• 给信号后把车开进了车道

    She signalled and pulled over into the slow lane.


  • 自家车道不料发现已被堵

    She turned up the driveway, only to find her way blocked.


  • 条路只有一个车道那么

    The road is only one lane wide.


  • 要命地冲过了三车道

    He made a kamikaze run across three lanes of traffic.


  • 车道交通完全堵塞

    Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill.


  • 大部分时间行方向的车道应该保持通畅。

    The northbound lane should remain open at most times.


  • 不能在这里停车,你挡住我家车道

    You can't park here, you're obstructing my driveway.


  • 驶入车道,他看见卧室的着。

    As he pulled into the driveway, he saw her bedroom light was off.


  • 开进她家车库车道上停那里。

    He pulled into the driveway in front of her garage.


  • 穿过高速公路,驶入迈阿密车道

    I cut across the expressway and took the fast lane back to Miami.


  • 我站车道把车出来然后开走了。

    I stood in the driveway and watched him back out and pull away.


  • 沿着车道车子跑去,然后我失去了平衡

    I was running down the driveway to the car and I lost my balance.


  • 通往农场那条车道房子窗户可一览无余。

    The lane leading to the farm was in full view of the house windows.


  • 辆卡车每小时20英里速度行驶车道上。

    The truck was travelling at 20 mph in the slow lane.


  • 我们沿着小巷一小段距离,穿过车道来到幢房子前。

    A little way further down the lane we passed the driveway to a house.


  • 以前这辆车吗?” — “,见过。车道。”

    "Had you seen the car before?"—"Oh yes, it was always in the driveway."


  • 把车开车道那辆银色大轿车正前方。

    He pulled back into the left lane, directly in front of the big silver sedan.


  • 政府路上建了一条自行几乎没有使用

    The government built a cycle lane on the road but it is hardly used.


  • 然后车辆计算机控制转入自动车流保留车道

    The vehicle would then shift under computer control onto a lane reserved for automated traffic.


  • 更好选择蓝色高速公路上增加一条自行

    A better alternative is to add a bicycle lane to Blue Highway.


  • 一直认为即使不那么拥挤车道上,开车很慢

    I always thought you were slow even driving on the less crowded fast lane.


  • 汽车沿车道缓慢地颠簸行进。

    The car bumped its way slowly down the drive.


  • 汽车完全开出车道

    The car spun right off the track.


  • 试图车道超车

    He tried to overtake on the inside.


  • 沿着8车道高速公路座城市驶去了。

    He took off for the city on the eight-lane superhighway.


  • 车倒车道

    He backed his car out of the drive.


  • 沿着一边墙脚下一条自行

    There was a bike path running along this side of the wall, right at its base.


  • 听到车胎碎石铺成私家车道上发出嘎吱声

    She heard the crunch of tyres on the gravel driveway.


  • 埃伦沿着车道走着,只手上托着扁平盒子

    Ellen is walking down the drive with a square flat box balanced on one hand.


  • 一种我们称之为逆流车道交通模式

    There is a traffic pattern that we call a contra flow lane.


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