• 英格兰队法国队打成

    England and France drew 3–3.


  • 三平目前这部电影中涵盖的内容太多

    Han also said that this movie currently has too much material to include in a single feature.


  • 导演三平每个镜头每个背景细节要求都非常严格

    This is director Han Sanping, he is strict with every detail of the footage and setting.


  • 项目所在地位于三平灵通之间两个景点穿梭旅游必经之地。

    The planned project site lies between Sanping and Lingtong and is the necessary route of the two scenic spots.


  • 纸箱双壁波纹,挂面,长笛的文件必须在一起之间其中之一

    Cartons to be double wall corrugated, containing three flat layers of liner paper, one of them to be between two layers of flute paper, which must be stuck together well.


  • 我们知道很多世界级影星参演了这部片子,三平巧妙安排使得每个表演都没有脱离剧情

    We know that many world-famous stars are participating in this film and Han wisely made the arrangement which no one performs out of the scenes.


  • 中国电影集团首席执行官兼总制片人三平,这部耗资7500万美元影片是迄今为止中国300部电影投资额最大一部电影。

    The chief producer, Han Sanping, CEO of China Film Group, said that the 75 million US dollar movie enjoys the highest investment of any of the 300 Chinese movies he has produced.


  • 由于配备IMU/DGPS系统一定基站范围内可以在无控制少量控制点的情况下进行空差,极大地减轻了摄影测量外业控制工作量,缩短了生产周期,提高了作业效率。

    With IMU/DGPS system, it can process bundle adjustment successfully with less GCPs or even without GCPs with a GPS base station located in a certain scope.


  • 日本井精光株式会社精密嘉兴有限公司投资

    Hirai Seimitsu Co. Ltd. on Japan invested capital into Sammyung Precision (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd.


  • 他们那么孤独忧伤,他们在一起也许能够互相怃伤痛,但是也许,只要用心他们创造一个能够容纳他们孤独人生的世界

    They were lonely and sad people, all three of them, and they would not make one another less sad, but they could, with great care, make a world that would accommodate their loneliness.


  • 星期以来第一独自开车温得赫克驶往纳米布沙漠蔚蓝天空笼罩大地,无树草原在蓝天下产生一种地面又假象

    For the first time in three weeks I am alone, driving from Windhoek toward the Namib Desert beneath a ubiquitous blue sky, its presence above the savannah creating the illusion of a flat, wide Earth.


  • 重要唐卡变幻的素描上;其中一些使用各种各样的针法使它们看起来的视觉效果

    Important thangkas are embroidered on transferred Outlines; some of them use a great variety of stitch patterns such as flat and piled stitches to give them a three-dimensional effect.


  • 曼联回来落后领带利兹比赛中以2 - 2战

    Manchester United came back from one goal behind to tie Leeds 2-2 in Wednesday's game.


  • 贾宝玉、薛宝琴、邢岫烟、四人同一天过生日。 众小姐带上自己的丫头们借机芍药栏中红香圃间小敞饮酒行令,一时敞厅内热闹非凡。

    As jia baoyu, Xue Baoqin, Xing youyanand Ping'er had birthdays on the same day, the young ladies held a hilarious drinking party in the hall of the peony garden for them.


  • 去年位名叫李方(音)律师小时庭审中为小吴辩护。他说法官判断违反逻辑

    Li Fangping, a lawyer who argued Xiao Wu's case during a three-hour trial last month, said the judge's decision defied logic.


  • 音乐喜剧洛基恐怖》名列,茱丽叶•安德鲁斯主演的另一部迪斯尼音乐剧玛丽斯阿姨》排在第四

    Musical comedy The Rocky Horror Show landed the third, while Mary Poppins, a Disney musical starring Julie Andrews stood fourth.


  • 来到这里,不禁想起我认识的日本朋友他们竹下登、海部俊树小渊惠森喜朗福田康夫河野先生等。

    Standing here, I cannot help recalling several Japanese friends I know. They are Mr. Noburu Takeshita, Mr. Toshiki Kaifu, Mr. Keizo Obuchi, Mr. Yoshiro Mori, Mr. Yasuo Fukuda and Mr. Yohei Kono.


  • 音乐喜剧洛基恐怖秀》名列,茱丽叶·安德鲁斯主演的另一部迪斯尼音乐剧玛丽·波阿姨》排在第四

    Musical comedy the Rocky Horror Showlanded the third, while Mary Poppins, a Disney musical starring Julie Andrews stood fourth.


  • 发动机安装机身后面机身

    This means the wings can be thinner, saving weight. The three engines are mounted at the rear, flush with the fuselage.


  • 2008年的挑战中,人类专业玩家增加6名,却只赢得局比赛中的局,而“北极星

    In 2008 the human field was expanded to six professionals. Out of six matches the humans won two, Polaris won three and one was drawn.


  • 一首排名前四十的流行歌曲后,塔克告诉听众们说:“大都会爱迪生公司核电站发生一般性突发事件。”

    Following a top-40 pop song, Pintek announced, "There is a general emergency at Metropolitan Edison Company's Three Mile Island nuclear power plant."


  • 但是多芬国民防卫办公室的人不知道发生什么于是塔克决定打电话给(Three Mile Island)。

    No one at the Dauphin County Civil Defense office knew what was going on. Pintek then decided to call Three Mile Island.


  • 年前得到证明大型试验显示了贺癌治疗早期Her阳性乳腺癌方面价值

    That was proved two years ago, when three large trials showed Herceptin's value in treating early-stage Her2-positive breast cancer.


  • 康涅狄格州高中年级学生哈利•麦卡尔事实上,“一些孩子留在学校家庭作业仅仅因为他们知道,不Facebook,他们不会分散注意力。”

    In fact, said Haley McCalpin, a junior at a Connecticut high school, “Some kids stay after school to do homework, just because they know they can’t get on Facebook so they won’t be distracted.”


  • 其中一些使用各种各样的针法使它们看起来的视觉效果

    Some of them use a great variety of stitch patterns such as flat and piled stitches to give them a three-dimensional effect.


  • 其中一些使用各种各样的针法使它们看起来的视觉效果

    Some of them use a great variety of stitch patterns such as flat and piled stitches to give them a three-dimensional effect.


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