• 一个英语本地人而言(比如此约翰逊),发现方言中的成分时间乐事

    For a native speaker of Indian English (such as this Johnson), it is a joy to find entirely new bits of vernacular.Suringified?


  • 一个英语本地人而言(比如此约翰逊),发现方言中的成分时间乐事

    For a native speaker of Indian English (such as this Johnson), it is a joy to find entirely new bits of vernacular. Suringified?


  • 求婚成功人会每期节目最后收到一支雅致玫瑰以及一个脸颊上的轻吻。

    Successful suitors receive a prim red rose and a peck on the cheek at the end of each episode.


  • 将墨汁摊匀转移一个印辊上,透明胶带面上对所需图像进行胶版刷。

    The print roll makes the china ink spread out uniformly and diverted onto the next print roll. The desired picture is hectographed on the glue face of the scotch tape.


  • 我们替那些站在摩尔多瓦秘鲁巴基斯坦柜台忍受排队之苦的女士感到可怜她们互相推挤就为了在柜台一个印戳。

    We pitied the women with harried expressions standing behind counters at the pavilions for Moldova, Peru, or Pakistan - where people shoved their documents underneath their noses to get stamps.


  • 邮局基本上每个交到柜面文件都会一个橡皮图章盖上

    In post offices, virtually every document that's passed across the counter is stamped with a rubber stamp.


  • 那个年代里被使用所有缩写之中OK作为一个笑话一部分波士顿早报上开始受到巨大关注。

    Of all the abbreviations used during that time, ok was propelled into the limelight when it was printed in the Boston Morning Post as part of a joke.


  • 那个年代里被使用所有缩写之中OK作为一个笑话一部分波士顿早报》上开始受到巨大关注。

    Of all the abbreviations used during that time, ok was propelled into the limelight when it was printed in the Boston Morning Post as part of a joke.


  • 太空加州南部沙漠,你可以观测一个由许多同心圆组成图案,犹如皮肤上的纹身一般。

    IT LOOKS like a planetary tattoo designed to be seen from space, a vast set of concentric circles inscribed in the skin of southern California's desert.


  • 这个制作流程困难之处在于需要跟宠物好好配合才能得到一个干净完整的爪子

    The most difficult part of this process involves obtaining your pet's cooperation so that you can get a clear, well formed paw print.


  • 宠物爪子薄薄的一凡士林然后把爪子稳稳地混合物表面,注意把爪子后部也按住,这样才能得到完整的爪子

    Coat your pet's paw with a thin layer of petroleum jelly, and press the top of the paw firmly into the concrete. Press down on the heel of the paw to get a complete print.


  • 卖家这条裤子纸袋旁边被发现纸袋上所商店1898年停业。

    They were placed next to a paper bag bearing the name of a local shop, which stopped trading in 1898, the seller claims.


  • 巴基斯坦希望最终从外国得到一个与美交易类似的援助。

    Pakistan hopes that it will eventually get a deal like India’s.


  • 所以出版商决定无论如何先书稿再说,而且还创造新奇体裁:未经授权的自传。

    So the publisher decided to print the manuscript anyway, creating a curious new genre: an "unauthorised autobiography".


  • 袋子的外面一个傻乎乎黄色笑脸咧嘴朝着笑,旁边还写着你“天天好心情!”

    On the exterior is a goofy yellow smiley face grinning back at you, encouraging you to “Have A Nice Day!”


  • 菲律宾主要电力公司——马尼拉电力公司,却一个不错的点子:在设计出色的购物用电提示”,然后分发大家。

    Meralco (the Philippines' leading power company) had a better idea: give away cool designer shopping bags that have "Electricitips" printed on them.


  • 四十个人大部分也是来自另外一个城镇弟安人证明事件中有罪

    More than three dozen people, most of them also Indians from another town, have been convicted in the case.


  • 利厄·雅各布斯刚刚第一国民银行开立了储蓄帐户正在一个职员询问有关存折各项规章条例含义

    Leah Jacobs has just opened a savings account at the First National Bank. She is asking a clerk about the meaning of the rules and regulations printed on her passbook.


  • 利厄·雅各布斯刚刚第一国民银行开立了储蓄帐户正在一个职员询问有关存折各项规章条例含义

    Leah Jacobs has just opened a savings account at the First National Bank.She is asking a clerk about the meaning of the rules and regulations printed on her passbook.


  • 美联储从本质上说就是骗局一个显而易见欺诈——对拥有肆意达到万亿水平特权的、把钱交给其狐朋狗友独一无二机构它什么?

    The Fed is a racket at heart, a con game writ large — what else can you call an organization with the exclusive privilege of printing money in the trillions and handing it over to friends?


  • 构想一个成功精神画面它不可磨灭地你的脑海中

    Formulate and stamp indelibly on your mind a mental picture of yourself as succeeding.


  • 菜单是花里胡哨格鲁吉亚字母,一个认识。也没有别的客人在用餐,的话我就可以指着别人的盘子来说明我要什么菜。

    What did I want to eat? Printed in the swirling squiggles of the Georgian alphabet, the menu offered absolutely no help; and there were no other diners whose plates I could point to.


  • 没有没有听说过那首老歌,歌词开头:“爱死去的男人护照上的一记。”

    No, he has never heard of the old chanson that she is looking for, which begins with the words "Love is a new stamp in a dead man's passport.


  • 没有没有听说过那首老歌,歌词开头:“爱死去的男人护照上的一记。”

    No, he has never heard of the old chanson that she is looking for, which begins with the words "Love is a new stamp in a dead man's passport.


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