• 在申请职位其他候选人相比很大的优势就是我曾经瑞士学习过

    Comparing with many other candidates for the position, I have a great advantage which is I have studied in Switzerland.


  • 尽管很多情况下这个灵活性很大的优势,但增加使用者面临的复杂性

    Although this flexibility is a great advantage in many situations, it also increases the complexity for consumers.


  • 认为这是个很大优势,同时,DisneyChannel扩大了其海外市场本月登陆印度

    That approach is a big advantage, he says, as the Disney Channel expands overseasthis month it will launch in India.


  • 我们相信我们能力得到产品,每件产品无二甚至有卖消费者技术时间问题也是很大竞争优势

    We believe we have the ability to get every item, every item that is uniquely and identifiable, even skill ones on the way to customers that is a matter of hours is a huge competitive advantage.


  • 阿西莫夫实例中即使读心术简单版本例如感觉到正在靠近狐狸大脑食物,食物,食物”,这就是很大优势

    In Asimov's example, even a simple version of mind-reading, such as a chicken being able to sense an approaching fox's brain as it thinks "food, food, food," would be a huge advantage!


  • 架线铺设电缆建立称作最后英里”网花费很大,如果公司拥有条经过你家门的链接,无疑相对潜在对手而言将具有极大优势

    Stringing wires or laying cables is expensive, so a company that owns a connection that runs to the side of your house-the so-called "last mile" -has tremendous power over potential rivals.


  • 韩国已有机群很多共同点,冲突开始阶段程度的隐身性能很有优势弹量很大。就韩国具体面临威胁的来说,这些特点非常重要。

    It's got commonality with South Korea's existing fleet, a degree of stealth for the opening stages of a conflict and plenty of payload, which is important given the nature of the threat.


  • 伊拉克影响很大五角大楼优势智慧不复存在,其他系列冲突这样发生在地平线上。

    Iraq was important, the Pentagon's prevailing wisdom went, but so were a whole range of other conflicts just over the horizon.


  • 好的倾听很大优势例如他们加入谈话中的时候,他们会让人们感觉到”被倾听

    Good listeners have a huge advantage. For one, when they engage in conversation, they make people "feel" heard.


  • 工件开始很大的优势工件是有形的东西

    A strong advantage of starting with artifacts is that an artifact is a tangible thing.


  • 抛开金融方面优势纽约亚洲买家吸引力还在于曼哈顿外围的卫星城镇很大中文语言社区,另外纽约没有令人窒息的空气污染问题

    Beyond New York's financial advantage, the appeal to Asian buyers includes a large Chinese-speaking community in Manhattan and in the outer boroughs, as well as a lack of suffocating pollution.


  • 现实服务很大程度上是从其他服务基础上构建起来的,这带来了很多明显优势

    Services that are built largely from other services are a reality, and offer many clear advantages.


  • 皮革很大绝对优势如果丽城为everydai氩磨损打算

    Leather is the a lot of absolute advantage if your belvedere pump ar intend for everydai wear.


  • 优势因为如果iPad首先由第三方零售店销售,那么很大部分利润进入这些零售商口袋,西纳推理道。

    That's advantageous, because if the iPad were primarily sold at third-party retail stores, a big chunk of profit would go to those retailers, Hiner reasons.


  • 无疑是个优势因为如果iPad首先被卖给第三零售商,那么很大部分利润进入这些零售商口袋

    That’s advantageous, because if the iPad were primarily sold at third-party retail stores, a big chunk of profit would go to those retailers, Hiner reasons.


  • 的不适应变成常态,那么你与别人相比很大优势,你拥有别人没有知识可怕做过就没那么可怕了。

    When it'll be normal for you to be incomfortable, you'll have a huge advantage compared to other people, and you'll have knowledge they don't have: scary stuff isn't that scary when done once.


  • 作为用户,我们希望软件企业能够强调新旧代码优势对比,但是Mozilla很大心血去开发Firefox版本了。

    We can always expect a software company to play up the advantages of newer code over older code, but Mozilla is putting a lot of weight into the development of its next version of Firefox.


  • 使用Ajax很大优势就是可以用户提供来自服务器即时实时信息

    A huge advantage of using Ajax is that you can provide your users with instant, real-time information from the server.


  • 小米粥很大优势可以安神所以晚上睡觉睡觉

    Millet gruel there is a big advantage is that it can soothe the nerves, so you slept at night without sleep.


  • 由于不同职业要求的工作复杂性差别很大,因此,旦职业难度的要求提高,那么g水平高就更容易成为个人的优势资产,而g水平就变成障碍

    Occupations differ considerably in the complexity of their demands, and as that complexity rises, higher g levels become a bigger asset and lower g levels a bigger handicap.


  • 他们仅仅我们领先而已。的确他们握有优势但是不是很大距离。

    They are only one step ahead of us. It is certainly an advantage for them, but it is not a huge margin.


  • 面试过程中,聪明的聆听者,如果找到你煳面试的相似之处,你其他竞争者多出很大优势

    During the interview be a very good listener and if you can find some common ground with your interviewers you will have a big advantage over your competitors.


  • 所有食物可以承载物相符形状很大的优势

    And any food that can be shaped to fit into cup holders is considered to have a great advantage.


  • 网上交朋友有些认为具有很大的优势些人则认为人类有危害的。

    When it comes to make friends online, some people think it has great advantages, while others consider it is harm to human beings.


  • 我们公司很大的优势控制原料形成新型材料

    Our company has great advantages in control of raw materials and further process of new materials.


  • 如果用于汽车零部件生产具有经验很大的优势

    If have an experience on fixture designing of automotive parts, it's a good advantage.


  • 棋圣曾经国际重要围棋比赛遗憾自己明明领先优势很大,在收官子阶段自己怎么出了昏招

    Nie Qisheng was in a major international tournaments after regret to say, clearly their lead before the half was great, in Shouguan of how the next stage of their own to the Hunzhao ah!


  • 小米粥很大优势是,它可以安神,所以你在晚上睡觉不睡觉。

    Psoriasis patients to drink a cup of hot milk before going to sleep may soothe the nerves .


  • 小米粥很大优势是,它可以安神,所以你在晚上睡觉不睡觉。

    Psoriasis patients to drink a cup of hot milk before going to sleep may soothe the nerves .


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