• 们是用竹子做的,上面覆盖着纸。

    They are made of bamboo and covered with paper.


  • 北极观察显示每个夏天北冰洋上面覆盖冰川一个夏天的要

    Observations of the Arctic reveal that the Arctic Ocean is covered by less ice each summer than the previous summer.


  • 秧苗上面覆盖塑料薄膜

    The rice seedlings were covered with plastic sheeting.


  • 老杨卸下轮胎清除上面覆盖融化了沥青

    Lao Yang removes his tyres after they get covered with melted tar.


  • 基座上上面覆盖棱角分明的长方形屋顶

    The bowl rests on a plinth, covered by a sharp-edged rectangular roof.


  • 涡轮机叶片强度单晶合金制成上面覆盖强韧陶瓷涂层

    Each blade is grown from a single crystal of alloy for strength and then coated with tough ceramics.


  • 科学家上面覆盖土壤样品来自火星表层。

    The sample is from the surface soil that scientists say covers a layer of ice.


  • 主要材质黄铜,在上面覆盖层金色看起来真的小号

    Its structure is made in brass, covered by a golden bath just like real trumpets are.


  • 我们使用结构(div)标识以后现有文本上面覆盖图像文本位置

    We're using structure (divs) to identify places where we later will layer graphical text on top of the existing text.


  • 酸蚀断面可以看出:在自动弧焊上面覆盖有多层

    The etched section also reveals that multiple weld passes were made over the top of the original submerged arc weld pass.


  • 更进一步检查表明其实骨骼软组织上面覆盖精美的羽毛

    But closer inspection showed that it was actually bone and soft tissue covered with delicate feathers.


  • 阁楼一个不透明盒子上面覆盖铝制板面形成平静轻盈的感觉

    The attic is conceived as being an opaque box clad in aluminum panels that create monolithic sense of tranquility and yet not appearing to be heavy.


  • 知道张图看起来象是上面覆盖了一橙色但是直接画上去的。

    I know this image looks like I overlaid a layer of orange, but it is straight paint.


  • 这些令人惊异棉花糖纸杯蛋糕上面覆盖着棉花糖霜,怀念蜂蜜公爵糖果屋发生故事。

    This amazing cotton candy cupcakes are topped with cotton candy frosting, reminiscent of those found in Honeydukes sweet shop.


  • 住宅由单独柱子支撑,柱子上面覆盖反射性金属,较低的屋顶延伸室外前厅

    Supported with a single column clad with reflective metal, the low-profile roof extends to cover an outdoor patio.


  • 这一地区其他建筑一样,这座住宅也有着非常的坡屋顶并且上面覆盖深灰色瓷砖

    Like other buildings in the area, the house has a sharply pitching roof, covered in dark grey SLATE tiles.


  • 架飞机机翼几乎那些客机一样不过上面覆盖太阳能电池板,其把阳光转换电能驱动引擎

    The wings of this aircraft are almost as big as those of an airliner, but they are covered in a film of solar cells that convert sunlight into electricity to drive its engines.


  • 刮奖专家好的编码作为标记上面覆盖可以挂掉的特殊涂层(可以使用热变色油墨其他安全油墨)。

    The scratch-and-win specialist marks the keys with printed codes and covers them with a special scratch-off layer (thermochromatic or other security inks could be used).


  • 然后斯密特这些石阵一完成古代建筑师上面覆盖上泥土最后旁边或者上方个石阵

    Then, Schmidt says, once the stone rings were finished, the ancient builders covered them over with dirt. Eventually, they placed another ring nearby or on top of the old one.


  • 这个住宅是为二十四个精神病患者建筑的住宅,建筑位于一个白色混凝土平台上上面覆盖黑色混凝土元素

    This housing block for 24 mentally disabled is built within an existing neighborhood. The building is placed on a white concrete platform and is clad with black concrete elements.


  • 建筑外立面包括木质体量上面覆盖冷光墙体,底座是一个混凝土做成的结构,上面嵌着日本雪松纹理

    The distinguishing exterior consists of a wooden volume covered with a luminescent wall sitting on top of a base made of exposed concrete engrained with the texture of Japanese cedar.


  • 然后斯密特,这些石阵完成古代建筑师就在那上面覆盖泥土,最后再旁边或者上方另一个石阵

    Then, Schmidt says, once the stone rings were finished, the ancient builders covered them over with dirt.Eventually, they placed another ring nearby or on top of the old one.


  • 另一个不错的秘鲁北部的Kuelap, 它位于非雷达区域用石头装饰的城市上面覆盖石灰岩,这里需要三个小时跋涉

    Another great one is Kuélap in northern Peru, an off-the-radar stone-fortified city atop a craggy limestone reached in a two- or three-hour trek.


  • 有些东西是从古城遗址发掘出来的。陈列博物馆数千年前男女穿的东西。这些城市已深深埋地下,上面覆盖许多尺厚尘土。

    Some of the things which have been dug up in places where old cities once stood, and put in the museum, were being worn or used by men and women many thousands of years ago.


  • 要给水果蔬菜加湿这样它们不至于变得最好时机它们存储前,一旦它们达到适合存储的‘临界温度’,就它们上面覆盖层塑料

    Wet the fruits and vegetables so they do not become too dry. The best time to do this is before storage. Cover the items in plastic once they reach the right "critical temperature" for storage.


  • 它们许多动物提供了庇护所它们树干树枝可以变成花园上面绿色蕨类植物兰花凤梨科植物覆盖苔藓藤蔓

    They provide shelter for many animals, and their trunks and branches can become gardens, hung with green ferns, orchids and bromeliads, coaled with mosses and draped with vines.


  • 实际情况,冰川底部的承受巨大压力——这些压力来自覆盖上面的冰重量。

    What happens is that the ice at the base of the glacier is under a great deal of pressurethe pressure coming from the weight of the overlying ice.


  • 实际情况,冰川底部的承受巨大压力——这些压力来自覆盖上面的冰重量。

    What happens is that the ice at the base of the glacier is under a great deal of pressurethe pressure coming from the weight of the overlying ice.


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