• 治疗初期导致一些炎症血管和动脉功能下降

    This initially resulted in some inflammation and dysfunction of the blood vessels and arteries.


  • 其中一些炎症因子免疫赦免丧失重建过程起到关键作用

    Some inflammatory factors play a vital role in the collapse and restoration of immune privilege.


  • 总之食物中的晚期糖基化终产物含量血液中的晚期糖基化终产物水平就越高,C反应蛋白其他一些炎症标记分子水平就越高。

    Overall, the higher the participants' consumption of foods rich in AGEs, the higher their blood levels of AGEs and the higher their levels of C-reactive protein and other biomarkers of inflammation.


  • 第二复诊时外科医生检查眼睛一些眼药水给你,防止感染减轻炎症

    During this second visit, the surgeon will examine your eye and prescribe eyedrops to prevent infection and reduce inflammation.


  • 一些常见病糖尿病多囊卵巢综合征、肥胖症、冠心病其它许多疾病的发生各种食物引起炎症有关

    Often diseases such as diabetes, PCOS, excess weight gain, coronary heart disease and countless other illnesses can be contributed to the inflammation from various foods.


  • 医生可能会给你一些眼药水减轻你眼睛炎症降低感染风险

    Your doctor may prescribe eyedrops to reduce inflammation and the risk of infection.


  • 一些女性来说,接下来她们感觉从未经历过的长时间的胃肠炎症状。

    For some women the next several weeks will feel like the longest stomach flu in history.


  • 一些女性来说接下来周她们感觉从未经历过的长时间的胃肠炎症状。

    For some women, the next several weeks will feel like the longest stomach flu in history.


  • NIDDK尽管人们相信TUIPTURP一样都能减轻炎症痛苦,并且副作用一些,但是优势以及长期效果至今尚未明了。

    The NIDDK says that although people believe that TUIP gives the same relief as TURP with less risk of side effects, its advantages and long-term side effects have not been clearly established.


  • 一些研究已经表明这种炎症相关蛋白可能引起心脏病胆固醇相同重要

    Some studies have suggested the protein, which is associated with inflammation, may be as important as high cholesterol in causing heart disease.


  • 一些证据表明细菌涉及慢性炎症疾病

    Some evidence suggests that bacteria are involved in diseases of chronic inflammation.


  • 可能帮助解释一些慢性炎症病患者发生淀粉病变显然易感性

    This might help to explain the apparent susceptibility of only some individuals with various chronic inflammatory disorders to develop amyloidosis.


  • 许多科学家认为一些心血管方面作用损害性炎症代谢过程心理健康方面起到了一定作用。

    Still, many scientists are convinced that some damaging inflammatory and metabolic processes involved in cardiovascular disease may also play a role in mental health.


  • 一些研究人员推测这些蔬菜中的一些生物可能会使一些敏感人群炎症反应加重

    Some researchers have speculated that a group of compounds in the vegetables called alkaloids might worsen inflammation in sensitive people.


  • 但是一些自体免疫炎性疾病相关比如糖尿病脓毒病后者感染系统性炎症反应

    But it has also been linked to several autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, such as diabetes and sepsis, which is a systematic inflammatory response to infection.


  • 自由基引起氧化应激长期下来引起炎症以及细胞内一些不健康改变

    Free radicals contribute to oxidative stress, which, over time, can cause inflammation and other unhealthy changes in your cells.


  • 口腔疾苦悲戚是一些由于病毒细菌真菌炎症引起分歧口腔危险。

    The term 'mouth sore' refers a number of different lesions of the mouth caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and irritation.


  • 其他一些症状比如说炎症说明怀孕过程免疫系统功能正常

    Other symptoms, like inflammation, demonstrate that the immune system is functioning properly as a pregnancy comes to term.


  • 并且,一些列针对不同白细胞的实验证实细胞氧化磷脂作用时,他们释放这些炎症因子

    And a series of experiments in different types of white blood cells demonstrated that when the cells are treated with oxidized phospholipids, they will release those proinflammatory cytokines.


  • 一些食物阻断自然生命进程引起癌症生长炎症

    Some foods block natural bodily processes such as inflammation that fuels cancer growth.


  • 个例子,能够频繁地自己情绪归类贴标签理解它们的那些癌症病人身上,有害炎症程度一些

    Cancer patients, for example, have lower levels of harmful inflammation when they more frequently categorize, label and understand their emotions.


  • 尽管人们普遍认为炎症癌症风险呈显著的相关性,一些途径可能具有保护作用有些则有害的。

    While there is widespread agreement that inflammation is broadly related to cancer risk, some pathways may be protective while others are detrimental.


  • 目的了解烧伤一些细胞因子变化,以探讨休克手术对炎症反应影响。

    Objective to compare the dynamic change of pro-inflammatory mediators in prompt excision burn wound group in burned rat and discuss the alteration of inflammatory response in the hypovolemic phase.


  • 得到这些资讯后,我们现在可以发明一些新的治疗方法例如采用炎症药物缓解患者的症状

    With this information, we can now investigate new therapeutic approaches, such as using anti-inflammatory agents to alleviate symptoms.


  • 认为这项实验提供了一些可信想法确实放大炎症反应所以为靶点可能成为治疗酒精性肝炎一个新手段。

    He said the study "gives some credence to the idea that this actually amplifies the inflammation and, therefore, by targeting it, you may have another therapeutic intervention in alcoholic hepatitis."


  • 全身炎症反应一些细胞因子内皮素、肿瘤坏死因子等诱导表达有关。

    SIR is relative to inducing and expression of some of cytokines such as ET and TNF .


  • 其他一些诱发因素包括耳垢中异物、耳朵头部损伤、耳部感染鼓膜穿孔以及其他一些可以引起中耳、内耳炎症因素。

    Other causes of hearing loss include earwax buildup, an object in the ear, injury to the ear or head, ear infection, a ruptured eardrum, and other conditions that affect the middle or inner ear.


  • 我们知道一些事情关于什么白细胞召集到慢性炎症部位但是对于一个单独机械伤害,我们知道这个信号什么。

    We do know something about what summons white blood cells to areas that are chronically inflamed, but in the case of an isolated physical wound, we haven't really known what the signal is.


  • 对于一些进展期的患者而言,需要一些针对性更强药物缓解炎症肝纤维化程度

    But for people with more advanced disease you need more targeted therapies directed at inflammation and fibrosis. Gilead has their galactin trials targeting fibrosis;


  • 对于一些进展期的患者而言,需要一些针对性更强药物缓解炎症肝纤维化程度

    But for people with more advanced disease you need more targeted therapies directed at inflammation and fibrosis. Gilead has their galactin trials targeting fibrosis;


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