• 可不是说患者身体周围会发出超自然光晕而是说患者会有针刺刺之类的异样,会注意到明亮的光源或者感觉与周围生疏了不少

    This is not a supernatural glow around the body, but unusual sensations such as pins and needles, seeing bright lights, or feeling distant from people around you.


  • 城里女性未必生活更好:进城人数岗位竞争都达到最高点,不少女性为了过日子被迫出卖自己身体

    Those who move to the city don't usually fare better: with rural-urban migration and job competition at an all-time high, many women find themselves forced to enter prostitution to make ends meet.


  • 有趣的,与身体其他部位相比手指虽小,大脑给予关注不少

    It is interesting that our brain gives a disproportionate amount of attention to the fingers, and hands, as compared to the rest of the body.


  • 不过他们花了不少功夫进行尸检,有人往她身体里灌东西,有人切开,有人称重,有人测量,有人把东西回去然后了起来。

    But it took some examining it, some putting things into it, some cutting, some weighing, some measuring, some putting things back again and sewing them in.


  • 不少从梦中醒来,感觉身体力量强压床上,动弹不得挣脱不历史上这样记录数不胜数。

    Throughout the history of mankind there have been the reports of people awakening to feel a sense of weight on their chests and an inability to move their limbs to escape this pressure.


  • 身体开始意识已经吃了不少

    By the time your body realizes that it's full, you've already eaten more than you needed.


  • 传统观点不少科学家认为人类是从前肢握拳支撑身体行进祖先进化而来的。

    Traditional view: Many scientists believe that man evolved from ancestors who walked with their knuckles-dragging. A new study has contested this theory.


  • 保持身体一侧的姿势产生拖曳阻力相对保持身体水平的姿势来说是一样的,不多不少

    Holding the body on the side produces no more or no less drag resistance than holding it prone in crawl or backstroke.


  • 瑜伽真的很难练习但是的确从中得到不少帮助。所有的一切都是为了使身体变得尽可能强壮

    It's hard work but I've really felt the benefits. It's all about getting my body as strong as possible.


  • 每天吃进食物后,肠子里积存不少废物其中的毒素在肠内一再被吸收最终会影响身体健康

    People eat food, in the accumulation of many waste in the intestines, the toxin in the intestinal absorption of repeatedly, will ultimately affect health.


  • 调查不少老同志失去老伴注重年轻一些身体较好的伴侣

    According gto the survey, many old comrades after losing his wife, pay attention to find younger partner, body good do.


  • 我见过其他人接受不孕不育治疗那个过程简直对精神身体的双重折磨,并且费用不少

    I've seen others go through fertility treatments, and know that the process is emotional ly and physically grueling, as well as expensive.


  • 科比年龄大了身体比较这么比赛来说已经不少

    Bryant older, and the body more old injury, played so many games have a lot to him.


  • 当然蛋白质甚至脂肪得到体力身体需要水化合物的食物才能更快燃烧卡路里天要不少的复合碳水化合物食物。

    Sure, you get energy from protein, and even from fat, but your body burns calories faster on a high carbohydrate diet. Eat six or more servings a day.


  • 过去几年里,我们看见不少职业选手法赛事上,由于在身体做出有意义改变致使获得了更好的表现

    Over the past few years we've seen pro cyclists in the Tour DE France making significant changes to their body composition, resulting in improvements in performance.


  • 身体健康学校每天1节课体育类课程,每天不少于1.5小时锻炼时间。(锻炼活动照片)。

    Physical health: no less than 1 PE class and no less than 1.5 hours of exercise time are arranged each day in the school.


  • 之前不少提醒我俩,在作出如此重大的决定前,个人应该充分地达成共识。两年过去了,回过头来看看这个明智建议有了切身体会。

    Several people warned us that we should both be fully on board before agreeing to make such a big move and after two and a half years here, I understand the wisdom in that advice.


  • 法案规定手机销售商要注明手机辐射吸收系数(SAR)——用户身体产生的电磁波吸收量,规定所有手机都11点型式

    The law requires that retailers post the specific absorption rate (SAR) — the amount of radio waves absorbed into the user's body — next to all phones in no less than 11-point type.


  • 战胜亚特兰大米兰获得不少溢美之词,关于亚历山大·身体状况担忧也同样地多。

    After the victory against Atalanta there were positive comments but also a lot of apprehension for Alexandre Pato's physical conditions.


  • 学校体育永久性话题既充满活力不少困惑的课题。本文就体育课程教学组织方法成绩检测等方面的问题,从终身体育的视角一点认识。

    Life-long PE, a lively and puzzling subject in school PE, is discussed in this thesis through PE courses, teaching arrangement as well as measures and examination.


  • 留住温暖严重威胁自己身体健康不少人家减少开关门窗时间

    To keep warm, but a serious threat to their physical health reduced the number of people switching doors and Windows of time.


  • 看起来非常早期拍摄泄露今天这个时候我们可以看到低的按钮应该不少高兴他们身体

    It looks remarkably like the earlier shot leaked today but this time we can see the lower buttons, which should make quite a few people happy: they're physical.


  • 看起来非常早期拍摄泄露今天这个时候我们可以看到低的按钮应该不少高兴他们身体

    It looks remarkably like the earlier shot leaked today but this time we can see the lower buttons, which should make quite a few people happy: they're physical.


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