• 一个好的计划本身就是工作的一半。

    It's half the work itself to make a good plan.


  • 他们缺少只是好的教练团队一个好的计划一个好的高级管理层。

    What they didn't have was a good set of coaches, a good plan. A good senior management team.


  • 不论工具没有一个好的计划定义如何达成目标这些工具还是毫无用处的。

    But no matter how good your tools are, they're useless without a good plan that defines how to get where you want to go.


  • 好的计划采用已经建立牢固版式并且依附以便做出正确惯常实践

    It is a good plan to adopt one form of established layout and to stick to it so as to make correct practice habitual.


  • 一个好的计划一张地图一样,让你知道最终目的地在哪里,还有如何达到那里最快。

    A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.


  • 我们一而再地不得不,这一个好的计划现在我们(没时间、没精力)实现

    Time and again, we are obliged to say: Yes, it is a good project but at the moment we have no money (no time, no energy etc.) to realize it.


  • 制定计划重要充分思考如何实现目标的过程。想要好每一天好的计划至关重要

    Planning is one of the fundamental ways to maximize your mind to achieve your goals, and as such it plays a critical role in allowing us to have an awesome day, everyday.


  • 如果采用好的计划管理项目——其中完整部分就是一个好的评估——那么您将能够节省大量开销

    If you manage your project from a good plan — and an integral part of that plan is a good estimate — there is going to be significant cost savings.


  • 联盟官员终止了在河边建立一个炼油厂这个工程安排这个公司停止工作直到他们一个好的计划预防污染

    A federal judge threw a monkey wrench into the project to build a new oil refinery on the river. He ordered the company to stop work until they had a better plan to guard against water pollution.


  • 这种趋势也是关于计划淘汰的例子设计一个很快流行无法使用随后需要替换的产品。

    The new trend was also a great example of planned obsolescence, that is, to design a product so that it will soon become unfashionable or impossible to use and will need replacing.


  • 一个好的紧凑的、细节丰富计划被认为模式其中反映了大量想法努力

    But a good, tight, detailed plan, reflecting a lot of thought and effort behind it, is known as a schema.


  • 因此度量详细计划抵触项目不会一种好的方法那么应该怎样度量才能确保这个项目在正常运行呢?

    So if measuring the project against a detailed project plan is not the right approach, what should be measured to ensure that a project is on track?


  • 假定资产注册根据产品或者项目命名的,那么一个好的测试计划进行分类模型就是根据产品组件或者特性区域命名它们

    Assuming that your asset registries are named for products or projects, a good model to follow for categorizing test plans would be to name them for product components or feature areas.


  • 一个好的管辖结构分解工作类型计划监督工作权威

    A good governance structure decomposes both the types of work and the authority to plan and oversee work.


  • 同样一次冲突计划一个层次有人试图自己置身敌人位置这恰恰好的游戏带来这种复杂的意识。

    Similarly, in every conflict, at every level of planning, someone tries to put themselves in the enemy's position and it's good for games to recognise this complexity.


  • 如果一个大点儿系统,你最好先计划精心设计一下你家庭网络,万一需要重组或者改造一下呢

    If you want to start with a bigger system, it's a good idea to design carefully how the home will work, particularly if rewiring or renovation will be required.


  • 就会发现以前计划根据小时制定是衡量怎么出去的一个方法那么我们支出上面相同转换

    You’ll notice that your older plan is calculated in terms of hours, which is a great way to see what your expenses are really costing you, so let’s do the same conversion for your expenses.


  • 已经慢慢的开始财务恢复计划,他找到了一个好的工作

    He is slowly putting together a financial recovery plan, and he's found a good job.


  • 即使年头让公众支持紧缩计划也是容易,何况现在,动员大家力挺一个他们喜欢货币难度可想而知。

    It is hard to rally the public behind austerity programmes at the best of times; even harder to solicit their support for measures to bolster a currency they do not like.


  • 创建一个详细工作计划包括分配好资源,在自己感觉舒服的前提下尽可能长远地测算工作。

    Create a detailed workplan, including assigning resources and estimating the work as far out as you feel comfortable.


  • 显然一个计划好的软件系统应该帮助企业更加有效地完成工作

    It sounds obvious: a planned software system should help the business get its job done more effectively.


  • 17显示了一个典型工时视图展示计划好的工作分配情况、工作分解结构每个任务分派相应数据

    Figure 17 shows a typical Timesheet view that displays work assignments by project, the work breakdown structure and corresponding data for each task assignment.


  • 使用预先计划好的方案紧急情况家庭问题个人问题、搬迁、住房维修或其它)为理由,说明需要或两个星期不上班

    Use a pre-planned project or emergency (family issue, personal issue, relocation, home repairs, whatever) that requires you to take one or two weeks out of the office.


  • 一旦计划每个目标10年5年2年,1年,月内要完成什么,那么你已经得到了自己一份相当可靠计划了。

    Once you've planned out each goal for 10-year, 5-year, 2-year, 1-year and 1-month periods, you've got yourself a pretty solid plan.


  • 纽约市"星火计划"里,念书好的4年级的学生挣250美元,七年级学生挣的还能一番。

    In New York City's Spark program, a fourth grader can earn up to $250 and a seventh grader twice as much.


  • 理财咨询网站MotleyFool个人理财专家Dayana Yochim建议,可以计划一周的正常开销,这笔钱装信封里。

    Decide what you can spend while at work during the week and put that amount into an envelope, said Dayana Yochim, a personal finance expert with the Motley Fool, the financial advice Web site.


  • 不是一个事先计划好的周期但是随着交响乐作品系列进展贝多芬注意到了作品个性主题相互影响,还有作品之间的相容性问题

    That were not planned as a cycle, though as the series evolved Beethoven was clearly mindful of the interplay of character and subject matter, and how the works set one with another.


  • 根据这项计划,“好的教育唯一重要的一件事就是一个孩子权利拥有一个好的老师。”

    According to the plan, “the single most important thing for a good education is for every child to have access to a good teacher”.


  • 根据这项计划,“好的教育唯一重要的一件事就是一个孩子权利拥有一个好的老师。”

    According to the plan, “the single most important thing for a good education is for every child to have access to a good teacher”.


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