• 建议人们接手别人不愿去做项目

    She recommends taking on a project that everyone is avoiding.


  • 家务衣服。而不愿去

    Speaking of chores, I would rather do some washing than cooking.


  • 宁可大把时间抱怨自己现状,也不愿去出改变

    Spending more time complaining about my situation than changing it.


  • 是因为成功花费时间牺牲,这恰恰是那些成功的人的。

    That's because successful people are willing to make sacrifices and put in the time of preparation that unsuccessful people aren't willing to do.


  • 最大知道,而是知道了却迟迟不愿所以平庸却自怜很多

    The biggest stupid for us lies not in ignorance of wisdom, but in reluctance to fulfill it. That is precisely why there exist so many mediocre and self-piteous people.


  • 例如攻击者可以引入一些查询,而导致用户不愿去做事情并且他们可以让用户误以为浏览一个网站是他们确实在访问的。

    For example, attackers can include queries that may cause the user to do undesirable things, and they can fool the user into thinking they're viewing a different site than what they're really viewing.


  • 他们建设真正公司所需工作那些经营艰苦的工作,就是在前人留下的遗产的基础上,真正多少有益的贡献。

    They're unwilling to do the work it takes to build a real company, which is the hardest work in business. That's how you really make a contribution and add to the legacy of those who went before.


  • 如果警告说宁死不愿提及此事,那应该的话

    If he warns he would rather die than talk about it, you might want to take him at his word.


  • 当然了,如果或者累了,或者是打断的时候,我会告诉我会另外时间希望去做的事。

    Sure, if I'm busy or tired or don't want to be interrupted. I tell her I'll do what she wants when I get around to it.


  • 一部分工作自动化、使用机器那些男人女人再忍受减弱的、乏味的、劳累的工作变得经济

    It becomes economical to automate some aspects of the work, employing machines to do the deadening humdrum toil that men and women are no longer willing to put up with.


  • 没有条感谢便条:在这之前一定听说过这样建议只是很多

    You don't send a thank-you note: you have no doubt heard this advice before, but lots of people still don't do it.


  • 为了锻炼毅力接受挑战需要一件从心里的事。

    To build willpower, take on a challenge that requires you to do something you'd honestly rather not do.


  • 记者艺术家好像自己的“梦幻工程”,他们总是觉得自己没准备好或者动手因为这个梦想他们而言实在太重要了。

    Baz: Artists often seem to have "Dream Projects" that they may feel they are unready or unwilling to do because they are such important fantasies to them, or that seem overwhelming to them.


  • 成功那些普通人的事情,而是那些一般的事。

    Success is not about doing what the average person can't do, it's about doing what the average person is unwilling to do.


  • 可以说成是,期望任何人自己工作管是过度加班还是对付难缠人物

    This can be interpreted as the concept of never expecting anyone to do a task you would not willingly do yourself, whether that be excessive overtime or dealing with difficult people.


  • 时间有限资源正如我们承认,我们每次都只有24小时的时间事情

    Time is a limited resource.. as much as we hate to admit it, we each only have 24 hours on any given day to 'do things'.


  • 管理层的本质就是人们自己事情

    Management is all about getting people to do things that they don't want to do.


  • 记者伊朗是否改变了立场按照6国的要求去做,穆塔基直接作答。

    Mottaki would not say directly when asked whether Iran has changed its position and would comply.


  • 也许我们放弃但是我们必须意识如果我们总是了大量努力去做,但是能够得到满意结果的时候,我们应该说服自己坚持

    Maybe we are not willing to give it up, but we must realize that if we always make great efforts, but we still can't gain the satisfactory result, we should convince ourselves not to insist on it.


  • 指望员工想让他们事情如果连自己的话

    Don't expect your employees to do the things you want them to do if you're not willing to do them yourself.


  • 虽然那些复杂合并手续,但是迫于丈夫的压力。

    She didn't want to go through the complicated incorporation process, but felt pressured by her husband.


  • 我们强迫那些领导一个队伍玩家队长

    A. We didn't want to encourage players who had no business leading groups to do so.


  • 学会自己事情交给别人每个一起工作的人都教会了我他们为我的一切以及如何的。

    I learned to never ask anyone to do anything for me thatI wasn't willing to do myself - and - everyone who has ever worked with me hastaught me about what they have done for me and how they did it.


  • 为了挣钱必须事情

    You have to do lots of things you don't like in order to have money.


  • 为了挣钱必须事情

    You have to do lots of things you don't like in order to have money.


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