• 这个渐近结果观测来自平稳绝对规则过程假设建立的,通过模拟得到验证。

    This asymptotic result, established under the assumption that the observations are made from a strictly stationary and absolutely regular process, is also verified via simulation.


  • 现年42岁的已经成为普林斯顿大学的顶尖生物学研究员

    Yan, 42, has become a leading biology researcher at Princeton.


  • 就是这样追梦者。

    Yan Ning is such a dream follower.


  • 戈博士说,“它们乐队联系。”因此其中周期正常往往冲击个周期。

    "They're all linked together like an orchestra," so when one cycle is out of whack, it tends to sideswipe the others as well.


  • 父亲的问题变得越来越知道必须马上家公司的

    The questions became more demanding, and Lill knew she would soon have to knock on a door.


  • 感觉到母亲我道晚安检查窗户是否关然后门口又给我飞吻

    I can feel my mother kiss me goodnight, check to see if the window is locked, then blow another kiss from the doorway.


  • 父母知道现在他们自己孩子看得超过三分之的父母,自己的孩子不能他们小时候那样享受自由也让他们感到担心

    Parents know they are being tougher on their children and over a third said they felt uneasy that their kids do not get the same opportunities as they did to experience freedom as a youngster.


  • 卡尔加里总领馆妇女工作小组女士就是这个小组组长,她也参加了今天的活动。

    We also have a women working group in our Consulate General in Calgary. And the chair of the group, Ms. Yan, is just sitting over there.


  • 除非给法案增加修正案,让特区修改法律放宽枪支控制,参议院会通过法案,按照国家标准特区的枪支管理了。

    When the Senate passed its bill, it did so only after attaching an amendment requiring the district to ease its gun-control laws, which are strict by national standards.


  • 毕业后住处附近公司找到了工作现在他们打算要宝宝

    Yan graduated, found work at a small company near their home and they are now starting a family.


  • 为什么歪曲学制,愉快求学企图变成机械式定尺寸的、被动强记事实?

    Why has the educational system twisted and distorted the pleasant pursuit of knowledge into a mechanical, measured, uniform and passive cramming of information?


  • 然而团队成员学会理解重视彼此之间的差异之后,领导力控制不必那么了,组织也就能发挥作用

    However once team members learn to understand and value 'difference', the leadership control function can be substantially relaxed and self-organization can take place.


  • 西雅图所限制学校的课程要求而著称,是个“哑童聪明的”地方

    It was Seattle's most exclusive school and was noted for its rigorous academic demands, a place where "even the dumb kids were smart."


  • 兆强2000年迎来了重大突破数十潜在供应商受邀佛罗里达州彼得斯堡棒球馆里得宝演示产品

    Mr. Yan's big break came in 2000 when he was among dozens of prospective suppliers invited to demonstrate products to Home Depot at a baseball stadium in St. Petersburg, Fla.


  • 但是在许可费提升以及不断环境管制条例背后,还存在着另暗示加纳采矿业中所获利益并不

    But underlying it and the increasingly strict enforcement of environmental rules is a sense that Ghana is not getting much benefit from its mineral wealth.


  • 但是孤独症给她的恋爱生活却造成了很多问题最近男友她控制越来越时,女士护理工作者不得不出面干涉

    But her autism has caused her trouble in romantic relationships, and when a recent boyfriend became over-controlling the careworkers from the women's group had to step in to help.


  • 故事情节是这样的:()机械学专业的德国大学生,他中国遇到了建筑专业的中国大学生燕燕。

    According to the plot, Jens, a male mechanics student in a German university, met female Chinese architect student Yan Yan in China.


  • 1994年,兆强听说上海工厂生产螺旋形灯泡

    In 1994, Mr. Yan heard about a factory in Shanghai making spiral-shaped bulbs.


  • 起身总是去检查下门看看实。

    Since I was up, I would check the door and the Windows again to see that they were properly shut.


  • 先生说,巨头九鼎,生产热门品牌包括索尼,惠普,戴尔,宏碁诺基亚

    The three companies are behemoths in their own right, producing goods for a roster of blue-chip brands, including Sony, HP, Dell, Acer and Nokia.


  • 检疫措施加大口岸疫病防控力度。

    Third, further enhance entry-exit health inspection and quarantine measures based upon the epidemic situation development.


  • 屋顶提琴手》对话总结了这个研究媒人朋友艾弗拉姆

    There is a dialogue in Fiddler On The Roof that perfectly concludes this study. Yente, the matchmaker, says to her friend Avram


  • 夜里众星微笑互相低语说——“寻找无用的,无缺的完美笼盖!”

    Only in the deepest silence of night the stars smile and whisper among themselves — 'Vain is this seeking! Unbroken perfection is over all!'


  • 年前卫生部设立了自己精神卫生行政机关成员(yan)医生处长公共健康专家而不是精神病学家。

    The health Ministry's own mental health bureau, established four years ago, consists of three people. Dr. Yan, the director, is a public health specialist, not a psychiatrist.


  • 本月早些时候文德·霍斯特他的同事静(音译),发布了哈勃天文望远镜拍到的些图片,这些图片展示出了曾经被观察到大多数遥远的“正常星系

    Earlier this month, Windhorst and a colleague, Haojing Yan, released a Hubble Space Telescope image showing the most distant "normal" galaxies ever observed.


  • 4月办公地方拜访坐在会议室里长长黑色会议桌

    When I visited Yan Qi at her offices in April, we sat in her boardroom, at the end of a long black conference table.


  • 4月办公地方拜访坐在会议室里长长黑色会议桌

    When I visited Yan Qi at her offices in April, we sat in her boardroom, at the end of a long black conference table.


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