• 这些方面构成任何带来满足感业余职业生涯想法基础

    These insights could form the basis of any number of fulfilling part-time-career ideas.


  • 晚上业余职业大多数周末加班所有这些都有助于勉强糊口。

    I have a spare-time job in the evenings and do overtime most weekends, which all helps to keep the wolf from the door.


  • 显然那位业余运动员击败了排名职业运动员的事实感到非常惊讶。

    He was apparently much surprised at the news that the amateur athlete beat the professional one who ranked top ten.


  • 总而言之,科技使越来越多的职业相同业余爱好相同联系一起

    On balance, technology is letting people link up with more and more people who share a vocational or avocational interest.


  • 如今教授们似乎已经成为职业筹资人,只业余时间做些研究工作。

    Professors nowadays seem to have become professional fundraisers who do a little research on the side.


  • 人们继承关系(血缘邻居)来的人交往的时间了,却与体现职业业余爱好偏好的关系交往的时间更多了

    People spent less time with their few inherited affiliations - kin and neighbors - and more time with affiliations that reflected vocational or avocational choices.


  • 比较年轻的人选择像承包人这样的边缘职业(请校对:side-job),业余时间养牛。

    Younger ones take on side-jobs as contractors and are cattlehands part-time.


  • 虽然大多数业余作家规格脚本未能成片,倘若其脚本收到某大牌制片人青睐他/她的职业生涯可能开始了。

    The majority of spec scripts from inexperienced writers are never produced, but a successful screenplay that garners attention from a major producer can mark the beginning of a distinguished career.


  • 虽然几年把全职工作了,但我仍然需要平衡时间精力;我现在做自由职业同时还在攻读业余硕士

    Although I ditched the day job a couple of years ago, I still need to balance my time and energy; I'm studying a part time masters alongside freelancing.


  • 某些高风险职业业余爱好通常必须予以说明澄清。

    And certain high-risk professions and hobbies usually have to be disclosed.


  • 他的职业律师,塞义德欧洲广为游历绘画只是他的业余爱好。

    Trained as a lawyer, Said travelled widely in Europe, painting only as a hobby.


  • 但是即使增长公开性部分来源普通的失误业余黑客抓到,职业黑客攻击数量增加

    But even if increased openness is in part to thank for the apparent hike in hacking, there has still been an exponential rise in the number of cyber threats.


  • 除了苏格兰南非英格兰阿根廷的较量,名人赛业余职业选手混合赛。

    As well as international matches between Scotland and South Africa, and England and Argentina, there will also be celebrity and pro-am games.


  • 审视的追求  回顾过往的一切工作家庭作为公民的权利,孩子业余爱好,你第二职业等等一切项目哪些看重的,又有哪些是你最喜欢的,哪些属于你毕生追求的4-5件事情之一?

    Everything, from work to home to civic to kids’ activities to hobbies to side businesses to other projects. Think about which of these really gives you value, which ones you love doing.


  • 设置概要文件重要自由职业网站大学成为会员博客。在业余时间无数网上赚钱方法! !

    Sett up a profile on one of the major freelancing websites. Become an affiliate bloggerwhile in college. There are countless ways to make money online in your spare time!


  • 已经佩斯大学登记双学位(法律传媒学),同时业余时间倾向终生追求娱乐方面职业

    I am already registered for a double major at Pace University (Law and Communications) while pursuing my lifelong inclination to follow a career in Entertainment during my spare time.


  • 电子竞技领域业余玩家职业选手之间有着天壤之别。电子竞技比赛对选手的反应速度和多任务处理能力都有很高要求

    Playing for fun and becoming a professional gamer are totally different scenarios in thee-sports field. E-sports competitions require quick reaction speeds and incredible multitasking skills.


  • 候选人保护因素包括密切个人关系奖励职业有意义业余爱好身体充满生机活力经济独立精神福祉

    Candidate protective factors include close personal relationships, rewarding occupations or meaningful hobbies, physical vigor and vitality, economic independence, and spiritual well-being.


  • 小时候有很多业余爱好,我学过游泳手风琴钢琴溜冰绘画但是最终选择了绘画作为职业,我觉得非常幸运

    I had many hobbies, I studied swimming, accordion, piano, skating, painting. But at last I choose painting as my job and I am very luck.


  • 儿子并不成为职业球员,深受系统的影响。现在周围纯粹的足球业余爱好者真是之又少。

    My son has no interest in playing football professionally and yet he is indirectly affected by all this because there are few football-mad kids around who don't harbour these ambitions.


  • 一项研究发现业余如果听说他们的推杆职业高尔夫手挥过的,就会击出更好的球。

    Because a new study finds that people putted better when told that their putter had been used by a pro golfer.


  • 我们每周职业业余选手对抗赛,我会利用这个机会尽可能会员们一起打球。

    There are weekly pro-ams in our Section, and I try to take a group of members to play in these as much as possible.


  • 对于新手来说电话卡也是廉价业余爱好尽管有些来说,集电话卡变成一个严肃职业

    Collecting telephone CARDS is also a cheap hobby for beginners, although for some people it becomes a serious business.


  • 新泽西比赛前一天,世界第六选手由于闹钟没响而那天热身赛职业选手和业余选手混合赛)迟到了。

    The world number six was late for his pro-am slot the day before the start of the tournament proper in New Jersey because his alarm clock failed.


  • 世界中国高尔夫职业-业余配对锦标赛中取得了第36名,这场在北京举行的比赛并不属于中巡赛。

    He also finished 36th in the "International Wind Cup" China Pro-Am, a Beijing tournament not affiliated with the China tour.


  • 世界中国高尔夫职业-业余配对锦标赛中取得了第36名,这场在北京举行的比赛并不属于中巡赛。

    He also finished 36th in the "International Wind Cup" China Pro-Am, a Beijing tournament not affiliated with the China tour.


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