Who knows the degree of honesty that he would bring to our question if he were here?
I don't know, I dropped out of public accounting, so maybe that means I am one of the boring ones, who knows?
We'll never find Truth in her entirety, at least not until the Second Coming, and who knows when that will be?
They don't legislate compassion. It's likely that these were considered acts of, who knows, personal conscience, religious conviction, something that was between the individual and society and their God.
The true ruler is the person who both acts on his own interest and of course knows what those interests are.
Maybe somebody who knows Citizen Kane and would like to have a grade for the first 50 pages.
In other words, the teaching fellows I had in those days who knows? They may rise up against me in the same way this semester -but the teaching fellows I had in those days said, "You can't teach an introduction.
In the universe we-- Who knows what is out there in the universe but at least on Earth we may well be the only people there are.
That is, if you plot the relationships between people We can take each person in this room, find everybody you know and who knows you and draw a line, but if we were to do this you wouldn't find an even mesh of wires.
But Patrick knows Steven pretty well; he knows those guys who run Coca-Cola are pretty smart guys, so Patrick knows that the guy who runs Coca-Cola is going to anticipate that the guy who runs Pepsi is gonna cheat on the guy who runs Coca-Cola, and hence the guy who runs Coca-Cola is going to play a best response to Patrick's cheat on quantity.
You can't stick your bad paper to the banker who knows everybody in the town; he'll figure it out and that's the -and so that's the problem that's solved by bankers.
stay there because who knows, there are 20 million other things I might have said, but instead let me give you the opportunity to ask questions that you would like to raise, particularly if you want to ask about how they fought, as long as we have a phalanx here we might as well use it if we need too.
So, now we have said go to the address stored in X, which is who knows, it's over there, put the number 42 there so what I've just drawn is this part of this story here.
and in the long run, who knows how it's going to affect you.
How do we explain the fact that the person who's conducting the seance knows things about, your history that only your dead uncle would know?"
Nobody knows who it is,so they call it,they find it wandering on the streets.
Now, who knows? Maybe dolphins or certain-- some of the great apes.
Who knows? Maybe we'll try on some other occasion, but for the moment I think you can see that in making remarks of this kind about a text one has shifted the attention from meaning to structure.
Who knows, but the point is it's different in different countries.
I would've thought, given the evidence of what Bogdanovich says in that documentary, for instance, if the 4 to 5 minutes has not been cut, it might have been better than Citizen Kane, and maybe one of the few greatest movies that he ever made, maybe the greatest movie, who knows.
So, fairly simple idea, who knows why we actually care what the values of X or Y are at least in this out of context.