• 就是说,发生损害的患者一般病情更严重,他们就是长期不良结局那些人

    In other words, the people who get kidney injury are generally sicker and they are the people who get the long term adverse outcomes.


  • 一大类患者一般病情危重、治疗困难、进展迅速,救治稍及时、准确可能错过机会,产生严重后果。

    If the treatment provided is not prompt and accurate, severe consequences will occur and the opportunity for recovery will be missed.


  • 重症病人一般出现症状35左右病情开始恶化

    In severe cases, patients generally begin to deteriorate around 3 to 5 days after symptom onset.


  • 检查患有糖尿病时,医生一般要求改变饮食习惯控制体重、注意锻炼药物治疗使病情受到控制。

    When diabetes is detected, a doctor may prescribe changes in eating habits, weight control, exercise programs and medication to keep it in check.


  • 急救医生一般不再病人发生联系,对病情突然恶化情况,一般我们新人承担,他们的惊吓和愤怒,也靠我们说服安慰。

    Emergency physicians don't have continuing relationships with patients like other doctors. We get the suddenly sick, the wounded.


  • 这种一般由于情感紧张神经紧张引起的,由于旁观者在场有可能使病情加重

    This is usually caused by an over-reaction to an emotional upset or nervous stress and is likely to be heightened by the presence of onlookers.


  • 不当治疗带来后续治疗费用更高而且一般治疗只是拖延病情后果不堪设想

    The follow-up treatment costs caused by the improper treatment of the higher, and the general treatment only delayed the illness, the consequences be unbearable to contemplate.


  • 寨卡病毒病情一般蚊虫叮咬引起,在最初阶段一般只出现皮疹发烧等症状。

    The disease starts with a mosquito bite and normally causes little more than a fever and rash.


  • 一般来说,病情严重活动型越,则发生反应可能型越大

    In general, the more serious condition, activity more intense reaction occurred with the shape the greater the likelihood.


  • 对于一般程度病情可以用热水洗保持洁净在内嵌指甲棉花使离开皮肤

    For mild cases, soak the foot in warm water, keep it clean, and wedge a small piece of cotton under the corner of the ingrown nail to lift it off the skin.


  • 方法临床观察记录本组患者一般资料、临床表现血三项情况、治疗方法进行针对性病情观察、护理

    Methods General information, clinical manifestation, index of blood clotting and treatment method were observed and recorded and nursing countermeasures were carried out.


  • 病人病情程度一般情况基本一致基础上,统计学处理显著差异可比性。

    Via the treat with statistics , in the degree of illness and general sititution , there is no outstanding difference between the two groups.


  • 由于放射性皮肤溃疡损伤病人全身和局部情况一般皮肤溃疡病人有所不同,所以在修复所需麻醉方案应根据病情手术方法而定。

    As the general and local conditions of the patient were quite serious, the anesthetic method used was different from that used in the repair of uncomplicated radiation ulcers.


  • 研究发现中医院住院胃癌患者具有年龄大,男性患者占大多数病情复杂,临床分期晚期为主等一般特点。

    The result showed that most of the gastric patients admitted in TCM hospital are males, and at an advanced age and disease stage, and in complex condition.


  • 医疗系统中,病人医疗服务一般部分构成:病情评估治疗

    In many healthcare systems, the care of patients consists of two phases of service: assessment and treatment.


  • 病情变化主要表现为病株增长病情指数增长较一般5以下

    Before winter increasing diseased plant rate was the main behavior of the disease development, whereas disease index slowly went up, generally below 5.


  • 幸运的,病情恶化一般情况慢得

    I have been lucky, that my condition has progressed more slowly than is often the case.


  • 一般来说研究医疗需求主要选用访人群两周患况、慢性病况、住院情况以及医疗后果统计指标

    Generally, the study of medical needs in key selected by the two-week visit to the crowd prevalence of chronic diseases, hospitalization and medical consequences of such statistical indicators.


  • 摘要药物诱发性天天疱疮一种特殊类型病情一般轻微,口服诱发药物病情加重复发,药物发病过程有着确切联系。

    Abstract: Drug-induced pemphigus is a special type of pemphigus. In those cases, the disease is generally mild and will accelerate or relapse after taking the culprit drug again.


  • 方法运用药学监护一般方法,对患者病情评估抗凝药物抗血小板药物选择药物相互作用进行药学监护。

    Methods using the way of pharmaceutical care, and evaluation of the patient, the choice of anticoagulation and antiplatelet drugs, drug interaction for pharmaceutical care.


  • 扁鹊治病,是治病于病情严重之时。一般看到我在经脉穿针管来放血、皮肤敷药等大手术,所以以为我的医术高明,名气因此响遍全国。

    People observe me perform bloodletting by injecting tubes into vessels or applying medical ointment on the skin, and thus look upon me as well versed in medicine.


  • 扁鹊治病,是治病于病情严重之时。一般看到我在经脉穿针管来放血、皮肤敷药等大手术,所以以为我的医术高明,名气因此响遍全国。

    People observe me perform bloodletting by injecting tubes into vessels or applying medical ointment on the skin, and thus look upon me as well versed in medicine.


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