• 一切正如计划只是料到半路上邻居太太小儿子,他们正一起城堡进城去。

    It worked out exactly as I had planned, except I hadn't planned on her stopping to pick up the neighbour woman and the neighbour woman's infant son on the way down Castle Hill and into town.


  • 曾经听说过这座魔法控制城堡神秘故事,天气晴朗的时候,他可以看到城堡高塔耸立在纠结缠绕的树木之中

    He had once heard mysterious stories of the enchanted castle whose tower he could see high above a forest of tangled trees on a clear day.


  • 一队队冰块覆盖格陵兰冰盖上崩裂来,有的童话中的城堡一样凹凸不平,有的恐龙蛋光滑,它们沿着峡湾滑行

    A flotilla of icebergs, some as jagged as fairytale castles and others as smooth as dinosaur eggs, calve from the ice sheet that smothers Greenland and sail down the fjords.


  • 也是明日之星的盛会——城堡俯视鹅卵石铺砌而成皇家英里街上,立身表演的喜剧小丑演员作家音乐家都在宣扬自己的节目。

    But the Fringe is also about those hopefuls-stand-up comics, actors, writers and musicians-to be seen canvassing on the cobbled Royal Mile below the castle.


  • 然而表现非常友好并且交谈之后他伸出了手说到,“愿意跟城堡,并且做我的亲爱的妻子吗?”

    However, he appeared very friendly, and after a little talk he held out his hand to her, and said, "Wilt thou go with me to my castle and be my dear wife?"


  • 不过年前一个密歇根隆冬中(气温已经!) 我曾经英里,在凌晨四点到达了白色城堡”快餐连锁店。

    It was a 5 mile run six years ago in the middle of a Michigan Winter (below freezing!) to get White Castle at 4am.


  • 岩石好似小山上城堡韩松洞的天窗闪亮

    Like a castle on a Knoll, a rock formation shines beneath a skylight in Hang Son Doong.


  • 那天只是看了赵静家旁边文森城堡蓬皮杜中心国家歌剧院

    The forth day was relative easily, I have just seen castle of Vincennes, Pompidou and Opera.


  • 好友瑞姆保德帮助乔装神父,并在城堡门外设摊

    With the help of his friend Raimbaud, he has disguised himself as a hermit and taken up residence outside the castle gates.


  • 同时,在一个迫在眉睫最后期限压力城堡正在努力完成最新小说

    Meanwhile, Castle struggles to finish his latest novel under the pressure of a looming deadline.


  • 除了顶层的几扇窗户里透出几缕不祥的灯光外,整个城堡一片漆黑。肯定是图书馆阿林加洛沙他们没睡正等着我呢扫视了一天文台的圆形屋顶,迎着继续往前走。

    Thee library, Aringarosa thought. They are awake and waiting. He ducked his head against the windand continued on without so much as a glance toward the observatory domes.


  • 霍尔移动城堡》是宫崎骏最新作品,片中包含了宫崎骏其他电影里常见元素主角名被咒变成老太婆少女

    Howl's Moving Castle (2004), Miyazaki's latest movie, includes familiar elements from his other films. The hero, a young girl, is turned into an old woman.


  • 不过,最好还是警告斯内普,男孩设法潜入城堡……当然告诉斯内普男孩为什么回去犯傻

    Nevertheless, it would be prudent to alert Snape to the fact that the boy might try to reenter the castle…To tell Snape why the boy might return would be foolish, of course;


  • 说它是个石头一点不为过,村子里石头房子、石头台阶、石头石磨随处可见,在大树遮掩整个村子就像城堡

    It is called "the stone village", because in village the house, stage, street and mill are all made of stone. The whole village looks like an old castle under the shadow of big trees.


  • 巨大岩石整个表面全部鲜艳黄色地衣覆盖阳光照耀座被施了魔法城堡金色城墙。

    The whole face of an extensive rock was covered with a most vivid yellow lichen which shone in the sunshine like the golden battlement of an enchanted castle.


  • 劳伦斯形容叙利亚骑士城堡是“世界上最美妙城堡”,这座山顶上的十字军堡垒可能已经800了,就像是一次完美的肉毒杆菌疗法,在时间蹂躏依旧固若金汤

    Described by TE Lawrence as the 'finest castle in the world', this hilltop Crusader fortress might be 800 years old but, like a good botox treatment, stands tight and taut against the ravages of time.


  • 宽大广场对面宏伟卢浮宫正面巴黎天空映衬城堡一样矗立着。

    Across a staggeringly expansive plaza, the imposing facade of the Louvre rose like a citadel against the Paris sky.


  • 条顿骑士团通常城堡防御工事组成的防卫来巩固地区征服,日耳曼条顿骑士团的立沃尼亚教会也建造了许多石头城堡

    The knights had always consolidated their conquests through networks of castles and fortified places, and the Livonian Chapter of the Teutonic Order built castles of stone.


  • 在接触地面小于6的情况通过充气城堡关卡。

    Clear a bouncy castle round when bouncing off the castle floor fewer than 6 times.


  • 在接触地面小于6的情况通过充气城堡关卡。

    Clear a bouncy castle round when bouncing off the castle floor fewer than 6 times.


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