• 患者大多典型的四肢近端短小大头前额突出,以及叉戟状手。

    Patients usually had typical rhizomelic short stature, large head, frontal bossing and trident fingers.


  • 其次尽管核心客户端服务器及JMX等等)将Eclipse负责开发,但一些扩展代码留在CodeHaus(比如一些依赖于库的代码)上,其他一些包则保持不变。

    Secondly, whilst the core libraries (client, server, JMX etc.) are being contributed by Eclipse, some extension code still remains at CodeHaus (examples, code that depends on 3rd libraries etc).


  • MQJMS客户端应用程序发送消息时(例如发送mq队列以便运行WebSphereApplicationServer中的MDB使用),将启动服务区域

    When the JMS client application for MQ sends messages (for example to a MQ queue for consumption by MDBs running in WebSphere application Server), it initiates three servant regions.


  • 刚刚,他用斧子另一端了妮基一下,颅骨断裂成了块。

    He had just hit her over the head with the blunt end of an axe, fracturing her skull in three places.


  • 这种方式测试员就能推动不同端到端方案,而且较少受到位置的可能问题的影响。

    In this way testers can drive different end-to-end scenarios and have lesser dependencies on possible issues at third party locations.


  • 菱公司所有,一样,岛上小镇也是随着煤炭开采繁荣起来

    The island was owned by Mitsubishi, and the town grew and flourished on the success of its coal mining, just like Takashima.


  • 除了使用客户XSLT之外,还有选择就是服务器检测用户代理根据用户代理的功能提供不同内容

    A third option, rather than using client side XSLT, is to detect the user agent at the server and to provide different content depending on the user agent's capabilities.


  • 从结构上来讲基因包含区域称为启动子的调节区域;与其并列编码蛋白质的密码子区域;以及3'端尾部序列

    Structurally, a gene is formed by three regions: a regulatory region called the promoter juxtaposed to the coding region containing the protein sequence, and a “3’ tail” sequence.


  • 原本密西西比河冲刷角洲一端松土同时一端沉积着,现在因为预防洪水改道了,因此会有陆地被河水冲走

    The Mississippi River, which used to sweep up dirt in one stretch of the delta only to deposit it in another, has now been channelled, for flood-prevention, to wash the land into the sea.


  • 这个部分文章系列带领研究一个端到端开发场景,以此回答这个问题

    This three-part article series answers that question by walking you through an end-to-end development scenario.


  • 已经通过不同方式成功测试迁移应用程序,这就在环境准备一个完整端到端场景

    You have successfully tested the migrated application in three different ways, preparing you for a full end-to-end scenario in your environment.


  • 通过服务器所有中的组件实现一个典型电子商务应用

    A typical e-business application use case would be realized by components in all the three layers on the server side.


  • 锻炼头肌的时候将橡皮筋套在后背抓住橡皮筋的一头,一只手抓住橡皮筋的另一端拉升橡皮筋至头顶上方。

    To work triceps, stand with resistance band along your back, holding the tubing in one hand and stretching the other band with your other hand over your head.


  • 此外需要发回我们《卫报》以及德国杂志《镜报》(也是经阿桑提议作为家来“一锅端媒体)的合作计划

    He would also report back on the proposed mechanics of our collaboration with the Guardian and the German magazine Der Spiegel which Assange invited as a third guest to his secret smorgasbord.


  • 教程部分介绍了客户应用程序设计RCPUI基础知识

    The third part of this tutorial covers the basics of designing a RCP UI for the client application.


  • 存储前面以便于以后使用存储客户时间戳为了防止通信的重复进行。

    The first three are stored for future use, while the client timestamp is stored to protect against replays.


  • 诺基亚上月底下调全线产品价格最价廉智能手机竞争对手索爱的中端手机产生直接竞争。

    Nokia cut phone prices in late January, putting its cheapest smart phones on a collision course with mid-range phones from rivals Samsung and Sony Ericsson.


  • 第二空房分别1大巴2乘客和2号大巴的1号乘客,他们两各自位于第二条斜线的两端。

    The second and third empty rooms go to passenger 2 on bus 1, followed by passenger 1 on bus 2, both of whom are depicted on the second diagonal from the corner of the diagram.


  • 画面左右端的垂直图像使中心这个角形构成平衡

    The central triangle in the mural is balanced by the strong vertical emphasis of the right and left sides.


  • DNARNA核苷酸构成每一单元为由部分组成的分子一端磷酸盐中部一端是碱基

    DNA and RNA are made of nucleotides. Each unit is a three-part molecule with a phosphate at one end, a sugar in the middle and a variable nucleobase at the other end.


  • 应用程序处理时间组成平均客户端时间组成部分之一,另外两个组成部分WebSphere连接等待时间和驱动程序处理时间。

    The application processing time is one of the three pieces that make up the average client time - the other two being the WebSphere connection wait time and the driver processing time.


  • 作为回报,大多数系统其它系统(例如,客户机端操作系统、Web浏览器外部数据库服务提供者)提供服务

    In return, most systems also make use of services provided by other systems such as client-side operating systems, Web browsers, external databases, and third-party service providers.


  • 教程是共部分系列文章的第二篇,解释了如何使用JAX - WS开发一个Filedownloadingweb服务以及如何使用SAAJ客户端通过web服务发送接收响应

    This tutorial, the second of the three-part series, explains how to develop a File downloading web service using JAX-WS and also to send and receive Response from web service using SAAJ Client.


  • 前所述,客户端API1所示)提供所有业务逻辑必须提供功能除了Web服务联系

    The client API (shown in Listing 1) provides methods for all of the functions that a business logic must supply, as identified above, except for contacting a third party Web service.


  • 3介绍了客户端应用程序发送服务器进行调用变体(A,B,C)。

    Figure 3 shows three variations (a, B, c) of a client application making a call to the sending server. In each variation.


  • IBMNAS 1.4提供了下面不同客户端配置具体包括

    IBM NAS 1.4 provides three different kinds of configurations for clients, including.


  • 不过很有可能SKype已经计划自己的核心客户端提供那些extra插件有的一些服务

    It could also be that Skype plans to enable some of the services that the third-party Extras plugins currently offer in its own core client.


  • 一个地区为 en_US客户端系统上,打开了运行JSP应用程序浏览器实例

    On a client system that has the en_US locale, you open three browser instances running your JSP application.


  • Flamingo敏捷方面内容客户组件这些组件可以客户端极其简单编码模式创建访问数 据运行时请求

    The third agile facet of Flamingo is its client side components, with the ability to create runtime requests to databases with extremely easy coding patterns on the client.


  • 博客声明中CEOMarkKingdon证实平台稳定性、客户端性能、网络延迟用户物品管理将是短期优先任务

    And in a Wednesday statement on Linden's blog, company CEO Mark Kingdon identified "platform stability, viewer performance, lag, inventory management" as priorities in the short term.


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