• 本文讨论了含参量无穷积分一致收敛条件

    The conditions of the sub-consistent convergence of the parameter-involved infinite integration are discussed in this paper.


  • 分析数学中一致收敛重要性及几乎处处收敛不一定能够一致收敛

    To make sure under what circumstances everywhere converge can be converted into uniform convergence, a typical counter-case has to be analysed.


  • 本文给出了非一致收敛几个定理 ,并以较多的实例说明它们应用

    Several theorems about non-uniform convergence and a few examples were used to explain the application of them.


  • 论证过程中充分利用了解析函数的性质,系统推导了内一致有界内闭一致收敛关系

    The author also studies the relationship between internally closed uniform bound and internally closed uniform convergence.


  • 本文在原有研究结果基础,讨论了空间k级有变差函数一致收敛问题,得到了若干有关一致收敛的等价条件

    In this paper, based on -, the uniform convergence of the Kth order weak bounded variation functions on the sequence Spaces were investigated. Some equivalent conditions were also obtained.


  • 级数一致收敛收敛环内子集

    The series converges uniformly on compact subsets of the interior of the annulus of convergence.


  • 支持向量(SVM)一种新的通用学习机器结构风险最小化角度,分析了学习过程的一致收敛速度等

    Support vector machine (SVM) is a new general learning machine, which analyzes the consistency of learning and speed of convergence from structure risk minimization principle.


  • 第二部分一致收敛条件下函数、函数项级数以及参量反常积分性质

    The second part is in uniform convergence conditions function series, function and parameter improper integral. We properties.


  • 理论分析仿真结果表明估计结果具有无偏性一致收敛性,方法辨识精度高,具有良好的实用性

    The theory analysis and simulation results show that the estimation is asymptotically unbiased and has strong consistency, and that the new method is very efficient and practical.


  • 基于状态空间分析给出了连续随机信号建模时间序列分析方法并证明了参数估计一致收敛性。

    Based on the state space analysis, the time series analysis method for identification of the stochastic continuous signals, proved as consistent convergence, is given.


  • 通过理论分析证明闭环控制系统全局一致终结有界跟踪误差收敛一个邻域内

    By theoretical analysis, the closed-loop control system is proved to be semi-global uniformly ultimately bounded (UUB), and the output tracking error converges to a neighborhood of zero.


  • 连续一致连续、一致收敛等度连续函数函数列非常重要性质

    Continuity, uniform continuity, uniform convergence and equicontinuity are very important qualities of functions or sequence of functions.


  • 证明了适应控制系统所有信号全局一致有界调节误差渐近收敛

    It is proved that all the signals in the adaptive control system are globally uniformly bounded, and the regulation error converges to zero asymptotically.


  • 提出算法做了一致收敛分析

    Then uniform convergence analysis is carried out for the proposed algorithm.


  • 计算机仿真结果理论分析一致证实算法通常对算法传统的LMS算法有更快收敛速度

    Computer simulation results confirms the theoretical analysis and shows the new algorithm provides faster convergence speed than the complementary pair algorithm and usual LMS algorithm.


  • 研究广义分布参数扰动系统结构及其一致收敛问题

    The variable structure control problem of singular distributed parameter system is studied and uniformly convergence is considered.


  • 通过理论分析证明闭环系统全局一致终结有界的,跟踪误差收敛一个小的残差内。

    By theoretical(analysis, ) the closed-loop control system is proven to be semiglobally uniformly ultimately bounded, (with) tracking error converging to a residual set.


  • 此文针对塑性成形有限元分析增量加载收敛困难推导用于板料成形弹塑性有限元分析的牛顿一致迭代公式

    In this paper, facing the convergent problem of plastic forming using large incremental step, we deduced the iterative formula used in analysis of elastic-plastic plate forming finite element method.


  • 本文尾样本构造了失效率一种截尾非参数估计,给出收敛相合的局部一致收敛速度。

    In this paper, a nonparametric estimator terminated of failure rate is constructed based on censored data, and its rates of convergence in mean square and strong consistency are given respectively.


  • 本文研究参数椭圆-抛物微分方程一致收敛差分格式充要条件

    This paper studies the necessary and sufficient condition of uniformly convergent difference scheme for the elliptic-parabolic partial differential equation with a small parameter.


  • 不仅提高了划分算法求解功能单元分配问题计算结果一致而且使算法收敛速度得以提高。

    The consistency of the allocation result and the convergence speed of clique partition algorithm can be improved greatly by the heuristic method.


  • 篇文章中,我们提出了近邻估计任意一致收敛速度概念得到了一些较好的收敛速度

    In this paper, we propose the concept of rates of strong uniform convergence of nearest neighbor density estimates on any compact set and obtain some better convergence rates.


  • 其次,构造了问题族精确线性非线性补偿项组成的序列,并证明了解序列一致收敛系统优解。

    Then a solution sequence, which consists of an accurate linear term and nonlinear compensation term, is constructed and its uniform convergence to the optimal solution of the system is proven.


  • 通过计算机模拟实验组合评价结论收敛进行研究,以便解决方法评价结论非一致问题。

    Convergence of combination evaluation is studied through simulation experiment to resolve inconsistency among the evaluation conclusions drawn by different evaluation methods.


  • 本文讨论一类新的参数回归模型,在一组比较基本条件下得到了估计较好的一致收敛速度

    In this paper, we have considered a new class of semiparametric regression model Under some mild conditions we have obtained better uniformly strong convergence rates for the proposed estimators.


  • 对于函数级数,研究其和函数解析性质很重要,函数级数必须具有一致收敛性,判断函数级数的一致收敛性往往比较困难

    However, this study should be based on the fact that the series must have consistent convergence, the judgment of which is rather difficult.


  • 人们模糊数空间的常识相反,本文中证明了的确一致收敛度量其它度量之间内在联系

    We find that, contrary to ordinary conception, there are indeed some internal relations between the uniform metric and metrics commonly used.


  • 试验证明采用提出混合比例分割”时,同时获得快的收敛速度良好的一致收敛性。

    Experimental results show that the merits in the respects of interactive speed and consistent convergence can be gained, when the mixed proportional division method proposed here is applied.


  • 通过威阿斯·塔斯周围学生人们知道一致收敛重要性

    Through Weierstrass circle of students the importance of uniform convergence was made known.


  • 目标函数一致函数假设条件,证明LRKOPT方法具有全局收敛局部超线性收敛性。

    Under the assumption condition of taking target function as an uniform convex function. We have proved that the LRKOPT has the global convergence and partial superlinear convergence.


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