• 了一会儿,一个工作人员进来了,递给我一瓶牛奶和一片面包

    After a while, a worker came in and handed me a bottle of milk and a piece of bread.


  • 娜把烧焦的一块扔进了水槽里,然后放入了另一片面包

    Jenna threw the burnt piece into the sink and put in the other slice of bread.


  • 边说边用面包卷起鸡蛋西红柿

    He scooped up bits of eggs and tomatoes with a piece of bread.


  • 早饭一向不多,通常一杯咖啡,啃面包

    She never had much for breakfast. She would drink a cup of coffee and nibble at a piece of bread.


  • 早饭一向吃得不多。她通常一杯咖啡面包

    She never had much for breakfast. She would drink a cup of coffee and nibble at a piece of bread.


  • 安息日可以片面包但是个人之间不能带。

    On the Sabbath a man could carry a loaf of bread, but two men might not carry it between them.


  • 同为贵族者面前,展示中间夹面包火鸡肉

    He exhibits before his peers two slices of Turkey with a slice of bread in the middle.


  • 玻璃面包截黄瓜摆放成一个三角形,玻璃表示攻击目标

    He positioned a glass and a piece of bread and a cucumber in a triangle. The glass represented the target.


  • 一整天面包是从一个正晚饭农民那儿来的。

    All I ate that day was a piece of bread, which I begged from a farmer eating his supper.


  • 一小块黄油芹菜,一角奶酪片面包,还有——宜人的秋色。

    A pat of butter underneath the bough, a wedge of cheese, a loaf of bread and—Thou.


  • 锅子时,面包包心菜的上面,就可以不到菜发出味道。

    To avoid smell of cabbage while cooking: Keep a piece of bread on the cabbage in the vessel while cooking.


  • 不止面包饥饿还有理解的饥饿,对上帝话语的饥饿。

    There is not just hunger for piece of bread, there is hunger for understanding love, for the word of God.


  • 到了早上后母叫醒孩子他们面包,要他们穿上衣服。

    Morning comes. The stepmother wakes up the children. She gives them both a piece of bread, and tells them to put on their clothes.


  • 面包一瓶但是我站不能因为正在英语课”。

    I have a piece of bread and a bottle of orange juice, but I can not have them now, because I am having English lessons.


  • 食品保命——半个饭团汤已奢望一片面包可能口之口粮

    Meals are barely enough to sustain themhalf a rice ball and a small bowl of miso soup is a luxury; a slice of bread might have to feed a family of three.


  • 有时带给面包或是妈妈根胡萝卜觉得我们心头肉

    He sometimes brought a piece of bread for me, or a carrot for my mother, and I think we were his favorites.


  • 爱情无价不到面包面包虽然普通廉价却是现实生存的根本。

    Although Love is priceless, it cannot buy even a piece of bread; bread on the other hand, though is cheap and ordinary, is the basic existence of reality.


  • 最终,查雅还是想办法孩子们每人面包扁豆就是他们当天第一顿饭

    But now, at last, she can give her children their first meal of the day: a piece of bread and a few spoonfuls of lentil stew.


  • 每天早上离家的时候,母亲会给篮子,里面装面包一个纱锭

    Every morning when she left home her mother gave her a little basket with a slice of bread and a spindle.


  • 简直天壤之别之前甚至没有人肯多看一眼,更不用说一片面包之类的了。

    It was a far cry from just a month ago, when no one even bothered to give Cheng a second look - let alone a piece of bread.


  • 睡前可以点小东西:睡觉两个小时面包一个水果或者一杯牛奶

    Small things you can eat before going to bed: one or two hours before bed eat a piece of bread and a fruit, or drink a glass of milk.


  • 塞浦路斯许多叙利亚难民这些难民没有任何食物,甚至为了面包互相争斗

    We have Syrian refugees in Cyprus who have no food, and they are fighting, over a piece of bread because they have nothing to eat.


  • 例如每天早上罐装可乐所含的热量个水果或一片面包一样多150

    For example, that can of soda you drink each morning is the calorie equivalent of a piece of fruit and a slice of toast, about 150 calories.


  • 赫麦妮正在面包,听金这样说,忙把面包牙缝出来,那动作而可笑。

    Hermione was biting a piece of bread pulling it from between her teeth with her fingers in a slow slightly derisive movement. She turned to Birkin.


  • 再配上水煮鸡蛋面包美味焦糖小花很快就能做出周一至周五可口美味的晚饭

    With a poached egg and a slice of good bread, the caramelized florets make a quick and delicious weeknight supper.


  • 然后给了他们每人面包,“你们必须留着这个作为不要抱怨因为你们得不到更多的了。”

    Then she gave each of them a piece of bread, and said, "You must keep that to eat for your dinner, and don't quarrel over it, for you will get nothing more."


  • 然后给了他们每人面包,“你们必须留着这个作为不要抱怨因为你们得不到更多的了。”

    Then she gave each of them a piece of bread, and said, "You must keep that to eat for your dinner, and don't quarrel over it, for you will get nothing more."


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