• 再也不想朋友了,知道如何告诉

    I no longer want to be friends with her but I don't know how to get the message across.


  • 莎想知道友希花这么多时间在外面是不是因为不想和她说话。

    Masa wondered if Yuki had spent so much of her time outside because she wanted to avoid talking to her.


  • 也许晚点不想结婚

    Maybe he didn't want to marry her later, either.


  • 不想结婚只不过是吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。

    He says he didn't want to marry her, but that's just sour grapes.


  • 不想比赛是个逃兵每次觉得自己失败了放弃了。

    I don't like to compete against her. She's such a quitter. Every time she realizes that she's going to lose, she just gives up.


  • 其实根本不想这个接触不想说话希望大家出个主意,我应该怎样摆脱这个人?

    In fact I don't think at all with this person contact, don't think to talk with her, hoping everyone gives me idea, how should I get away from this person?


  • 不想浪费时间和她说话。

    I don't want to waste my time talking with her.


  • 丈夫不想冒险一起外出因为担心返回时会发现仅有财产散落大街上

    Ni and her husband do not dare go out together for fear they might return to find their few belongings on the street.


  • 莫名地不想知道“远程大炮主人后来怎么样了。

    Somehow, I didn’t want to know what happened to Bertha or her owner.


  • 希望交给就像从前在一起一样;自己情愿相信,这孩子的父亲根本不想起抚养教育的义务。

    Her hope was, that Linton might be left with him, as he had been with her: his father, she would fain convince herself, had no desire to assume the burden of his maintenance or education.


  • 梅瑞迪斯替课程表,但是不想电话闲聊。朱迪阿姨告诉所有打电话来的人说我在倒时差正在睡觉。

    Judith told everyone who called that I had jet lag and was sleeping, but she watched me at dinner.


  • 不想错过每一个在一起的早上所以无论我们工作,我都会和她一同起床。

    I don't want to miss the mornings with her, so no matter how late we work, I get up with her.


  • 不想因为看上去漂亮复合。一下认识的人中谁最有冒险精神?

    You: But I don't want to get back with a girl just because she looks good. Let me ask you, which of your guys is most adventurous?


  • 因为约瑟夫是个正派不想这件事出去丢脸所以悄悄地分手

    Because Joseph is a decent man, and said don't want to take it out to make her lose face, so he wants to break up with her quietly.


  • 那个人知道喜欢可是并不喜欢他,认为他们约会过几次,但是他并不想认真和她交往。

    A guy she was in love with for two and a half years who knew but he didn't, I think they actually did date a little but he didn't want to be serious about it.


  • 这项任务团队不想再重复一遍尤其是大教堂里的其他地方还有涂写的字迹,需要清理

    The task is not one she and her team want to repeat, especially since various parts of the cathedral, where graffiti remains, must still be cleaned.


  • 熊妈妈不想别人熊宝宝一起玩生气咆哮了。遇到了麻烦。

    She doesn't want others to play with her babies. She is angry and growls. I am in trouble.


  • 至于喜欢追女人这一点,其实不想伤害,他并不认为们建立那种关系伤害们。

    Now, in regard to his pursuit of women, he meant them no harm, because he did not conceive of the relation which he hoped to hold with them as being harmful.


  • 罗文姐妹不想引起注意但是阴郁的沉闷很快引来守卫古怪的注目

    Rowan and her scheming sisters did not want to attract notice, but their sullen silence soon had the guards giving them queer looks.


  • 听到这个消息,前夫很好,刘向梅再也不想回到那个男人身边。

    Hearing this news, and she and her husband wanted a good, but Liu Xiangmei do not want to return to the men.


  • 高兴见到珍妮了,但不想一整天的时间在一起。

    I was glad to meet Jenny again, _______ I didn't want to spend all day with her.


  • 因为丈夫约瑟是个,也不想暴露公众耻辱脑子悄悄地和她离婚

    Because Joseph, her husband, was a righteous man and did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.


  • 不想小题大做但是实在是无法忍受室友了,我很认真地学习似乎学习习惯完全相反

    I do not wish to sound overcritical but, I am finding it increasingly difficult to get on with my roommate. I take my studies seriously which seems to be the opposite for her.


  • 不想小题大做但是实在是无法忍受室友了,我很认真地学习似乎学习习惯完全相反

    I do not wish to sound overcritical but, I am finding it increasingly difficult to get on with my roommate. I take my studies seriously which seems to be the opposite for her.


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