• Then you can do all sorts of predictive stuff with that system.


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  • Everyone wants to be on top like with all of these high vendors, you know, very flashy names, pricey stuff,


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  • But as they grow, you get these legacies, and these guys come in with armies of consultants and the software that you have to rent, and the stuff builds up in your company and then you're kind of stuck.


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  • And then, of course, there's lots of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with the Mycenaean period.


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  • Again, pset one will walk you through this and you'll get familiar with this stuff, even though it looks a little arcane at first glance.


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  • The paradox then is how do you create such a fast computer with such slow stuff?


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  • The people who are in the know -know who's trustworthy as a borrower and who has a good prospect of paying it back -but if I go in there ignorantly, I'm going to get stuck with the worst stuff.


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  • So, we'll listen to the end of the third presentation of this with the contrapuntal idea dominated by strings, melody, bass, other stuff in the middle and then he will bring in the brass for the final statement of this.


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  • So I, I actually drove out here with, with all my stuff and then found an apartment.


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  • A lot of the stuff that goes on with the company is really organic right now and isn't necessarily formalized.


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  • What's the dominant in the text is just the stuff, the stuff in his knapsack listed with as little implication as possible.


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  • So gods have power only insofar as they are connected with that primordial world "stuff," a technical term that I use throughout this lecture! That means that magic is possible in such a system.


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  • They grew the virus in monkey cell cultures, they purified the virus because you got to get all the other stuff from the cells that you're growing it in a way, they inactivated it by treating it with formalin which is just a formula-- it's just a mixture of Formaldehyde; Formaldehyde cross links proteins.


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  • She made up the art gallery with like, blood splatters across the walls and stuff like that.


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  • All this stuff really matters, because all these events now with the problems in Georgia.


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  • Just adding it and filling up our containers with more and more stuff.


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  • That's not what Welles wanted He wanted to examine the myth of the past, even the rest of being a little nostalgic about the whole stuff, and to build the work of art, so we can live with that.


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  • Santa Monica's is more of a place where you want to hang out with family and stuff.


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  • It's hard to write a lot of stuff in a language that you're not as familiar with,


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  • I mean, like, unless you, you're like, acquainted with the city, then, like, you can find stuff,


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  • And there's a lot of stuff to do with times. They've got a lot of hourglasses,


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  • which means that the grownups get to play with all the fun stuff


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  • College students do not have a science of this at all, they just pour the stuff down their throats with the goal of becoming drunk as fast as they can.


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  • But life happens, stuff comes up with sports, with student groups, with elements and the like.


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