• 尽管设想不能完全实现,但是他重视历史坚定信念热情值得钦佩的。

    Although his vision was not completely achieved, his unerring belief in the importance of our history and passion is to be admired.


  • 这个内在因素重视B12的,所以维生素不能吸收身体

    This stops intrinsic factor from attaching to B12, and so the vitamin cannot be absorbed into your body.


  • 完善陪审制度不能着眼于制度设计,应当重视陪审员职业法官审判活动中的不良心理克服

    To perfect jury system is not only to the draw up the system, but also to overcome the unhealthy psychology of juror and professional judge in the process of trial.


  • 员工他们工作没有被他们的雇主重视时会感觉到他们不能发挥职业潜力

    Employees may feel they cannot fulfill their professional potential when their work is not valued by their employers.


  • 欧联不够重视已经不能理解,而且依照现在情况,也没有哪个国家有资本轻视这项赛事。

    The snobbery about the tournament has been absurd, but there are few nations left who can afford to be contemptuous of it.


  • 而且因为当时社会重视是“妇”,所以身为才不能婚姻缔结上取得优势

    Moreover, the gifted females could not get any advantages in marriage because people at that time thought highly of the virtuous women.


  • 然而近年来,由于内部装修科学、不规范,致使居民住宅装修开始就火灾隐患不能引起人们重视

    However, in recent years, due to the unscientific and non-standard internal decoration, residential renovation planted fire hazards from the beginning, which can not but arouse people's attention.


  • 所用过饱和度太低不能产生一个值得重视成核

    The supersaturation used is too low to produce an appreciable rate of nucleation.


  • 相信中国-即使-不能允许货币自由浮动。因为金融业稳定并且中国非常重视经济的稳定。

    Manzella said he does not believe China could allow its currency to float even if it wanted to because its financial sector is too unstable, and China prizes stability in its economy.


  • 如何加强赊销管理降低信用风险问题不能引起人们足够重视

    How to strengthen the management on this aspect. reduce credit risk must attract people's enough attention.


  • 危机发生也许不能完全避免重视危机管理学校组织可以减少面对危机的机率

    The occurrence of the crisis might not be totally avoided, but the importance of crisis management schools, can reduce the probability of facing crisis.


  • 由于温度裂缝出现后,能量释放应力松驰,暂时危及结构安全,往往不能引起人们充分重视

    The crack has no effect on the safety of structure temporarily because of the energy release and the stress relaxation, so people don't pay close attention to it.


  • 一般操作型CRM重视整合企业内部资源不能快速捕捉外部市场变化

    General Operational CRM only pays attention to combining resources inside enterprises and can't catch the turn of the market outside fast.


  • 重视地下空间资源属性不能仅仅视为地面空间替代”空间,地下空间的理论实践值得我们认真研究

    Takes underground spatial the resources attribute, cannot merely regard it as "the substitution" of the ground space, the underground spatial theory and the practice are worth us earnestly studying.


  • 多媒体教学不能盲目从众、不讲实效; 运用多媒体教学要重视课堂知识反馈

    In addition, in multimedia teaching, we should not follow suit blindly, regardless of teaching efficiency and the feedback of classroom knowledge.


  • 他们感情控制,同时不能他们重视那位建立更深系,因为他们感情连系他人

    This made their emotions took hold of themselves, and they failed to establish a deeper bond with the ones that they care for, because they couldn't use their emotions to connect with others.


  • 对于初步尝试临床路径这种管理模式医院,在开发对象选取应该重视不能盲目随意选取。

    The hospitals attempting to administrate according to the clinical pathways model should pay attention to selection of objects for the exploitation more carefully instead of the random selection.


  • 虽然制度健全、重视有加,但社区不能疲惫冷漠压抑社区成员提供一个温馨精神家园

    With the sound institutions, the urban communities cannot provide a warm spiritual Home to the tired, apathetic and depressed community members.


  • 这种翻滚侵蚀现象山区丘陵区、漫川漫岗区坡耕地耕作十分突出十分严重的,不能不引起我们对它高度重视

    This kind of "rolling erosion" phenomenon is outstanding and very serious on the sloping fields in mountain and hilly area, worthing our's attention.


  • 不过,施欲擒故纵之计虽艺人获得重视但它不能保证唱片销量

    But while playing hard to get can earn an artist respect, it doesn't guarantee record sales.


  • 特别是他们关心爱护以及重视不能用金钱交换的。

    They are particularly concerned about the care and attention that is not supporting the exchange of money.


  • 功课忙场地器材条件体育不是主要课程不能得到重视较大关系

    It also greatly relates to factors such as busy in studying, poor exercising condition and that physical exercise is a secondary course, which can not draw much attention.


  • 甚至不在乎不能得出正确答案,它真正重视得出案例思考过程

    It even don't care can get right answer, it real value of is get case of thinking process.


  • 短道速滑教练员运动员不能对横切犯规引起高度的重视,多年的训练成绩被断送。

    The infringement on Cross Track is nothing new. If coaches and skaters would not pay enough attention to Cross Track, They would ruin their training accomplishment.


  • 天然染料不能完全替代合成染料,但它市场上占有一席之地,并且越来越受到人们重视

    Although natural dyestuffs can't totally substitute the synthetic dyestuffs, it occupies a tiny space on the market, and is paid attention to more and more by people.


  • 两国应该意识一个无法避免的“自然现象同时,两国也回避问题予以高度的重视

    They should be aware that this is an unavoidable "natural" phenomenon. Meanwhile, they should not be evasive over the issue, but attach great importance to it.


  • 过去所以发生许多毛病就是因为有些同志重视学习陷于事务主义的泥坑,不能经常吸收新的营养

    The reason many mistakes were made in the past is that some comrades attached no importance to study and they got so bogged down in routine matters that they seldom had time to absorb new ideas.


  • 过去所以发生许多毛病就是因为有些同志重视学习陷于事务主义的泥坑,不能经常吸收新的营养

    The reason many mistakes were made in the past is that some comrades attached no importance to study and they got so bogged down in routine matters that they seldom had time to absorb new ideas.


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