Many people said the problem with general levels of happiness or unhappiness rather, the cause is people have too high expectations.
It's not necessarily unhappiness
So as a result, they said there were droughts in these areas throughout that period and that caused tremendous unhappiness and discontent.
Gary Gilmore The serial killer Gary Gilmore basically said the pain of others gratified him and caused him no unhappiness at all.
Because it's just not enough to put these resources in places that help us deal with our depression and anxiety and unhappiness directly.
If he hadn't run, Beatrice would still have won, but it would still have cost him the $.20 of unhappiness at Beatrice winning, but at least he would have saved himself the C of running.
I'll try reconcile the disease, the unhappiness that you may experience thinking about that.
Now happiness and unhappiness,or happiness and neurosis, psychosis and depression,are interconnected,of course.
And here's why. Because this is the No. 1-- equating to selfishness and immorality is the No. 1 cause-- subconsciously mostly, but not only-- No. 1 cause of unhappiness.
Now he's asking this question and the disease model response to this is we need to help them deal directly with depression, with their anxiety and with their unhappiness whether it's violence,whether it's unhappiness.
Second reason for having positive psychology's field of study and focusing on what works and focusing on research in happiness,relationships and wellbeing is because happiness does not spontaneously rise when take unhappiness away.
So it's going to cause me unhappiness, it's going to cause me disutility having a candidate win, who's far away from me.
Because happiness does not just come spontaneously when we negate unhappiness.
Do you want to run away from unhappiness?
Running away from unhappiness?
So again, if you're at X and the winner is at Y, it hurts you minus the distance between X and Y, in terms of your unhappiness, about having a winner who's far away from you, winning.