• 了解这些耀斑发生的频率吗?是个月一次,一年还是一千年一次

    You want to understand how often these large flares happen: once a month, a year a millennium?


  • 再说常抽一个那样的话,我也不必担心对我健康有什么影响。”继续说道

    "Considering I don't do it that often, once a month if that, I'm not really concerned with the health effects," he added.


  • 定期整理文件(单据纸张文书)。1.从不2 .3 .一周一次4每天

    I arrange my documents (invoices, paperwork) regularly. 1. Never 2. Once a Month 3. Once a Week 4. Every day.


  • 他们中的大部分回家次数不到一次统计,年轻人父母相处剩下时间不够一个月

    Most of them come home less than once a month, it has been calculated that the rest of the young people's time with their parents is about a month!


  • 计划,找个信赖保姆照看小孩儿星期这样就可以你自己争取到一些时间

    Babysitters. Make a plan to have a babysitter that you trust watch your children once a month or once a week so that you can get some time for yourself.


  • 一次参加马拉松比赛,我的只脚踝受伤了,意味着星期不能跑步只剩两个星期的训练时间。

    A month before my first marathon, one of my ankles was injured and this meant not running for two weeks, leaving me only two weeks to train.


  • 如果喜欢电影,一周一个次,很好的娱乐方式

    Once a week or twice a month, it is good entertainment, if you like watching movies.


  • 过去公众场合出现一次而且并未陪同丈夫前往哈萨克斯坦进行国事访问

    She has been seen in public only once in the past month and did not accompany her husband on a state visit to Kazakhstan.


  • 终于,在上周沉寂了之后,一次听到了窗外喧闹声,一阵接一阵的传来。

    Then, last week, after a month of silence, I heard one again, honking outside my window. And another, and another.


  • 如果每隔甚至是每隔几个星期回家车上一次这样的记录,你将会惊讶于自己积累的数据

    If you do this on the train for a month or even just for a few weeks, you'll be amazed at the data you'll accumulate.


  • 不要疏忽写信父母一个至少

    Neglect Don't neglect writing to your parents at least once a month.


  • 这些岛屿唯一常客旧的皇家邮轮一个进港勒拿皇家邮轮。

    The island's only regular visitor these days is the ageing Royal Mail Ship, RMS St Helena, which docks once a month.


  • 同时蜥脚类动物还频繁换牙著称有时频繁一个因为这种植物对牙齿伤害较大)。

    Sauropods are also known to have renewed their teeth frequently, sometimes as often as once a month.


  • 该种隐形眼镜普通隐形眼镜一样,可以使用一个时间同样可以用于治疗白内障其他眼疾

    The lenses, which are no more difficult to see through than normal contacts and can be worn for a month at a time, could also be loaded with drugs for cataracts and other eye conditions.


  • 因此很少访问分区保留Windows可能一个才会打开来更新有时只是为了工作

    Hence I still have Windows in the other partition that I hardly visit - once a month to keep it updated and maybe for work occasionally.


  • 如果已经一个发布频繁,那么有什么可以阻止软件添加更多特性而不只是修复bug呢?

    If you're already releasing once a month, or even more, what's to keep software from adding features, not just fixing bugs?


  • 2006年辈千橡互动收购7000万注册用户其中一半一个至少使用

    It was acquired by Oak Pacific Interactive in 2006 and currently has around 70 million registered users, half of whom use the site at least once a month.


  • 不要指望获胜,除非比赛开始一个完成机器人

    Also do not plan to win your first time unless you have FINISHED your robot a month before the competition.


  • 但是现在这个问题已经得到解决。男性只需药片或者服用一次

    But now that problem has been solved. The new pill can be taken either once a month or once every three months.


  • 乔斯帕·洛科萨发现研究中,30%个体毕业年后一个一次报纸(书面形式在线阅读)或者根本就不再看了。

    Josipa Roksa and I have found that 30 percent of individuals in our study reported a year after graduating from college that they read the newspaper (in print or online) either monthly or never.


  • 有些地区建有收费的厕所,1卢比(2美分)使用或者30卢比(62美分)一个家庭使用一个月

    Some areas have latrines that can be used for a fee: 1 rupee (2 cents) for a single use or 30 rupees (62 cents) for a monthly family pass.


  • 随访中,最初先兆头痛发作一次多次女性明显较高小脑损伤风险,这些损伤好像缺血性栓塞。

    At the follow-up, women who originally reported having migrainewith aura once or more a month had a significantly higher riskof having lesions in the cerebellum that appeared to be ischemicinfarcts.


  • 新的开始,还是新的一),意味着是时候再次发布博客收入报告了。

    The start of a new month (and in this case, a new year) means it’stime once again for the blog income report.


  • 家里三天一小,五天一大吵,激烈的争吵之后,王莉索性店里,整整一个没有再回家,陈勇军也整日在外面以前工地上的一群朋友借酒消愁

    Because of the frequent conflicts and quarrels, Wang moved to her shops and did not go home for nearly a month. Chen stayed with his friends for the whole day drinking.


  • 亚马逊新款金读上,如果关闭无线功能,你可以充电阅读一个

    Amazon says that on the new Kindle, if you turn off the wireless features, you can read for a month on a single charge.


  • 亚马逊新款金读上,如果关闭无线功能,你可以充电阅读一个

    Amazon says that on the new Kindle, if you turn off the wireless features, you can read for a month on a single charge.


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