• 之后,威尔斯鲁宁·赫尔杜布雷德设计商店便开业了。

    Three weeks later, Verslunin Herdubreid opened.


  • 大概周之后谈谈影响较深涉及到我私人完美主义。

    I'll talk about perfectionism which is a very important very personal thing for me in about three weeks.


  • 不到之后湖人队用首发中锋弗拉德·迪瓦茨交换得到黄蜂科比权利

    Less three weeks later, the Lakers traded starting center Vlade Divac to the Hornets in exchange for Bryant's rights.


  • 激光去除眼球虹膜外层棕色黑色素眼珠周之后显现

    The laser energy removes the brown pigment, or melanin, from the top layer of the iris, and the blue eye colour emerges over the following two to three weeks.


  • 大概周之后谈谈影响较深涉及到我私人的完美主义所以相当于楷模

    I'll talk about perfectionism which is a very important very personal thing for me in about three weeks. So she is a very much a role model.


  • 但休战三周之后,这个土生土长曼彻斯特前锋爱兰球场对阵利兹,宣告自己伤愈归来。

    Michael Owen, of course, has posted notice that he must be seriously considered after scoring twice in the first half at Elland Road in the Carling Cup.


  • 上次录音棚日记已经2007年了,完演唱部分之后,于芬兰密林之中。

    Last time I wrote a studio diary was back in 2007 after 3 weeks of recording my vocals, hiding out in the deep forests of Finland.


  • 之后8月17日,俄罗斯海军护卫舰佛得角群岛300英里的海面发现拦截了一艘船只

    Three weeks later, on 17 August, a Russian naval frigate found and intercepted the boat some 300 miles off the Cape Verde Islands.


  • 不到周之后,由于行业管理准则压力媒体攻击大众抗议,方便面行业放弃其涨价政策,向大众道歉并且实行全面降价。

    After less than three weeks of regulatory pressure, media assailing and public discontent, the industry backed down, apologized and initiated an across-the-board price cut.


  • 漫长周之后驯鹿终于出现了,数以记的驯鹿涌来,逃跑但是无处可逃,更何况,不管多害怕,这么近距离的拍摄驯鹿群正是他梦寐以求的事。

    After three long weeks, the caribou finally arrived-tens of thousands of them, moving rapidly toward him in a broad front. He felt like running, but there was nowhere to go.


  • 之后几个玛利亚错过校车,以前每天早上家里拉布拉多犬溜弯20分钟,而现在只是在外面

    In the weeks after, Moriah missed the school bus three times and went from walking the family Labradoodle for 20 minutes each morning to only briefly letting the dog outside.


  • 主持夏季内阁会议最后期限,之后有望妻子位于南部地区别墅度过假期

    He is due to chair his last cabinet meeting of the summer on Wednesday, and is then expected to spend three weeks on holiday at his wife's vast family retreat in the south.


  • 进入大学之后,新生要求参加约强制性军训

    Then upon entrance, the pace for freshmen is set with three weeks of mandatory military training.


  • 他们马伦·岑科做完为期的太空旅行之后乘坐另一Soyuz宇宙飞船返回地球

    The trio will return to Earth in early May on another Soyuz after giving Lu and Malenchenko a weeklong tour.


  • 根据的国家统计局汇报1990年之后结婚夫妻有四分之度过了结婚

    Three in four couples who married after 1990 celebrated a 10-year anniversary, according to census statistics reported Wednesday.


  • 惠普宣布惠特曼即将担任公司首席执行官之后公司股票上涨了10%;但是,与8月前相比仍然跌去了50%。

    In the three weeks since HP announced Whitman would become CEO, its stock has risen 10%. But it's still down nearly 50% in a little more than 8 months.


  • 这些结果表明为期三周干预之后受试者免除了临床显著水平疲劳感

    These results indicate that participants were no longer suffering from clinically significant levels of fatigue after the three-week intervention period.


  • 莫斯科华盛顿历经谈判之后上述二君之内都释放了

    Following three weeks of negotiations between Moscow and Washington, the two men were released within a day of one another.


  • 地震之后时间过去了,供应链的崩溃程度可能延续时间到现在还没人能搞清楚

    Three weeks after the massive quake, the extent and likely duration of the disruption are still unclear.


  • 而且密苏里-哥伦比亚大学项最新研究发现这种消极情绪不是、一个甚至之后才会产生,需要分钟

    And, it doesn't take a week or a month or even a year for those negative feelings to set in, but only three minutes, a new University of Missouri-Columbia study has found.


  • 在那里之后日复一日一个样子,只有细微的不同。

    There, the next three weeks would play out as the same day repeated again and again, with minor variations.


  • 之后便是鲁尼表演兰则每表演一次。

    They would continue to perform there after each screening for a week, extended in Rooney's case for a second week and in Garland's to three.


  • 药物治疗10服用利福喷丁莫西沙星小鼠肺结核显示阴性结果,个月之后显示同样的结果。

    After 10 weeks of drug therapy, mice taking rifapentine and moxifloxacin tested negative for active TB and remained so when retested three months later.


  • 在结婚之前Jannifer的未婚夫还保持着的频率,他们宣誓结婚之后骤降一月——有时大概还没这个

    As an engaged couple, Jennifer and her fiancé were doing it about three times a week, but once they said their vows, it quickly dwindled to about once a month—sometimes less.


  • 奥斯卡颁奖典礼会通过电视直播通常每年二月份月份举行,即在各项获奖提名宣布6之后

    The awards are presented at a live televised ceremony, most commonly in February or March and six weeks after the announcement of the nominees.


  • 根据媒体报道希尔顿离开了监禁了巴黎监狱之后所在的监狱负责人再也不会做这样错事了

    After leaving the jail in which Paris Hilton stayed for three weeks, the Hilton Hotel's heiress vowed she'd "never do wrong, according to media reports Thursday."


  • 现在这种情形又重现了,一家素来希望能加入公司有岗位空缺,我申请之后对方大约打电话找面试,我觉得面试相当顺利

    Now, it's happening again. I applied for an opening at a company where I've always wanted to work. They called me in for an interview, which I think went really well, about three weeks ago.


  • 现在这种情形又重现了,一家素来希望能加入公司有岗位空缺,我申请之后对方大约打电话找面试,我觉得面试相当顺利

    Now, it's happening again. I applied for an opening at a company where I've always wanted to work. They called me in for an interview, which I think went really well, about three weeks ago.


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