• 被告今天预期联邦法院出庭

    The defendants are expected to appear in federal court today.


  • 今天总统纪念日,一个联邦假日

    Today is Presidents' Day, a federal holiday.


  • 百分之二十八联邦预算用于国防

    Twenty-eight percent of the federal budget is spent on defence.


  • 联邦政府掌控教育预算6%。

    The federal government controls just 6% of the education budget.


  • 一名联邦警察局长枪战打死了

    A federal marshal was killed in a shoot-out.


  • 很多魁北克人联邦主义者

    Many Quebeckers are federalists.


  • 基金大部分用于资助联邦监狱建造

    The fund has been used largely to finance the construction of federal prisons.


  • 一名联邦法官昨天驳回医生的指控。

    A federal judge dismissed the charges against the doctor yesterday.


  • 这些提案耗费800亿元联邦政府预算

    The new proposals would absorb $80 billion of the federal budget.


  • 联邦政府努力控制不断上涨卫生保健费用

    The federal government tried to control rising health-care costs.


  • 为了得到联邦资助而故意压低项目成本价格。

    He lowballed the cost of the project in order to obtain federal funding.


  • 财政部计划偿还十五亿八千万美元联邦债务

    The Treasury plans to pay down about $1.58 billion on the federal debt.


  • 联邦政府那儿听来很多东西胡说八道

    A lot of what he's been hearing from the federal government is BS.


  • 1985年联邦预算拨了73亿美元用于开发项目

    The 1985 federal budget allocated $7.3 billion for development programmes.


  • 关键在于联邦政府通货膨胀控制维持多久

    The key is , how long can the federal government control the inflation rate?


  • 他们准备在下一个财政年度削减联邦预算赤字

    They're ready to cut the federal budget deficit for the next fiscal year.


  • 上个月一个联邦陪审团开始仔细斟酌该案证据

    Last month, a federal grand jury began mulling evidence in the case.


  • 环境保护基金会得到了80万美元联邦政府拨款推广城镇智能发展

    The Environmental Defense Fund has been given $800,000 in federal grants to promote smart growth.


  • 失业问题解决办法联邦救济

    The answer to the problem of unemployment has been Federal relief.


  • 联邦政府已经开始飞机上

    The federal government has started dropping money out of airplanes.


  • 联邦政策必然涉及技术天才之争

    Federal policy is necessarily involved in the technology vs. genius dispute.


  • 几年联邦政府拨款修建一条新的道路

    Some years ago, federal money was granted to build a new road.


  • 许多地方社区增加了这种联邦政府援助

    Many States and local communities supplemented this Federal aid.


  • 美国联邦贸易委员会希望找到这个问题答案

    The US Federal Trade Commission says it wants to find the answer to that question.


  • 联邦艺术计划主要目标不是提供就业机会吗?

    But wasn't the primary objective of the Federal Art Project to provide jobs?


  • 最初计划用来作为联邦立法机构参考图书馆

    It was originally planned as a reference library for the federal legislature.


  • 好几个严厉联邦将军矿工葬礼上矿泉水

    Several severe federal generals drank the mineral water on the miner's funeral.


  • 联邦政府一些明智措施可以国家回到正确道路上

    A few sensible federal measures could put the country back on the right path.


  • 省长们喜欢有选择地引用罗马诺先生报告特别是有关联邦政府提供更多资金部分

    Premiers love to quote Mr.Romanow's report selectively, especially the parts about more federal money.


  • 联邦储备委员会预计增加利率

    The Federal Reserve Board is expected to raise interest rates.


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