• 持玻璃的基督17世纪文献记载,长久以来人们以为该画已不存于世。

    Salvator Mundi, is described in 17th century documents but long thought to have vanished.


  • 高尔夫故里苏格兰自从17世纪以来这项运动就在那儿盛行。全世界古老高尔夫俱乐部在那里:爱丁堡高尔夫会员荣誉公司

    The home of golf is Scotland where the game has been played since the 17th century and naturally the oldest golf club in the world is there: the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers.


  • 高尔夫故里苏格兰自从17世纪以来这项运动那儿盛行。全世界古老高尔夫俱乐部也在那里:爱丁堡高尔夫会员荣誉公司。

    The home of golf is Scotland where the game has been played since the 17thcentury and naturally the oldest golf club in the world is there: The HonourableCompany of Edinburgh Golfers.


  • 桌上箱子里古董珠宝、女式手提袋、豪华腕表高尔夫以及打猎用的诱饵尽管它们曾经主人是一位富有的“世纪巨骗”,但这些物品看起来有些廉价而俗丽。

    There is something a little tawdry about tables and cases filled with old jewelry purses, watches, duck decoys and golf clubs, even if they once belonged to a wealthy crook.


  • 近年世纪大战中,巴萨打入19中的17

    Barcelona has scored 17 of the last 19 goals in the head-to-head series.Oof.


  • 过去半个世纪娩出的产科医生的第一动作就是橡皮吸新生儿的口腔鼻咽,以防那儿的分泌物干扰新生儿的初次呼吸。 最近专家们建议停止这操作。

    During the past half century, the first action an OB took after delivering the fetal head was to perform oronasopharyngeal suctioning, using a bulb or DeLee device.


  • 有关20世纪80年代橄榄丑闻自己误入歧途上小偷:每所大学都会傻子愿意做出格的事情,违反规定

    On football scandals and his improper behavior as a booster in the 1980s: Every college has a bunch of fools that are willing to go out and break the rules.


  • 他们我们展现了上世纪50年代时一个亲密家庭玩各种棋盘游戏纸牌、乒乓还有每个周日雷打不动的大餐

    They told of a close 1950s-era family that played board games, CARDS and ping-pong together, and stuck to routines, such as regular Sunday family dinners.


  • 世纪40年代,巴基提出一个解决方法,即屋顶,也是著名发明

    One solution he came up with in the late 1940's is the geodesic dome, the invention he is most famous for.


  • 20世纪80年代日本向美国出口电子产品汽车买下洛克菲勒中心(Rockefeller Center)和圆石滩高尔夫度假村(Pebble Beach golf resort)之类标志性地产,成为美国威胁

    And in the 1980s, Japan threatened the U.S. with exports of electronics and cars and by buying trophy properties like Rockefeller Center and the Pebble Beach golf resort.


  • 羊脂19世纪晚期法国作家莫泊桑一部意义深刻的短篇小说,也被普遍认为是最伟大作品

    "Boule DE Suif" is the first significant short story by the late-19th century French writer Maupassant and generally acknowledged as his greatest work.


  • 高尔夫起源于15世纪更早以前苏格兰

    The golf origins from 15 centuries or early beforehand Scotland.


  • “类”与“统一不仅21世纪人类文明进化起点而且也是未来文明建构的新时空

    This is not only a starting point for civilization of the 21st century, but also the new space time foundation of future civilization.


  • 拉格比比赛19世纪初创立于沃尔威克拉格比学校,因此而得名。 㩢。

    The game "Rugby" was invented at Rugby School in Warwich shire in the early 19th century.


  • 19世纪中叶,欧洲人掌握橡胶技术之后,做出能弹跳

    The mid-19th century, Europeans mastered the rubber, which can only make the bouncing ball.


  • 十九世纪的时候,工匠们每天最多能缝制五个合格的来。

    In the early nineteen century, craftsman struggled to produce no more than four to five "feathery" balls a day.


  • 地点深圳世纪海景高尔夫俱乐部

    Venue: Century Seaview Golf Club, Shenzhen, Guangdong.


  • 登陆成为世纪人类航天重要课题。

    In the new century, man aims to launch the lunar explorer and land at the lunar.


  • 我国以职业乒乓为代表赛事世纪90年代起陆续走上职业化的道路。

    From 1990s, professional tournament with representatives of professional football, basketball, table tennis has been shown in our country.


  • 世纪皮耶罗特雷泽盖斑马锋线组合了无数的他们成为了尤文历史上高产锋线搭档

    Since the start of the century Del Piero and Trezeguet have combined to score enough goals to make them the most prolific strike partnership in Juventus' history.


  • 昨天印第安纳州本德发生飞机坠毁事故,其中一名受害者史蒂夫·戴维斯在上世纪70年代俄克拉荷马大学连续赢得橄榄国家冠军担任首发四分卫

    One of the victims of yesterday's plane crash in South Bend, Indiana, was Steve Davis, Oklahoma starting quarterback when the university won back-to-back national championships in the 1970s.


  • 世纪英超最佳射手榜单上留下了自己专属印记并且切尔西俱乐部在欧洲赛场的最佳射手——有34入账。

    He is one of only 22 to hit the century mark in Premier League goals. He is also Chelsea's leading goal-scorer in European competitions (34).


  • 而随处摆放不同材质类别、各种比赛标志以及承载著历史的真品古董,便可人犹如亲临其感受这项运动,还有来自世纪的气息。

    Randomly displayed are golf clubs of different types and makes, tournament symbols, and antique golf balls to let visitors experience the sport and the sentiments that originate from the last century.


  • 本特设置标记25赛季,带来25世纪早期桑德兰反击赫尔

    Bent set a marker of 25 goals for the season and brought up his quarter-century for Sunderland with an early strike against Hull.


  • 十九世纪中叶,美国东部经常举行一种类似比赛参赛者只要对方得分线得分。

    In mid-19th century, the United States held a similar eastern regular football game, the contestants as long as they play off each other's scoring line that is scoring.


  • 20世纪60年代开始任教利物浦一家学校,那里开设项目一应俱全,橄榄越野跑田径等等

    Starting out in the 60s at a school in Liverpool, he recalls an excellent provision of football, rugby, cross country, tennis, 30 athletics, and volleyball, among others.


  • 20世纪60年代开始任教利物浦一家学校,那里开设项目一应俱全,橄榄越野跑田径等等

    Starting out in the 60s at a school in Liverpool, he recalls an excellent provision of football, rugby, cross country, tennis, 30 athletics, and volleyball, among others.


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