• 个奇妙的时刻是心中最温暖的时刻,让的一天和生活有了一个全新的开始。

    This amazing moment was the warmest in my heart and gave my day and life a brand new start.


  • 个新的开始给了一个重新定义自己的机会,也让发现了对“酷”的全新诠释。

    This new start gave me an opportunity to redefine myself and discover an entirely new version of "cool".


  • 所以事情独特的,每个客户而言都一个全新体验

    So everything isunique and every client that I work with is sort of a new experience for me.


  • 给与他们一个全新视野有趣,学习。

    So I think they really did give them a new horizon It was fun, and they learned.


  • 选举后期,广大地区国家当做众矢之的,这说明出现了一些全新、经过深思熟虑的赌博,”他,“觉得可悲也很卑劣。”

    “To bring one country into the crosshairs in so many districts, at such a late stage of the campaign, represents something new and a calculated gamble,” he said. “I find it deplorable.


  • 强烈相信全新农村自己今天导致一个强大繁荣中国明天

    And I strongly believe the brand-new countryside we own today will lead to a powerful and prosperous China tomorrow.


  • 是驯兽师称为渐进法”的技巧——奖励学习全新行为过程中的每一个进步。

    I was using what trainers call "approximations," rewarding the small steps toward learning a whole new behavior.


  • 知道听起来有点违背常理志愿帮助别人可以令生活全新视角。

    I know this seems counter-intuitive, but volunteering to help others out gives you a different perspective on your life.


  • 不得不再次融入一个陌生全新世界下定决心,虽然自己缺乏工作经验,但要百倍的努力弥补

    I had to earn my stripes all over again in a strange, new world. What I lacked in experience, I was determined to make up with effort and energy.


  • 如果前面所说使用开原则通常做法就是使用多态一个全新替换程序现存的一部分

    As I said earlier, the most common manifestation of the Open Closed Principle is using polymorphism to substitute an existing part of the application with a brand new class.


  • 希望本文开阔视野,使编写一个全新图像处理应用程序

    I hope the article will open your eyes to the possibility of writing a whole new class of image-processing applications.


  • 因此没有学到任何东西是指们没有改进当时移动互联网而是抛弃了转而进入了一个全新领域

    So when I say we didn't learn anything I mean we didn't improve mobile Internet available at that time but we shifted away from it into a whole new space.


  • 发现几点真的思考了很久,比如说那个关于咖啡类比使一个全新角度思考人生目标计划行动

    I found that several points really stuck with me, such as Brad's coffee mug analogy, and got me thinking in new directions about other parts of my life such as my goals, projects, and actions.


  • 第二学会真正倾听别人的话(他们完全没有意图冒犯),这样的生活给了一个全新观点。

    Second, I learned that actually listening to what people are saying to me, when they clearly aren't trying to offend me, gives me a whole new perspective.


  • 并非全新产品并且他们犯了一个错误不过并不认为灾难性的失误。

    It's not a fully fleshed out product and they made a mistake but I don't think it's sinister.


  • 周末过去了周一下午得到回复—是通过电子邮件的--,过来的是一个全新黑色内衬版本,里面全部问题

    The weekend passed. I heard back from the lawyer on Monday afternoon, over emailand he had sent a new blacklined version with all new issues raised.


  • 希望没有经历过这件打开一个所不了解的全新世界,”

    "I really wish I hadn't experienced this, but it does open up a whole new world I didn't know about," she said.


  • 上周推迟开发知道可以做得很好的利基网站但是仅仅一点恼怒”开发一个全新站点

    Last week I was putting off building a website in a niche that I knew was doing well online, but I just "couldn't be bothered" to build a brand new website.


  • 已经厌倦了这些辞职、分手和搬家,渴望一个全新的灿烂开始

    I was tired of quitting things; I was ready for big, shining starts.


  • 他们:‘一个全新领域非常兴趣,而且居然擅长这个工作。’

    "They're saying, 'Here's an extremely new field, something that I'm really interested in, and hey, I'm actually pretty good at it,'" Lavrusik says.


  • 那个判决虽然令人不快,却如同带来了珍贵的礼物——尽管夹杂一丝苦涩:实现的主张寻找一条全新道路的机会。

    But that unwelcome verdict also brought a precious if painful gift: an opportunity to search for fresh new ways to serve my purpose.


  • 来说插件改进API维护一个全新特性容易得

    It's much easier for me to improve the API a little for a plugin than it is to maintain an entire new feature.


  • 碰到朝仓音梦的第一,尼森带了一个全新音梦枕套摄影之用。

    On the day that I first met Nisan and Nemutan, Nisan was carrying a new Nemutan cover in his bag in case she needed to look fresh for a photograph.


  • Atom(请参阅最近撰写的相关文章)本来希望给RSS全新面貌,实际上仅仅增加了选择

    Atom (see my recent article on the topic) was an attempt at a fresh start for RSS, but in practice it just adds another option.


  • 但是懒洋洋夏日夜晚,开始一个全新眼光来看TiVo。

    But on a lazy late summer day, I came to view TiVo in a whole new light.


  • 正如截图中看到由于机器运行xp升级助手推荐xp中备份所有数据同样要求一个Windows7全新安装

    As you can see in the screenshot, because my machine is running XP, Upgrade Advisor is recommending backing up all of the data on it, as it will require a clean install of Windows 7.


  • 因为觉得激情去做这个项目而且创造全新娱乐方式肯定会很大市场(异想天开吧!)听讲完后,Paul有点心动了。

    Because it was something I was clearly passionate about, and because creating a new form of entertainment was clearly a big market (if you could invent one!), Paul was actually into it.


  • 来说,一个全新概念使第一次故事想象思维教育联系在一起。

    This was a new concept for me, and created my first link between stories, imaginative thinking and education.


  • 最近迷上了salad非常好吃,对于来说也是一个全新的改变

    Recently I've taken a huge liking for salad bars. They're amazingly filling, and extremely refreshing change.


  • 最近迷上了salad非常好吃,对于来说也是一个全新的改变

    Recently I've taken a huge liking for salad bars. They're amazingly filling, and extremely refreshing change.


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