• 秒钟内通过瀑布流量超过了1100

    More than 11 million gallons of water flow through Inga Falls each second.


  • 巴巴万加同样作为一个媒介,曾与过去200年来死去灵魂沟通

    Baba Vanga would also act as a medium, communicating with the spirits of dead people from up to 200 years in the past.


  • 巴巴·万加(也译作万加·季米特洛娃,生于1911年131日,死于1996年8月11日)一位利亚山区著名神秘主义者。她准确地预言一些事情

    Baba Vanga 31 January 1911-11 August 1996 was a famous mystic that lived somewhere in Bulgaria's mountains that predicted some events accurately.


  • 20世纪50年代,詹姆斯·收集关于圈养黑猩猩数据似乎缺乏这些类人猿出现青春期激增的证据

    In the 1950s, data on captive chimpanzees collected by James Gavan appeared devoid of evidence of an adolescent growth spurt in these apes.


  • 然而动物学家伊丽莎白·沃茨数据进行的最新再分析中发现随着黑猩猩达到性成熟它们四肢生长速度

    In a latest reanalysis of Gavan's data, nevertheless, zoologist Elizabeth Watts has found that as chimpanzees reach sexual maturity, the growth rate of their limbs accelerates.


  • 年轻时候,他开始一生的时间走遍英里佛罗里达西利福尼亚,至阿拉斯

    As a young man, he began walking over tens of thousands of miles during his lifetime, through the south to Florida, the west to California and north to Alaska.


  • 2000年期间,阿拉斯太平洋鲑鱼商业捕获量超过32价值超过2.6亿美元

    During 2000, commercial catches of Pacific salmon in Alaska exceeded 320,000 tonnes, with an ex-vessel value of over USD 260 million.


  • 吉拉伊先生先生每周一内阁一室,彼此怨恨事实,也标志戏剧性的转折

    The very fact that Mr Tsvangirai and Mr Mugabe sit down together in cabinet every Monday, apparently without rancour, marks a dramatic turnaround.


  • 利比亚密城发生苦难推动成千难民流向西

    The misery in Misrata is pushing thousands more refugees in the direction of Benghazi.


  • 议会210个席位组织将获得10个席位,从而在穆集团吉拉伊集团之间进行平衡

    The ten seats his faction has in the 210-member Parliament could hold the balance of power between Mr Mugabe’s lot and Mr Tsvangirai’s.


  • 吉拉伊表示一些国家津巴布韦制裁是不公正的,希望早日解除

    Mugabe and Tsvangirai also hoped for the early lifting of unfair sanctions on Zimbabwe by certain countries.


  • 约翰·霍尔蒂罗恩,哈维尔·米兰达最近一个严肃惊人研究数据表明创业产生最多工作机会。

    Recently, some seriously awesome research by John Haltiwanger, Ron Jarmin, and Javier Miranda has concluded that the greatest number of new jobs are created by startups.


  • 强调并非在这儿“提前公布”任何产品计划,而是旨在大家描述副蓝图一些雅虎正在考虑新型组织结构

    While Raghavan stressed that he was not "pre-announcing" any product plans, he said his comments were intended to paint a picture of some of the things that Yahoo is considering in its new form.


  • 星期一埃及举行非首脑会议前夕,非外长举行会议。各国外长呼吁世界各国领导人推动吉拉伊举行对话

    African Union Foreign Ministers meeting in Egypt ahead of Monday's summit, said international leaders should push for Mr. Mugabe and Tsvangirai to talk to each other.


  • 同时开内战时期的决定权移交地方法院负责

    He also handed responsibility for decisions to dig up civil-war mass graves to regional courts.


  • 再次让姆贝基吉拉伊之间斡旋去年曾在双方代表间进行了调解。

    Mr Mbeki, who mediated talks last year between representatives of Messrs Mugabe and Tsvangirai, was asked to resume his efforts.


  • 这次怪异的抢劫之前,59岁隆给斯顿公报写封信。

    Before his peculiarly modest robbery, Verone, 59, sent a letter to the Gaston Gazette.


  • 可能会成千的游客因此集中特拉法广场亲眼观赏那些作品

    Tens of thousands of viewers might then troop off to Trafalgar Square to see these works in the flesh, so to speak.


  • 以基本通话时间100分钟计,电话的月费75元至95元。

    The rate for 100 minutes of talk time has gone up from $75 to $95 at Peoples Phone.


  • 拉伊表示感谢中国津巴布韦争取民族解放斗争给予的宝贵支持

    Mugabe and Tsvangirai said Zimbabwe thanked for China's precious support of Zimbabwe's struggle for national liberation.


  • 现在似乎为了彰显拉伊弱势地位,单方面剥夺MDC几个部长职权,由来自ZANU - PF的部长们代行其职。

    Now, as if to underline Mr Tsvangirai's impotence, Mr Mugabe has unilaterally stripped several MDC ministers of their powers, transferring them to ZANU-PF ministers.


  • 所以猜想上帝可以等于

    And so he imagines that God, as omnipotent, could've made two plus two equals five.


  • 网页上线数小时内,即网民成为这几个网站的"粉丝",为"好友"。

    Tens of thousands netizens have visited the White House page and signed up as Facebook "fans" and MySpace "friends" shortly after its offical launch.


  • 超高层公寓居民共用山坡孩子们一家商店里跳舞是环绕有300人口斯市的一个棚户区

    Sharing a hillside with high-rise apartment dwellers, children dance at a shop in one of the squatter communities that ring Caracas, a city of three million.


  • 现在活跃的有两个价格档次:5070美元超过100美元(币计算)。

    There are two price brackets with the most activity currently: $500, 000 to $700, 000 and over $1 million (all Canadian dollars).


  • 的人口超过400其中有200城市周围山坡上贫民窟中。

    More than 4 million people live in caracas-2 million of them in barrios on the slopes that surround the city.


  • 阿拉斯拥有70人口,并且人口分散虽然居民石油开采等行业能源需求很大,阿拉斯能源市场仍有待于大规模开发。

    With a scattered population of merely 700,000, Alaska is not a huge market for energy, even though residents need lots of heat and industries like oil drilling require plenty of power.


  • 阿拉斯拥有70人口,并且人口分散虽然居民石油开采等行业能源需求很大,阿拉斯能源市场仍有待于大规模开发。

    With a scattered population of merely 700, 000, Alaska is not a huge market for energy, even though residents need lots of heat and industries like oil drilling require plenty of power.


  • 阿拉斯拥有70人口,并且人口分散虽然居民石油开采等行业能源需求很大,阿拉斯能源市场仍有待于大规模开发。

    With a scattered population of merely 700, 000, Alaska is not a huge market for energy, even though residents need lots of heat and industries like oil drilling require plenty of power.


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