• 伊斯·特朗所预见提供操纵世界天气模式最大能力一“最终扩展阶段”,已经达到了

    This' final expanded stage 'envisioned by Eastlund, which will provide maximum capability to manipulate the World's weather patterns, has now been reached.


  • 探索气象学家艺术,你就会获得一个努力,试图阐明世界天气持续神秘迷人工作深表赞赏

    As you explore the meteorologist's art, you'll gain a deep appreciation for the fascinating work done to try to explicate the ongoing mystery of the world's weather.


  • 普通非常值得我们醒悟的一天,我们必须意识世界天气的重要性,并且全球性变暖问题

    This annual day should be a reminder to all that we have an impact on world weather, and that global warming is a matter of life and death.


  • 严重19年因为寒冷天气无风条件污染空气覆盖城市震惊了整个世界

    The heaviest, which shocked the world, was in 19 because of cold weather and windless conditions, polluted air covered the city.


  • 象学家可以看到世界上任何地方的天气

    Meteorologists can see the weather of any part of the world.


  • 世界推测破坏性天气袭击20个国家之中七个中美洲国家中有四个名列其中。

    Four of the seven Central American countries are among the 20 reckoned to be the most vulnerable in the world to destructive weather.


  • 如果更多时间讨论世界大事生命意义,花更少的时间讨论明天天气你是否觉得快乐?

    Would you be happier if you spent more timediscussing the state of the world and the meaning of life – and less timetalking about the weather?


  • 与此同时不利极端天气条件危及稻谷这一供养着世界一半以上人口作物生产

    At the same time adverse and extreme weather conditions can jeopardise rice crop production, which feeds more than half the world's population.


  • 这种监视可能是从计算机管理角度出发或者广泛情况下,是为了随时了解现实世界事件天气金融事务医疗保健等等

    This occurs from a computer management perspective or a much more broad scope of keeping up to date on real world events such as weather, financial transactions, healthcare, etc.


  • 恶劣天气——特别是苏联地区前所未有热浪袭击导致世界小麦生产大幅下降——在追高食品价格起了一定的作用

    Bad weather - especially an unprecedented heat wave in the former Soviet Union, which led to a sharp fall in world wheat production - has also played a role in driving up food prices.


  • 事实上,一个古怪问题如果世界短缺玉米小麦农民种出更多的粮食来好了(如果天气没问题)。

    On the face of it, that is an odd question. After all, if the world runs short of corn or wheat, farmers can simply grow more, weather permitting.


  • 开始,这么做仅仅只是为了驱走天气寒冷,那时世界刚刚进入冰期时代

    At first, this was merely for function: to keep out the cold weather of the world only beginning to emerge from the great ice age.


  • 如果更多时间谈论世界局势生活意义更少去扯天气怎么样的话,你快乐么?

    Would you be happier if you spent more time discussing the state of the world and the meaning of life - and less time talking about the weather?


  • 另外世界森林天气循环-氧循环一个重要组成部分

    Additionally, the forests of the world are a critical part of the weather cycle as well as the carbon-oxygen cycle.


  • 通过工具栏查看天气世界时间以及RSS新闻插件。

    View the weather, the world time, a news RSS ticker and the date all from the toolbar.


  • 但是这样一个冰冻世界却惊人鲜活。间歇泉喷发挥发的氮气沉淀物阳光作用下蒸发薄薄的氮气层特里同上季节变换展现出不同天气云层

    Geysers erupt when sunlight evaporates volatile deposits of nitrogen, and a thin atmosphere of nitrogen holds tenuous clouds in weather patterns that change with Triton's seasons.


  • 2008年4月2日罗马粮农组织今天假定天气条件正常,2008年世界稻米产量预计增加1200万1.8%。

    April 2008, Rome - World rice production is expected to increase in 2008 by 12 million tonnes or 1.8 percent, assuming normal weather conditions, FAO said today.


  • 可以通过服务对象(Web服务3d表示)执行某些功能比如虚拟世界内的对象上显示本地天气预报。

    You can attach services objects that are 3d representations of Web services to perform certain functions (for example, displaying your local weather report on an in-world object).


  • 1831至1836年间,达尔文乘坐小猎犬号环游世界带了大堆笔记本上船并记录下所有东西,不管是天气,还是他遇到人们服饰饮食

    He took a bundle of notebooks on the Beagle as the ship sailed around the world between 1831 and 1836, recording everything from the weather to the clothing and diet of the people he met.


  • 我们希望仅仅世界范围内预报了解太空天气行动的的开始

    Let us hope it is only the beginning of a worldwide effort to forecast and understand space weather.


  • 自己称作“最大最全活跃天气数据”的中心世界各地国家气象局得到每月更新数据

    The center, which calls itself "the largest active archive of weather data," gets monthly updates from national weather bureaus around the world.


  • 但是世界大战天气预报显示至少以后一段时间里天气还是晴朗的加上现代数字存储技术,根本没有理由保留所有的已完成伟大科幻小说。

    But the Armageddon weather report is clear for the next few days at least, and with modern data storage techniques there is no reason not to preserve all of the great works of SF ever written.


  • 导致水位的急剧下降干旱已经厄尔尼诺现象联系起来这种气候现象年会出现改变世界范围内天气形势

    The drought that caused the rapid decline has been linked to El Niño, a climate phenomenon that occurs every two to seven years and changes worldwide weather patterns.


  • 半个世纪世界很多地方寒冷白天和夜晚变得更加少见,而天气则更加常见

    In many parts of the world, cold days and nights have become rarer, and hot days and nights more common, over the past half-century.


  • 而且农民变化天气较劲时,这些问题就显现。总的说来,这种较劲对世界各地农田伤害益处

    Moreover, they will take place while farmers also wrestle with the consequences of climate change, which, on balance, will do more harm than good to farmland round the world.


  • 斯多纳指出世界记录的诞生,归功于运动员训练、赛事当天的发挥、天气观众们的加油支持。

    Mr Stroppiana notes that new records are mainly down to the athletestraining, their performance on the day, the weather and encouragement from spectators.


  • 斯多纳指出世界记录的诞生,归功于运动员训练、赛事当天的发挥、天气观众们的加油支持。

    Mr Stroppiana notes that new records are mainly down to the athletestraining, their performance on the day, the weather and encouragement from spectators.


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