• 支队处于赛季中期的不稳定状态

    The team is experiencing a mid-season wobble.


  • 因此全球经济仍将处于不稳定状态

    The global economy thus remains in a precarious position.


  • 结果发现单侧脱位的对髋关节处于不稳定状态

    The results showed that the opposite hip joint in congenital unilateral dislocated hip was instability.


  • 各种调查显示西部农村教师队伍呈明显稳定状态

    As is shown in the study, the number of teaching staff in the countryside of West China is rather unstable.


  • 稳定计算结果表明滑坡体处于一种潜在临界稳定状态

    The stability calculation also indicates that the landslide is in a latent critical unstable state.


  • 人体肩膀复杂结构,能在不稳定状态肩膀僵硬时保持平衡

    The shoulder has a very complex and unique balance between instability or too loose of a shoulder and stiffness, being too tight.


  • 根据这项研究,重新激活记忆使记忆回到不稳定状态从而有可能被增强或者更新

    According to the study, reactivation of a memory returns it to a labile (unstable) state allowing it to be reinforced or updated.


  • 地毯行业不稳定状态,地毯买家以往任何时候都市场更多杠杆

    And given the precarious state of the rug industry, rug buyers have more leverage than ever in the marketplace.


  • 语言扩声系统临近不稳定状态工作移器可以有效地减少再生混响干扰

    If the public address system is operated below but too close to the instability condition the frequency shifter can reduce effectively the interference of the regenerative reverberation.


  • 原子通过辐射由稳定状态转变更加稳定状态过程称为放射性衰变放射性

    The process by which an atom changes from an unstable state to a more stable state by emitting radiation is called radioactive decay or radioactivity.


  • 他说,“无论乌克兰衰退、解体重振,目前不稳定状态能再持续下去了。”

    Either Ukraine is going down, towards disintegration, or it will start recovering. But the current unstable situation cannot last.


  • 这种原子通过释放射线稳定状态更加稳定状态过程称为衰减放射

    The process by which an atom changes from an unstable state to a morestable state by emittingradiation is called radioactive decay or radioactivity.


  • 由于亚拉杜瓦在离开之前没有正式权力转交乔纳森导致尼日利亚处于不稳定状态

    He failed formally to transfer power to Mr Jonathan before his departure, leaving Nigeria in a state of limbo.


  • 文章论述了零件毛利发生机理毛刺形态因毛刺的存在而引起的产品稳定状态

    The paper sums up the generation mechanism and shape of burr and its blights on the stability of product.


  • 由于这种作用影响,使钾质煌斑岩的源区地幔处于地温梯度度高的不稳定状态

    Under the influence of the subduction, the source mantle of the potassic lamprophyres has a high geothermal gradient and oxygen fugacity.


  • 粒子气泡表面上滑移时处于不稳定状态,气泡受到轻微的扰动,粒子就会失稳脱离液膜。

    While the particle on the bubble surface slips in unstable state, the particle can detach from the bubble surface as the bubble is disturbed slightly.


  • 滑坡体天然状态处于稳定状态地震作用下,滑坡体处于极限平衡不稳定状态

    The landslide will be steady in natural condition, but under the seismic action, it will be in unsteady or ultimately balanced condition.


  • 本文采用赤平极射投影和平面滑动法分析边坡,初步判断处于稳定状态加固。

    In this paper, it begins with Stereographic projection method and flat-panel sliding method for analyzing the slope stability. The results show that slope needs reinforcement.


  • 这种堆肥化过程中,有机物稳定状态转化稳定腐殖质物质用作肥料改良土壤

    During the process the organic materials will be turned to the stable humus, which can be used as fertilizer and amend for the plant soil.


  • 提醒实验室中的啮齿类动物回忆过去恐惧场景时,脑中的那段回忆暂时呈现不稳定状态

    They showed that when a lab rodent was given a reminder of some past fear, the memory of that event appeared to briefly become unstable.


  • 结果表明白天晴空一般绝热不稳定状态存在一种湿现象造成向下输送水气通量

    The results show in general the atmosphere is superadiabatic unstable state and there is a phenomenon of inverse humidity forming downward vapour transportation in cloudless daytime.


  • 通过一些数据实例说明我国建筑工程质量特别是一般工业民用建筑工程质量处于不稳定状态

    Basing upon some data and practical examples, it has shown that the Chinese construction quality. especially of the industrial and civil engineering buildings. is still in a state of unstability.


  • 对于刚发生塌方仍处于稳定状态的矿井来说,实施两种方案很棘手,而且,最快需要几个的时间。

    All are tricky in a mine rendered unstable by the cave-in, and, in the best of cases, will take several months.


  • LQR控制器用于倒立控制模式保持摆锤稳定竖直向上不稳定状态附近使小车位移跟踪给定信号

    The LQR controller uses the pendulum control mode to keep the pendulum near the vertical up unstable state points and gives signals of car displacement tracking.


  • 瑜伽修行者发现确定生命这种可能性通过释放身体紧张压力逐渐解除思想情感上的这种稳定状态

    Yogis discover and affirm life's great possibilities by freeing the body of tension and the ravages of stress, and progressively releasing mental and emotional turbulence.


  • 由于投资者们担心经济处于更恶劣不稳定状态当中,所以尽管冻结信贷市场开始出现复苏迹象,但股票市场收盘时仍受到重挫。

    Stocks close sharply lower as investors worry that the economy is poised to weaken even as frozen credit markets slowly start to show signs of recovery.


  • 东北亚安全结构冷战后呈现不稳定状态进攻性现实主义关于建立均势推卸责任理论对东北亚安全竞争进行了较为全面深刻的理论分析。

    The security structure in Northeast Asia, which has been instable since the end of the Cold War, is expounded in offensive realism, especially in the theory about balancing and buck? passing.


  • 东北亚安全结构冷战后呈现不稳定状态进攻性现实主义关于建立均势推卸责任理论对东北亚安全竞争进行了较为全面深刻的理论分析。

    The security structure in Northeast Asia, which has been instable since the end of the Cold War, is expounded in offensive realism, especially in the theory about balancing and buck? passing.


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