• 们应该保护环境,这样我们才能创造一个更美好的世界

    We should protect the environment so that we can make a better world to live in.


  • 果你对周围的人友善,乐于助人,你会发现一个更美好的世界

    You'll find a nicer world if you're kind and helpful to people around.


  • 每个人都可以成为公民因为很多情况下一个友好的微笑建立一个更美好的世界需要的全部

    Everybody can be a good citizen, because in many cases a friendly smile is all that is needed to build a better world.


  • 某种程度上可以归因于企业个人明显缺乏社会责任感社会责任感建设一个美好世界至关重要

    To some extent, they can be ascribed to a distinct lack of a sense of social responsibility among enterprises and individuals, which is of crucial importance in building a better world.


  • 如今彩虹许多倡导和平环保的流行运动使用它代表着黑暗中建设一个美好世界可能性,以及雨后阳光前景

    Nowadays the rainbow is used by many popular movements for peace and the environment, representing the possibility of a better world in the Mure and promising sunshine after the rain.


  • 这事关我们孩子留下一个美好的世界

    NO. 8"It's about leaving something better for our kids."


  • 我们放下分歧共同努力子孙后代创造一个美好世界

    Let's set aside all differences and make efforts together to leave a better world for our children.


  • 只要人人都温情爱心那么这两样东西织出一个美好世界

    Warmth and love as long as everyone has, then two things will be to weave a better world.


  • 美好世界一个团结正义和平人人有机会世界

    I wanted to live in a better world, a world with solidarity, justice, peace, and opportunities for all.


  • 第二能够节约自然资源能源我们后代留下一个美好世界

    Second, it can save the limited natural resources and energy, and will leave a better world for our offspring.


  • 不断有人死去,如果真心关怀生者你,为我,创造一个美好的世界

    There are people dying, If you care enough for the living, Make a better place for you and for me.


  • 愿意发挥自身潜能,关怀他人创造美好世界贡献一份力量。

    I'm willing to play to my potentials, and care about the others; I will devote myself to create a better world.


  • 本杰明(旁白):斯科博办公室一直试图这片混乱地区构建一个美好世界

    Benjamin (voiceover) : Sekibo's office had been trying to forge a better world in a region of space where very little is black and white.


  • 通过我们自己周遭平静我们能尽可能的令世界和平进而创造一个美好的世界

    By bringing more peace within us and around us, we ultimately bring more peace to the world and make it a better place.


  • 既然这个社会已经无可救药,那么,我们砸烂废墟上建起一个美好的世界吧!

    Since this society is hopelessly bad, let's smash it and build something better on the ruins.


  • 为了建设一个更美好的世界重要就是避免随机性找出一切安排得仅仅有条的方法

    The most important thing we can do with the world is avoid randomness, and figure out ways by which things can be planned.


  • 我们相信美好世界,决定权在于少数专家在于每一个一样的普通人

    We believe that a better world is not decided by a small group of experts, but by ordinary people just like you and me.


  • 但是对于社会企业家而言一比喻意义因为我们事业旨在后代营造美好世界

    But for social entrepreneurs, that metaphor has even greater meaning because our ventures are intended to make the world a better place for future generations.


  • 这个经验促使名青少年新的角度思索未来回忆他当时想法:「一个美好世界

    The experience prompted the teenager to ponder his future in a new light. "I wanted to live in a better world, " he recalls thinking.


  • 知道有所作为,不清楚如何。 (笑声我想尽自己的力量建设一个美好的世界

    I knew I wanted to make a difference, but it was vague how in fact I'd go about it. (Laughter. ) But I wanted to do my part to do my part to shape a better world.


  • 唯心主义并非我们尝试建立美好世界或者范围内来说,建立一个长期可行的关系理想状态。

    Now, this idealism doesn't refer to us being idealistic in that we try to build a better world, or, on a lower scale, a working long-term love relationship.


  • 我们所有的人继续以纳尔逊·曼德拉的一生为榜样听从召唤建设一个美好世界而奋斗,永不停息!

    Let us all continue being inspired by Nelson Mandela's lifelong example and his call to never cease working to build a better world for all.


  • 我们知道如果我们有正确规则激励机制,我们使我们最好科学家工程师的和企业家发挥他们的创造力建立一个美好世界

    We know that if we put the right rules and incentives in place, we will unleash the creative power of our best scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to build a better world.


  • 作为扶轮社员,我们认为仅憧憬美好世界不够的。唯有透过谨慎规划真诚的合作以及努力工作一个更美好的世界才会实现

    As Rotarians, we know that it is not enough to dream about a better world. A better world will only come through careful planning, honest cooperation, and hard work.


  • 现在已经领悟到,除非愿意个人棉薄之力,我们孩子,我们所有的孩子,留下一个美好世界,否则人生真的没有太大意义

    And what I've realized is that life doesn't count for much unless you're willing to do your small part to leave our children - all of our children - a better world.


  • 现在已经领悟到,除非愿意个人棉薄之力,我们孩子,我们所有的孩子,留下一个美好世界,否则人生真的没有太大意义

    And what I've realized is that life doesn't count for much unless you're willing to do your small part to leave our children - all of our children - a better world.


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