• 这些锻炼可使紧张身体放松。

    These exercises help free the body of tension.


  • 侍女看着脸上带着紧张微笑

    The maid looked at him, a nervous smile on her face.


  • 演播室观众席传来紧张窃笑声。

    There was nervous tittering in the studio audience.


  • 按摩使得背部紧张肌肉松弛下来。

    The massage relaxed my tense back muscles.


  • 按摩使紧张肌肉松弛

    A massage will relax those tense muscles.


  • 我们笑了,因而使紧张情绪缓和下来。

    We laughed and that helped ease the tension.


  • 紧张时候,就很难显得轻松自然

    It's difficult to look natural when you're feeling nervous.


  • 难以所有的事都一个紧张日程

    It's difficult to cram everything into a tight schedule.


  • 过分自信的态度掩饰紧张心情。

    Her over-confident attitude was a cover for her nervousness.


  • 共和国之间紧张民族关系可能导致内战

    Ethnic tensions among the republics could lead to civil war.


  • 不得不一个相当紧张预算范围工作

    She has to work within the limits of a fairly tight budget.


  • 发出紧张傻笑

    She gave a nervous giggle.


  • 这座城市里依然一种极其敌对紧张气氛

    There's still an atmosphere of great hostility and tension in the city.


  • 这种重复运动可以释放一些紧张能量

    The repetitive motion can provide an outlet for nervous energy.


  • 如何预算紧张情况下准备美味营养的饭菜?

    How to prepare delicious and nutritious meals on a tight budget?


  • 紧张迹象

    There are signs of strain.


  • 检查手腕手指活动应有背部紧张情况。

    Check for wrist or finger movement, there should be none with back tension.


  • 这种紧张气氛使害怕激动

    The electric atmosphere both terrified and thrilled him.


  • 影片预算决定紧张的拍摄进度

    The film's budget dictated a tough schedule.


  • 紧张的考试过后感觉筋疲力尽了

    After the gruelling test, he felt totally spent.


  • 点茶吧,这会使紧张神经松弛下来。

    Have some tea; it'll calm your nerves.


  • 头痛可能紧张迹象

    Headaches may be a sign of stress.


  • 我们必须时间紧迫、资金紧张限制下工作

    We have to work within severe constraints of time and money.


  • 确保抽出时间钓鱼因为我消除紧张的方式

    I make sure I make time for fishing because it's how I de-stress.


  • 完成上星期紧张日程安排抱怨自己筋疲力尽

    He had complained of exhaustion after his gruelling schedule over the past week.


  • 过度紧张的工作使得更加消瘦了。

    He became even thinner from overwork.


  • 不要紧张没什么紧张的

    Don't get nervous. There's nothing to get nervous about.


  • 养活今天人口对已经很紧张环境来说一个挑战

    Feeding today's population is a challenge for an already-stressed environment.


  • 要是他们什么手脚,就会叫他们神经紧张

    I'd give 'em nerves if any of them tried anything on with me.


  • 一天紧张工作下来的脖子僵了,头也,还恶心

    My neck is stiff, and I feel dizzy and sick after a busy day.


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