• 课程介绍一般事故建模技术解释不同爆炸模型

    The course explains general techniques for accident modeling and explains different models of explosion.


  • 方法调查重庆市2 10高等级公路交通管理大队1995年至1997年间一般事故以上的道路交通事故

    Methods Eight hundred and forty three road traffic accidents (RTA) managed by No. 210 freeway traffic management team from 1995 to 1997 were investigated and analyzed in this study.


  • 跟踪消息一般英文显示它们专门障诊断技术用户使用的。

    Trace messages are typically displayed only in English and they are intended for very technical users focused on troubleshooting.


  • 我们人,一定时间内可以自行修复的,除了暴病而死或意外事故外,至少足以克服一切一般疾病事故

    We could, at one time, repair ourselves — well enough, at least, to overcome all but the most instantly fatal illnesses and accidents.


  • 核电厂事故一般民众太可能暴露在足以造成这样影响剂量辐射下

    In a nuclear power plant accident, the general population is not likely to be exposed to doses high enough to cause such effects.


  • 根据现行法律规定相关法律理论笔者论述了交通事故损害赔偿责任大类特殊主体大类一般主体。

    According to the current law and related theories, the writer discusses ten major type of special corpus, nine major type of general corpus of the traffic accident compensation.


  • 媒介事件不是突发事件却肯定有人提前计划、准备或是策划的。一般来说,媒介事件不会火车事故或者地震,但可能会是一个采访。

    It is not spontaneous, but comes about because someone has planned, planted, or incited it. Typically, it is not a train wreck or an earthquake, but an interview.


  • 原则适用一般曲折槽式保险机构设计,对于引信瞎火事故分析具有普遍指导意义

    It is suitable in the design of general fuze zig-zag devices and has a guiding significance when analysing accidents caused by misfiring of fuzes.


  • 交通事故严重程度一般分为死亡重伤、轻伤物质损失

    Traffic accidents can be grouped as death, serious and light injury, and property damage according to their severity.


  • 主要介绍一般情况以及事故情况下摄入量估算方法使用个人监测方法测得摄入量的一些进展进行了介绍。

    In general situations or in nuclear accidents, some methods of calculating the intake were recommended in the re-view. Some progresses in individual monitoring programs have also been introduced.


  • 此外野猫井壁稳定性一般经验判断,所以复杂地层井壁失稳事故在所难免

    In addition, the stability of wildcat well is generally determined by experience, so the disaster at complex formations is unable to avoid.


  • 保证建筑物不发生上浮事故设计必须确定保障建筑物安全地下水水位高程,该高程一般称为建筑物抗浮设防水位

    In order to insure the safe of the building, the safe groundwater level height, referred as water level for prevention of up-floating in general, must be confirmed before the design stage.


  • 杜绝重大安全事故火灾事故的发生,一般安全事故频率<1‰。

    The heavy safety accident and fire accident to be stopped, the normal safety accident frequency rate is less than 1‰.


  • 道路交通事故现场调查道路交通事故处理重要组成部分,既不同刑事现场勘查,也不同一般司法行政活动

    On-the-spot investigation of traffic accidents, different from that of a crime and common judicial administrative activities, is an important component of the conduct of traffic accidents.


  • 原子能委员会拒绝这样做,认为那种事故环境危害能够令人接受,所以“一般讨论足够

    The Commission declined, saying that the environmental risk of such an event was acceptably low so that "generic discussion" was adequate.


  • 油田站场油罐一般体积较小及时排污,极易发生污油罐溢流事故

    The volume of waste oil tank at station of oilfield is commonly small. If waste oil is not promptly pumped out, the waste oil overflow accident would happen.


  • 认定模式人们判定学校事故是否构成侵权行为,是否承担侵权责任一般方式

    It includes the general ways to define whether some school accident should be defined to be tort and who should undertake the responsibility.


  • 医疗事故作为医疗侵权类型之一可以采用侵权法的一般理论进行分析

    Medical malpractice, as one type of medical tort, can be analyzed with the base tort law theories.


  • 井下煤炭开采过程中,易燃易爆气体瓦斯危害始终存在,而瓦斯爆炸事故一旦发生一般造成灾难性后果

    When mining coal in mine, danger of inflammable explosive damp exists all along, once damp explosion accident occur, normally, it can cause disastrous consequence.


  • 学校体育伤害事故赔偿原则范围适合一般侵权行为造成损害赔偿原则和范围。

    The principle of compensation and scope of school sports injuries applied to the damage caused by general tort.


  • 一般来说公路设计标准等级交通事故反比

    Generally speaking, the highway design criteria rating is inversely proportional to traffic accidents.


  • 很大程度上要归因于骇人听闻的描述,一般只有那些严重事故才会新闻引起巨大反响。

    This is largely because the accounts given are daunting and only the worst crashes actually make waves in the news.


  • 当前国内一般采用局部通风机进行矿井通风,以稀释瓦斯浓度,消除煤矿事故隐患。

    To dilute gas concentration, most coal mine use local fan ventilate, and decrease the possibility of fire damp explosion.


  • 一般来说10万比较合适一般事故应付

    Generally speaking, protect 100 thousand yuan more appropriate, common thing onetime capital can be dealt with.


  • 保险政策防止死亡疾病收入危险盗窃火灾水灾或意外事故损失一般被称为保护政策。

    Insurance policies that protect against death, ill health, loss of income or perils such as theft, fire, flood or accident are generally referred to as protection policies.


  • 我国油气管道距今已有近50历史管道设计寿命一般30左右,故我国许多埋地输气管道已进入事故多发期。

    The oil and gas pipelines have the history of nearly 50 years in China, and pipeline design life is generally about 30 years.


  • 管道的使用寿命一般30 ~50年间,但在期限内往往由于管道老化发生事故

    Generally, pipeline lifetime is within the period of 30 to 50 years. Because of ageing of pipeline, the events of leakage and explosion will be taken into place within this period.


  • 该罪认定注意一般工程安全事故重大责任事故相似情况区别

    In the identification of the crime, we must pay attention to the difference between the crime and general engineering safety accidents, serious accidents crime and other similar situation.


  • 该罪认定注意一般工程安全事故重大责任事故相似情况区别

    In the identification of the crime, we must pay attention to the difference between the crime and general engineering safety accidents, serious accidents crime and other similar situation.


- 来自原声例句

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