• 我们要记录下在不看电视一周所发生一切

    We're all supposed to keep a diary of what it's like to go without TV for a week.


  • 实际上经历不看电视积极影响,你已经可以完全停止电视

    In fact by then, you'd have experienced the positive effects of not watching TV that you are ready to stop watching it altogether.


  • 这样不看电视时候大多数型号柜底式电视机的屏幕可以折叠起来碍事

    On most models, the screen folds up and out of your way when not in use.


  • 美国马萨诸塞大学科学家发现,边电视平均来说,要那些不看电视的摄入288卡热量。

    Scientists at the University of Massachusetts found that people who watch TV during a meal consume, on average, 288 more calories than those who don't eat with the tube on.


  • 他们结果再次显示虚构节目参与者情商更高,而看非虚构类节目的参与者,得分也不看电视的

    Again, their results showed that the fiction viewers' empathy scores were superior, though the nonfiction viewers' scored higher on average than those who hadn't watched anything beforehand.


  • 参与者报告了他们四种不同情况下着的时间工作时间、电视时间、休闲时间不看电视的其他休闲时间。

    Participants reported their total time sitting and how long they sat during four different situations: at work, watching television, leisure time and non-television leisure time.


  • 那些电视学龄前儿童会在学业不看电视的孩子表现得更好,尤其他们的父母几乎受教育或者英语很差的时候。

    Preschoolers who watch television do better academically than children who don't, especially if their parents have little education or poor English.


  • 关上电视现在以前电视的时间少了(尽管现在每周我还通过网络一些节目最终不看电视了)。

    Cut out TV. I watched less TV than ever before (eventually I watched none, though now I watch a few shows a week over the Internet).


  • 孩子们说,要是他们期终考试一个星期不看电视,那么我就在他们暑假第一个星期他们动物园熊猫

    I told my kids if they stop watching TV for a week before their final exams, I'll take them to the zoo to see the pandas the first week of their summer vacation.


  • 不会一天电脑手机不看电视所以如果它们来自安全地方,那么食用它们也是十分安全的。

    But the fish and meat don't use computers or mobile phones all day and don't watch TV, so if they come from a safe place they are very safe to eat.


  • 这个星期不看电视了,安吉尔有了一些非常有趣的对话

    Since there was no TV watching this week, Angel and I had some really interesting conversations instead.


  • 因为在家的时候不看电视,我决定放假期间放纵自己,看点电视

    Since I don’t watch TV at home, I decided I would indulge my senses and watch a little.


  • 决定不看电视之后不再出来的节目了。

    After I decided to stop watching TV, I stopped catching new shows.


  • 的回答嘛,他说,“我不看电视,我参见会议。”

    He doesn't watch TV and he doesn't go to meetings.


  • 我们小木屋没有互联网我们往常一样不看电视

    We didn’t have Internet in our log cabin and of course as usual we didn’t watch TV.


  • 之后原来只想就是份沙拉——我的确做了——同时不看电视节目

    Afterward, all I wanted to do was to make a big salad, and that’s exactly what I did, sans TV shows.


  • 他们中的很多人都希望自己不看电视以后提高自己生活质量

    Many of them expressed improved quality of life after they stopped / reduced TV viewing.


  • 并不意味着不看电视—我DVD因此我能确保看到高质量的节目,不是通常电视看到的那些无聊节目。

    I'm not saying I don't watch TV - I watch DVDs, so that I'm sure that what I'm watching is something great, rather than the useless stuff you find on TV most of the time.


  • 已经,我已经不看电视互联网上新闻好多年没有新闻照样可以的。

    I've written before about how I haven't watched TV news or read a newspaper or even Internet news sites for a couple of years. It's possible to go without it.


  • 911时间纪念日是,尽量广播不看电视,我只是不想重温那段伤心的回忆。

    On the anniversary of 9/11, I try not to listen to the radio or watch TV—I just don’t want to see it.


  • 61%受访女性她们宁愿不看电视也不能忍受一周上网

    Sixty-one percent of the women surveyed said they would rather give up watching television for two weeks than give up access to the Internet for one week.


  • 我们关掉电脑广告不看电视广告,排斥杂志上的广告。

    We turn off the ads on our computers, refuse to watch them on TV, or read them in magazines.


  • 赫尔希博士发现,与不看电视相比,研究对象在特曼节目时摄入的土豆平均出44%,雷诺节目的土豆片摄入量多出42%。

    Hirsch base human ate an mean of 44 per cent more pieces while watching Letterman and 42 per penny extra while viewing Leno, than when they did no watch TV.


  • 在“不看电视规则前,明星们也会破例电视

    Some stars make a rare exception to the no-TV rule.


  • 但是电视人压根儿不看电视根据一项长达数非官方调查,在本人采访这些电视明星之后得出的结论。

    But TV performers just don't seem to catch much TV, according to an unofficial survey spanning years of interviews I've had with them.


  • 秋天夜晚不看电视不看电脑关上,静静地着,感觉缺少什么

    Autumn night, do not watch TV, do not look at the computer, turn out the lights, lie still and feel what is missing.


  • 回答不看电视参加会议带来多数出4 - 5小时

    His answer is that he doesn't watch TV and doesn't go to meetings, so that gives him 4-5 more hours a day than most people have.


  • 回答不看电视参加会议带来多数出4 - 5小时

    His answer is that he doesn't watch TV and doesn't go to meetings, so that gives him 4-5 more hours a day than most people have.


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