• 总是本着他认为正确不管后果如何

    He always does what he thinks right without regard to the consequences.


  • 需要听到正义好处,他根本不管后果

    He does not need to hear justice praised for its benefit, he's indifferent to the consequences.


  • 已经学会了不管后果那些自己诚实更远生活得到

    I've learned that no matter the consequences, those who are honest with themselves get farther in life.


  • 这个问题上,感觉如此确定不管后果如何,他都觉得必须出来

    He felt so strongly on the subject that he felt he must speak out, no matter what the consequences is.


  • 相信英雄就是,不管后果如何需要一件事时候就勇往直前义无反顾的这件事。

    I believe - heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.


  • 绝对主义道德推理认为,是否道德取决于特定绝对道德准则,取决于绝对明确义务权利不管后果如何。

    Categorical moral reasoning locates morality in certain absolute moral requirements, certain categorical duties and rights, regardless of the consequences.


  • 当然如今我们知道不管怎么人类行为正在导致全球变暖,将会带来严重后果

    Now, of course, we know that whatever you call it, human behavior is warming the planet, with grave consequences ahead.


  • 惯例上我们认为不管那些匿名留言什么内容,这位年轻人都应该其所带来法律后果负责。

    On principle, though, we presume that the young man should not face legal charges for anonymous comments left by others - no matter what those comments were.


  • 然而不管已婚人士在一起吃饭有意的还是无意的,这都会给他们带来无法预料的、危险后果

    Nevertheless, lunch between married friends, no matter what their intentions, can have unanticipated and dangerous consequences.


  • 在一起,我们会凋谢,无法捉摸不断恶化后果不管不顾。

    With toxic friends we wither, sometimes knowingly other times unknowingly, but regardless the deteriorating effect is still the same.


  • 律师莱萨克说:“不管出于何种动机雇主们都仔细掂量拒收吸烟者法律后果。”

    Regardless of the motivation, employers need to carefully consider the possible legal implications of adopting policies that target smokers, "said Lessack, the labor and employment law attorney."


  • 人们通常都会拥有勇气意味着他们可以根据计划不断前进不管这样做后果

    Practitioners often think that having courage means they can forge ahead with a plan, regardless of the consequences.


  • 领导们可能公众面前发誓众志成城但是回国后他们继续防止他们本国经济陷入眼前危机中——邻居会产生的后果根本不管顾。

    Leaders might swear in public to work together, but at home they continue to wall off their own economies against immediate dangers-with no concern for the consequences next door.


  • 不管你是阅读一个编程实例还是理解某个进程的前因后果,或者阅读章节的前文介绍作者的行文风格形式都使得读者更易掌握新的概念

    Whetheryou're reading an example program, learning the background to a particularprocess, or being introduced to a new chapter, the style and form used allowthe reader to grasp concepts quickly.


  • 寻求辅助生育治疗伴侣不管同性恋还是异性恋担心如果孩子知道自己找回生父母会有什么后果

    He said that couples, gay and straight, who wanted fertility treatment were often worried about the effect on a child of knowing that they could track down their missing biological parent.


  • 延迟重组时间越久,不管对于现有债券持有人还是欧元核心国家的纳税人最终后果越来越严重。

    And the longer a restructuring is put off, the more painful it will eventually be, both for any remaining bondholders and for taxpayers in the euro zone's core.


  • 特别要求柯布西耶有争议建筑原理应用设计中去,“不管可能产生极端后果”。

    He specifically requested that he apply his controversial principles of architecture to the design, "however extreme the consequences might be".


  • 艾尔弗雷德这样一个不管行为产生多么痛苦后果似乎都不会使他聪明些。

    Alfred is a person who never seems to gain in wisdom, no matter how painful the results of his actions may be.


  • 不管任何证据后果不能承认任何过失、供认过错、或对任何过失赔款道歉

    You cannot admit any fault, acknowledge any mistake, or make reparations or apologies for any wrong, no matter the consequences or the evidence against you.


  • 不管QQ聊天、还是淘宝购物、抑或是连接免费无线网络一不小心都会造成严重后果

    Whether it's chatting on QQ, shopping on Taobao or connecting to a "free" Wi-Fi network, not being careful can have serious consequences.


  • 不管仰卧起坐是否真的实现你想要体格健身效果,它们可能带来意想不到后果背部疼痛

    Whether or not they provide you with precisely the physique or fitness you desire, could sit-ups bring unintended consequences such as back pain?


  • 不管怎样,依旧免不了会犯错不管最初的意图什么一旦犯了终究都是要承担相应后果

    However, he does make mistakes and no matter what your intentions were, when you make mistakes you end up living with the consequences.


  • 不管退休金是以何种方式来积累,后果已经非常清楚,必须准备更多支付未来退休金,换话说,必须增加储蓄

    However pensions are funded, the consequences are clear. More money will have to be put aside to pay for them. In other words, savings will have to go up.


  • 上所述,不管怎样精益西格玛管理体系优势难以被确认的。进程偏重于部属对它的误解带来不可预期后果

    In summary, the advantages of the Lean Sigma management system are hard to deny however, the process bias of deployment and misunderstanding its philosophy can bring unwanted results.


  • 知道成功人士能够评估承担风险并且接受由此而引发的后果不管成功还是失败

    I do not know any successful person who has not been able to assess and the take a risk and then live with the consequences - success or failure.


  • 不管战乱还是和平年代积极思想消极的思想主要区别在:积极的思想讨论前因后果做出合理的、建设性的计划

    Whether in war or peace, the chief difference between good thinking and bad thinking is this: good thinking deals with causes and effects and leads to logical, constructive planning;


  • 不管战乱还是和平年代积极思想消极的思想主要区别在:积极的思想讨论前因后果做出合理的、建设性的计划

    Whether in war or peace, the chief difference between good thinking and bad thinking is this: good thinking deals with causes and effects and leads to logical, constructive planning;


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定