• 最近模型贡献在于显示厄尔尼诺现象使海平面上升的同时,也西方发出了海平面下降信号

    The contribution of the recent model is to show that the winds of an El Nino, which raise sea level in the cast, simultaneously send a signal to the west lowering sea level.


  • 事实上,在太阳——不断太阳带电粒子流——的影响下,太阳质量一直在下降

    Actually, the Sun is constantly losing mass through the solar wind, a stream of charged particles constantly blowing off the Sun.


  • 分析结果的降幅巨大空穴来南非科学家最近地区2080年谷物产量下降50%。

    These falls are large but not unlikely: scientists in South Africa recently said the region could see a 50% fall in cereals productivity by 2080.


  • 如果公司没有充足资金的话,这种趋势可能导致创业公司估值下降

    This trend would likely result in valuations decreasing if commitments to venture funds do not increase.


  • 同时阵阵沙漠起了层层灰尘碎片导致能见度下降难以寻求任何空中支援

    Meanwhile, desert winds were kicking up sheets of dust and debris, which interfered with visibility and would complicate any attempt to scramble air support.


  • 德州西部一名公司执行经理解释到油价上涨,很难将石油行业员工辞掉;油价下降很多人情愿更干净、更凉快技术员的活。

    An executive in west Texas explains that when the oil price is high, it's hard to get the guys off the RIGS; but when the price is low, many prefer the cleaner, cooler job of a wind technician.


  • 安娜比以往都要大,它将西部高原沙漠的热加州南部其温度在海拔下降时继续升高。

    The Santa Ana winds, which whip dry air from the desert plateau westwards and downwards into southern California, heating up as they descend, were blowing uncommonly fast.


  • 由于激烈竞争下降涡轮机成本已经过去年中0.10美元/度到了0.07美元/度。

    Wind turbine rates have dropped to 7 cents from 10 cents over the last couple of years because of fierce competition and declining turbine costs.


  • 出去迅速下降脸上一样疼痛大街早操更少觉得。但是路边的松树和冬青依然挺拔,它伸展手臂,表明它是美丽和非常的优雅的姿势!

    One goes out, cold face descend quickly, wind in my face like a knife across the same pain, walking in the street the morning exercise, fewer people feel a lot.


  • 说,工作并不总是一帆的,北极研究北极熊时候天气变得几乎无法忍受下降到了零下57摄氏度

    His work hasn't always been easy, he revealed that while working in the Arctic studying polar bears the weather became almost unbearable, dropping to -57degrees Celsius.


  • 随后发布一份积极声明,承认商品价格走软应该可以搆成央行上调经济增长预测下降

    But then followed up the optimistic statement with acknowledgement that weakness in commodity prices should pose downside risk the central Banks growth forecast.


  • 只有呼呼刮着,卷起路边沙石温度下降的厉害,脸上生疼,这时意识到,来了

    Only the whir of the wind sand and gravel up the side of the road, the temperature drop dramatically, to fight in the face when it will realize that winter came.


  • 计算结果显示负债权益比率1997年1998年较小的改变太阳公司负债比例下降长期偿债能力略微有所改善

    The figures of debt ratio show that the ratio has realized a little change from 1997 to 1998, Solarwind Corporation's proportion of liabilities declined, and the long term solvency improved slightly.


  • 随着一次煤粉浓度下降K发射谱线强度下降

    The emitted line intensity of K decreases with reducing of the concentration of pulverized coal.


  • 一方面,燃尽应用导致煤粉燃烧效率下降

    But on the other hand, the use of over-fire air reduces the combustion efficiency of pulverized coal.


  • 其次研究造成这些算法性能下降主要原因麦克阵列误差

    Then, this paper investigates reasons that make performance of these algorithms degraded in practice, i. e. microphone array errors.


  • 说明心二狭患者左房血栓形成不仅血流的机械性梗阻而且机体抗栓能力的下降有关

    It was concluded that LA thrombosis in predominant mitral stenosis is related not only with mechanical obstruction but also with deficiency of body thromboresistance.


  • 说明心二狭患者左房血栓形成不仅血流的机械性梗阻而且机体抗栓能力的下降有关

    It was concluded that LA thrombosis in predominant mitral stenosis is related not only with mechanical obstruction but also with deficiency of body thromboresistance.


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