I appeal, as a human being to human beings: remember your humanity, and forget the rest.
We get so wrapped up in deadlines, clients, costs and all the rest that it's easy to forget to search for creative solutions.
Because email isn't the all-powerful application it once was, with the advent of texting, Facebook, Twitter and the rest, we tend to forget both how useful email is and how dangerous it can be.
“The rest after delivery, ” she said, getting up from her chair. “And don’t forget to send the bonus gift.”
Amongst all of the hard work and difficulties that students face in college, some people tend to forget to rest.
Take a look through the rest of our Total Recall archives. And don't forget to check out the reviews for the Tourist.
I used up when he was young youth to love you, and then take the rest of my life of old to forget you.
Unless the Rockets lose no more than 5 games the rest of the way and sweep the remaining 2 against the Jazz, forget about home court.
Unless the Rockets lose no more than 5 games the rest of the way and sweep the remaining 2 against the Jazz, forget about home court.