• 天,斯嘉丽向他展示的是一位母亲的爱。

    That day, what Scarlet showed him was a mother's love.


  • 母亲勇气对话自闭症讲述玛格丽特故事,一个极其全力帮助儿子母亲的故事。

    "A Mother's Courage: Talking Back to Autism," tells the story of Margret, a mother who has done everything in her power to help her son.


  • 接受少数几次采访出于一位母亲保护本能

    The few interviews she has given have always been motivated by a mother's instinct to protect.


  • 这些念头可能永远不会变成一首或者一支歌,可却是一位母亲思想经历

    These thoughts may never become a poem or a song. But they are an exercise in the mother's thoughtfulness.


  • 有人道卫理信仰苏珊娜·韦斯利这样一位母亲大腿上诞生的。

    It has been said that the Methodist faith was born on the lap of a mother, Suzanne Wesley.


  • 印度中部母亲,其生出死产儿的几率印度南部喀拉拉邦一位母亲的以上

    A mother in central India is more than three times as likely to have a stillbirth as is a mother in India's southern state of Kerala.


  • 今年母亲通过我们行动作出捐赠你们正在拯救世界某地一位母亲生命孩子的生命。

    This mother's Day, by donating to our initiative you are saving a mother's life and her child's life somewhere in the world.


  • 最新研究显示成功治疗一位母亲抑郁症不仅对她本人有益,能为其子女的精神健康带来长期好处

    Successfully treating a mother with depression isn't just good for the mom; it also can provide long-lasting benefits for her children's mental health, new research shows.


  • 走进家门时,你很难做到职业女性转换母亲角色。不要忘记当你在家时候孩子享受在家的时间。

    Transitioning from professional to mother can be hard to do when you walk through the door, but don't forget to enjoy time with your children when you're home.


  • 无论是否母亲自己位母亲我们要求你们考虑从事作为母亲丰富任务——养育一名儿童工作供养一个家庭——并且自己保持健康

    Whether you have a mother or are one, we ask that you look at the bountiful task of being a mother — nurturing a child, working, raising a familyand keeping yourself healthy!


  • 如果未满18周岁,你最有可能企图行业作为帮手”的工作一位辅导老师,护理行业工作例如照看小孩子或成为一位母亲帮手。

    If you are under eighteen, you can most likely find a job as a "helper" with other businesses, be a tutor, or work in the childcare business, such as babysitting or being a mother's helper.


  • 母亲女儿参与这个项目之前甚至连根草不会去拔

    One mother said that before her daughter was involved in this project, she would not even pull a weed.


  • 最后看到一位母亲穿着设计师设计西装没有口水鼻涕是什么时候

    When's the last time you actually saw a mother in a designer suit that wasn't stained with spit or snot?


  • 罕见这些镜头一位母亲自己窝里抱着刚出生熊猫宝宝

    The rarest of the rare are these shots: a mother, in her den, cradling her newborn panda baby.


  • 坦桑尼亚遇到一位五个孩子母亲,当时正在购买生命中的第一蚊帐

    In Tanzania, I met a mother with five children who was buying the first bed net in her life.


  • 实验一位母亲要求正常方式孩子互动然后表情,他们任何视觉上社交反馈

    In it, a mother is asked to interact with her child in a normal way before putting on a blank expression and not giving them any visual social feedback.


  • 没有应该生活德克萨斯州一位母亲所描述持续压力紧张甚至金钱恐惧之中

    No one should have to live with what a Texas mother described as constant stress, tension, even fear about money.


  • 年轻的母亲带着一个小女孩经过这里,孩子看上了一只泰迪熊。

    A young mother with a little girl came by and the child set her eyes on one of teddy bears.


  • 凯伦·美籍华裔母亲,两个孩子分别在上五年级八年级,她认为该区竞争已经失控

    Karen Sue, the Chinese-American mother of a fifth-grader and an eighth-grader, believes the competition within the district has gotten out of control.


  • 母亲一位家庭主妇,她的时间照顾家人家务上。

    My mother is a housewife whose time are employed in taking care of the family and doing house work.


  • 洛杉矶一位临床心理学家,也是两个女孩母亲

    She is a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles and the mother of two little girls.


  • 杂志封面上有漂亮的母亲抱着可爱的婴儿不是麦当娜和孩子的照片第一次出现本周报摊上了。

    The magazine cover showing an attractive mother holding a cute baby is hardly the only Madonna-and-child image on newsstands this week.


  • 就像一位澳大利亚母亲发现那样,越来越父母儿科医生意识到以“数字化方式”保护儿童重要性

    As one Australian mom discovered, parents and pediatricians are increasingly aware of the importance of protecting children's digital presence.


  • 尽管我们陌生人,但父亲那种减轻一位母亲心灵创伤的

    Your father is the kind of man who would ease the pain of a mother's heart though we are strangers.


  • 忙碌花商怎么可能时间母亲订购鲜花顾客进行视频会议呢?

    How on earth would a harried florist find the time to hold a video conference with every customer who orders flowers for Mother's Day?


  • 布莱亚·邓纳姆马萨诸塞州萨默维尔的母亲她一年级的孩子幼子一起洗澡,激动地见证兄弟间的亲情时刻,拍下张照片

    Bria Dunham, a mother in Somerville, Massachusetts, was so excited to watch a moment of brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took a bath together that she snapped a few photos.


  • 布莱亚·邓纳姆马萨诸塞州萨默维尔的母亲她一年级的孩子幼子一起洗澡,激动地见证兄弟间的亲情时刻,拍下张照片

    Bria Dunham, a mother in Somerville, Massachusetts, was so excited to watch a moment of brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took a bath together that she snapped a few photos.


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