• 修好帆只维持了不到二十四小时

    The repaired sail lasted less than 24 hours.


  • 到处都搜遍了,就是找不到

    I've hunted everywhere but I can't find it.


  • 不到—到处都找遍了。

    I can't find my book—I've looked everywhere.


  • 动不动就指责达不到高标准

    She is quick to reproach anyone who doesn't live up to her own high standards.


  • 到达检票口时,我不到票了

    But when I arrived at the check-in counter, I couldn't find my ticket.


  • 中国少数民族构成总人口不到7%。

    China's ethnic minorities constitute less than 7 percent of its total population.


  • 的车不到脚蹬子

    I couldn't reach the pedals on her bike.


  • 医生们女性病人不到30%深感不安。

    Doctors were disturbed that less than 30 percent of the patients were women.


  • 不到任何固定工作

    She couldn't find any regular employment.


  • 如果销售情况不到改善破产可能

    Bankruptcy is a real possibility if sales don't improve.


  • 知道搬进来了很少有注意不到的。

    Your mother will know who's moved in—she doesn't miss much.


  • 拖船不到50的地方与我们船尾错过。

    The tug crossed our stern not fifty yards away.


  • 不到迈克尔莉齐公众关注夫妻

    You won't find a couple more in the public gaze than Michael and Lizzie.


  • 试着搜索引擎检索,不到任何相关信息。

    I tried googling but couldn't find anything relevant.


  • 那个男子就在不到10远、位置高一点的地方。

    The man was no more than ten yards away and slightly uphill.


  • 知道他们地址放在这块儿我一时找不到

    I know their address is here somewhere, but I can't lay my hands on it right now.


  • 5刑期只服了1年不到,但永远逐出体育界

    He served less than a year of a five-year prison sentence, but was permanently exiled from the sport.


  • 口袋里的东西都掏了出来,仍然找不到的钥匙。

    I emptied out my pockets but could not find my keys.


  • 按照目前下降速度许多雨林动物不到会绝种。

    At the current rate of decline, many of the rain forest animals could become extinct in less than 10 years.


  • 这些检察官们不到证据证明封锁官方文件任何指控

    The inspectors found no evidence which supported any allegation of suppression of official documents.


  • 如果不到合适工作他们很快身无分文无家可归

    They'd soon be penniless and homeless if she couldn't find suitable work.


  • 母亲不仅不到报酬,而且所干的乏味艰辛活儿也很少留意。

    Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.


  • 不到20个学生考试全部及格

    Fewer than 20 students passed all the exams.


  • 割腕不到分钟就失血

    He came within two minutes of bleeding to death after slashing his wrists.


  • 感到头晕目眩,不到方向

    I feel dizzy and disorientated.


  • 不到从来没搞过专业演唱。

    It surprises me that you've never sung professionally.


  • 肖恩卧室里电视,听不到

    Shaun was in the bedroom, out of earshot, watching television.


  • 我们绝对不到老鼠

    Our cat is hopeless at catching mice.


  • 没有池塘水面几乎不到波纹

    The air was so still that there was hardly a ripple on the pond's surface.


  • 可能注意不到那些针对尖锐评论

    I couldn't help notice the pointed remarks slung in my direction.


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