• 中央供暖系统不利室内植物

    Central heating is bad news for indoor plants.


  • 推迟发射决定源于不利天气情况

    The decision to delay the launch stems from unfavourable weather conditions.


  • 污染只是生活城里不利条件之一

    Pollution is just one of the disadvantages of living in the town.


  • 不会外语使处于明显的不利地位

    The fact that he didn't speak a foreign language put him at a distinct disadvantage.


  • 队里较年轻队员相比处于不利地位。

    I was at a disadvantage compared to the younger members of the team.


  • 这些条件不利农业

    The conditions were unfavourable for agriculture.


  • 通货膨胀收入分配反作用认为是不利的。

    Inflation is considered to be undesirable because of its adverse effects on income distribution.


  • 居住市中心贫民区孩子教育方面可能处于不利的地位。

    Children living in inner-city areas may be educationally disadvantaged.


  • 薪金而言这个工作倒是挺不错的一些不利之处。

    The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.


  • 两名主要竞争对手由于长期政治流放处于不利地位

    His two main rivals suffer the disadvantage of having been long-term political exiles.


  • 那一信息核心和平绝不应该成为任何人有利不利根源

    The kernel of that message was that peace must not be a source of advantage or disadvantage for anyone.


  • 警方哈德菲尔先生决定对于调查进展不会任何不利影响

    The police said Mr. Hadfield's decision would have no adverse effect on the progress of the investigation.


  • 不和谐的关系生产力不利影响

    Inharmonious relationships have an adverse effect on productivity.


  • 然而人类行为正在动物迁徙产生不利影响

    Human behaviour, however, is having a detrimental impact on animal migration.


  • 有人认为,短期投资会上市公司产生不利影响

    It is argued that the influence of transient investment on public companies can be adverse.


  • 相反,不可预测不利条件会给生物体带来相当大的隐患。

    In contrast, unfavorable conditions that occur unpredictably pose considerable problems for organisms.


  • 过去11里,只有年的天气不利柑橘作物生长

    In only one of these last eleven years was the weather unfavorable for growing citrus crops.


  • 然而先进技术严格法律有助于控制这些不利环境影响

    Advancing technology and strict laws, however, are helping control some of these adverse environmental effects.


  • 一些父母自己孩子卷入他们争吵中孩子成长非常不利

    Some parents would drag their kid into their quarrel, which is extremely harmful to the kid's growth.


  • 有些原因例如家庭疾病可能工作表现暂时不利影响可以纠正的。

    Some reasons, such as a family illness, may have a temporary adverse impact on performance and can be corrected.


  • 因此左撇子稀少可能这些其他伴随构造特征带来的不利影响的结果。

    Sinistral rarity might, then, be a consequence of possible disadvantages conferred by these other concomitant structural features.


  • 我们至少应该期待它们不会助长分裂也不会排斥那些已经处于不利地位的人。

    The least we should expect is that they do not foster divisions and exclude those who are already disadvantaged.


  • 这些揭露事实不利赢得选举

    These revelations will harm her chances of winning the election.


  • 法规似乎不利社会中的最贫困者

    The new law appears to penalize the poorest members of society.


  • 尽管情况非常不利他们仍得到了胜利

    They secured a victory in the face of overwhelming odds.


  • 尽管备受磨难,但好像并未受到不利影响

    Despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects.


  • 更高程度压力可能会一些学生置于不利地位。

    Greater levels of stress may seriously handicap some students.


  • 早期工业城市曾是些又脏又乱不利健康地方

    The early industrial cities were squalid and unhealthy places.


  • 不要上写下任何东西,免得日后成为对不利证据

    Never put anything down on paper which might be used in evidence against you at a later date.


  • 相貌把双刃剑有时有利,有时又不利

    A person's looks are a double-edged sword. Sometimes it works in your favour, sometimes it works against you.


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