• 不只那样电影还说卡斯特开始1865年开始酗酒事实上,在1862经历过件尴尬小事故之后发誓戒除那个东西了。

    Not only that, but the movie depicts Custer turning to alcohol in 1865, when in reality he swore off the stuff after an embarrassing incident in 1862.


  • 开发人员反馈得知,不只一个自问那个妙极了问题

    Judging from the developer feedback I hear, you're not alone asking yourself that crucial question.


  • 当然政客们纵容金融市场的疯狂,参与其中的还有那个财经媒体吹捧天才的阿兰·格林斯潘

    Of course, it wasn't just the politicians who allowed the reckless financial frenzy to grow. It was also the man who the financial press was hailing as a genius - Alan Greenspan.


  • 这个改变甚至分解世界上,仍上千万的人们希望节还是那个古老的,不变耶诞节。

    In a world that seems not only to be changing, but even to be dissolving, there are some tens of millions who want Christmas to be the same.


  • 这个癌症可能为了达到某个目的,为了那个患者,也是为了他生活其他的-家人朋友医护人员等等

    The cancer may serve a purpose, not only for that particular person, but for the people in that person's lifefamily, friends, medical people, etc.


  • 那个夏天带给这些少年悲伤冒险还有体验

    The summer will not only bring heartache and adventure for these young adolescents, but also their first taste of love.


  • 婚姻成功不只在于找到合适在于那个合适的人。

    Success in marriage is much more than finding the right person; it is a matter of being the right person.


  • 一点清楚不只意味着一个头衔不只意味着工资单数字不只意味着墙上那个奖励。

    One thing I know for sure: you are more than a job title you are worth more than a number on a paycheck and you are more than an award to hang on your wall.


  • 意志力日复一日依然未来坚信不已不只这个而是复一年。 用心、努力工作来实现所坚信的那个未来。

    Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality.


  • 我们开车经过金门大桥我们马林郡的时候,发现认识那个曾经朝气蓬勃女儿现在好像劳累简直是生活感到疲倦

    As we drove over the Golden Gate Bridge to our comfortable Marin County home, it appeared to me as though my daughter, the most hopeful person I knew, was not just tired but weary of life.


  • 提高了情绪状态限于参加那个15分钟我们指导下冥想,它还会延伸扩展你的其它清醒时刻

    Your improved state of emotion will not be limited only to the 15 minutes that you are participating in the guided meditation, but will extend into many of your other waking moments.


  • 这种情况清楚的,说明这个函数输入,我还要那个输入一个名字

    Now in this case, it's clear that I'm not only saying this function takes an input, I also have to give that input a name.


  • 寻找自己热爱的东西指做什么工作或者赚多少钱而是找到真正自我那个埋葬别人需求里的自我。

    Finding your passion isn't just about careers and money. It's about finding your authentic self - the one you've buried beneath other people's needs.


  • 为了获得最好模型性能,挑选做出最合适假设的建模算法不只选择你最熟悉那个算法,是很重要的。

    In statistical modeling, there are various algorithms to build a classifier, and each algorithm makes a different set of assumptions about the data.


  • 如果我会告诉爸妈你们女儿幸福一个果实而是那个果实长大过程

    If I love you I'll tell my parents, your daughter to happiness is not just a fruit, but the fruit grow up process.


  • 那个瞬间变得场游戏只能前进或是在原地打转然后走开

    There comes a moment when it's more than just a game. And you either take that step forward, or turn around and walk away.


  • 那个瞬间变得场游戏只能前进或是在原地打转然后走开

    There comes a moment when it's more than just a game. And you either take that step forward, or turn around and walk away.


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