent.


  • 直升机俯瞰印度尼西亚婆罗洲里曼丹呈现眼前是一幅死气沉沉的景象

    FROM a helicopter, East Kalimantan, a province in the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo, presents a dreary view.


  • 唯一真正受益人韦丹塔所有者他们会越来越富有里亚人将陷入缺乏和贫穷

    The only real beneficiary is Vedanta's owner, who will become even richer while the Dongria are reduced to destitution.


  • 长期泛美卫生组织/世卫组织合作而且勒比药物服务技术咨询小组创始成员

    She has had a long history of collaboration with PAHO/WHO, and was a founding member of the Technical Advisory Group for the Eastern Caribbean Drug Service.


  • 上个月迈阿密搭乘“遁号”去往勒比海,我注意到,船上有一穿着淡绿色的衬衫

    When I boarded the Escape in Miami for a cruise of the eastern Caribbean last month, I noticed a group of people in matching pale green shirts.


  • 人类好奇,喜欢自己身体西,这样可以今天阿尔卑斯山,隔天变成

    But humans are curious, and they like to add things to their bodies so they can go to the Alps one day and then become a fish in the sea the next.


  • 里亚空达部落不离开他们大山并不意味着他们希望一直生活原始而封闭的自然环境中。

    The Dongria don't want to leave their mountain, but that doesn't mean they want to be left in an untouched state of nature.


  • 安圭拉Anguilla)位于东加勒比海背风群岛北端,可算是地球浪漫几个地方之一了。

    A sister of the Leeward island chain, Anguilla is truly one of the most romantic places on earth.


  • 那些渴望赴海外上市以便筹集更多资金树立国际形象中国经理人,深切知道必要获得西方盟。

    That need to get western shareholders on board focuses the mind of the Chinese managers who are keen to have a foreign listing so that they can raise more capital and build an international profile.


  • 同时天气预报员表示勒比海居民应该大西洋形成另外一个热带风暴带来可能影响做好准备

    Meanwhile, forecasters said residents of the eastern Caribbean should prepare for possible impact from another storm that has formed in the Atlantic.


  • 里亚空达部落大约有8000名族人,他们认为针对本地铝土矿的开采计划威胁到了他们生活方式——决心抗争到底。

    The Dongria, who number about 8,000, believe that a planned 6 bauxite mine in Niyamgiri threatens their way of life-and they are determined to fight it.


  • 油气盆地分别位于苏门答腊油气区(印尼最主要油区)、爪哇油气区、里曼丹油气区、油气区南海海域油气区。

    There are about 60 sedimentary basins in Indonesia, 11 of them are oil and gas producing basins which are distributed on Sumatra, Java, East Kalimadan, East Indonesia and South China Sea.


  • 一路伦敦飞到了迈阿密之后又到了圣胡安勒比海里,皇家勒比海洋旋律号游轮家,工作生活了有半年时间。

    From London to Miami, and then San Juanin the East Caribbean Sea, making herself at home at Serenade of the Seas, Royal Caribbean International, she spent six months on the sea.


  • 中心风暴位于160英里偏南的拉法耶特路易斯安那州二百六十五英里南偏维斯顿上午10时在本地时间

    The center of the storm was located about 160 miles south- southeast of Lafayette, Louisiana, and about 265 miles east- southeast of Galveston at 10 am local time.


  • 印度环境林业部寻思是否彦吉利铝土矿开采清除“路障”时,里亚空达部落的支持者着手开展项运动阻碍进程。

    While India's Ministry of Environment and Forests 12)ponders whether to clear the way for the Niyamgiri bauxite mine, the Dongria's supporters are 13)mounting a campaign to block it.


  • 莉莎:他们有些夏威夷原住民。有些是日本人、菲律宾人中国人斐济人东加。百分之二十四白人事实上这里每个人都混血儿

    Lisa: Some of those are native Hawaiians. Some are Japanese, Filipino, Chinese, Fijian, Tongan. Twenty-four percent is white, but really, everyone's just all mixed up here.


  • “《阿达》部科幻片……却也是真实的写照,”广告上写着,“生活印度亚空达部落处于保卫家园的奋战中,抵抗某矿业公司为利润一心摧毁圣山的计划。”

    "Avatar is fantasy... and real," the AD said. "the Dongria Kondh tribe in India is struggling to defend their land against a mining company 11 hell-bent on destroying their sacred mountain."


  • “《阿达》部科幻片……却也是真实的写照,”广告上写着,“生活印度亚空达部落处于保卫家园的奋战中,抵抗某矿业公司为利润一心摧毁圣山的计划。”

    "Avatar is fantasy... and real," the AD said. "the Dongria Kondh tribe in India is struggling to defend their land against a mining company 11 hell-bent on destroying their sacred mountain."


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