• 年轻时候我们有点拘谨

    We're all a bit gauche when we're young.


  • 这位年轻音乐家前途无量

    This young musician has a bright future.


  • 语重心长,但年轻听众却没有领会。

    His profundities were lost on the young audience.


  • 丈夫已经一个年轻女人同居了。

    Her husband had moved in with a younger woman.


  • 如此年轻选手有这样成绩真是了不起。

    It was a remarkable achievement for such a young player.


  • 比尔克林顿年轻时候,牛津见过他。

    I met the young Bill Clinton at Oxford.


  • 英格兰派出了一支年轻队伍参加世界杯赛

    England fielded a young side in the World Cup.


  • 年轻时侯,母亲是位成功推销员

    In her younger days my mother had been a successful saleswoman.


  • 即使年轻时候我也从未有过什么雄心

    Even when I was young I never had any ambition.


  • 年轻时候,吃巧克力一种难得的享受。

    When I was young chocolate was a treat.


  • 是个年轻家伙没什么经验不成熟

    He was a young fellow, very green, very immature.


  • 那位年轻的选手第一场比赛就已经被认为胜券在握。

    In his first game the young player already looked every inch a winner.


  • 一名年轻妇女承认了3宗盗窃指控处以2缓刑

    A young woman admitted three theft charges and was put on probation for two years.


  • 帕姆从未了解有些专门坑害那些年轻离家出走者

    Pam had never learned that there were men who preyed on young runaways.


  • 现在,食品业以往任何时候都更加关注年轻消费者

    More than ever before, the food industry is paying attention to young consumers.


  • 现任领导者们必须决定是否工作移交年轻的一代负责。

    The present leaders have to decide whether to hand over to a younger generation.


  • 其中一名示威者年轻女子孤独无助地坐在人行道上。

    One of the demonstrators, a young woman, sat forlorn on the sidewalk.


  • 过去总是比她年轻男性吸引不过面对现实不是呢?

    She was always attracted to younger men. But, let's face it, who is not?


  • 尽管他们尽力装出年轻样子,但是灰白的头发皮下脂肪团却暴露他们的真实年龄。

    Although they are pretending hard to be young, grey hair and cellulite give them away.


  • 年轻时候,我很多朋友

    When I was younger, I had many friends.


  • 年轻血液良好遮护

    She has young blood and a good cover.


  • 女儿是个年轻电影明星

    His daughter is a young movie star.


  • 更夫我们年轻神学学生。

    The sentry was our young Divine.


  • 我们需要年轻技术人员。”

    "We need young tech workers," he said.


  • 这位年轻女士最终驶离暴风雨了吗?

    Did the young lady drive out of the storm at last?


  • 年轻时候经常梦想着一名演员。

    I often dreamed of becoming an actor when I was young.


  • 年轻心灵继续勇气

    The young hearts continue to fill me with courage.


  • 那个年轻球员大有前途。

    The young ball player will bear watching.


  • 最后来了一只年轻狐狸

    At length came a young fox.


  • 年轻时候,别人我们不要扣篮

    When I was young, we were taught not to dunk.


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