• Let's flip back a step beyond that to Mycenaean civilization for the purpose of noting the great contrast, the great change.


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  • Everybody in the Mediterranean wanted it for the same reasons, and obviously these Mycenaean sites had access to what they needed.


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  • So, that's what is meant by the term, Dark Ages, and that's what does follow the fall of the Mycenaean world.


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  • There's just no way to explain that except to say that catalog of ships goes back to the Mycenaean Period.


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  • You find Mycenaean elements, tools, other things, pottery particularly of a certain kind, all over the Mediterranean Sea.


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  • So, the citadel and the farmland surrounding it, make up fundamentally the unit which is the Mycenaean kingdom.


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  • And then, of course, there's lots of stuff that doesn't have anything to do with the Mycenaean period.


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  • In the years of the Mycenaean period, roughly from 1600 to 1100 or so B.C., you are dealing with a largely unified culture.


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  • Then we see that when this culture comes to an end, it is accompanied by people fleeing, getting away from the Mycenaean world.


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  • What you see is a kind of cultural unity, first of all, within the Mycenaean world itself.


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  • Something less easy to say confidently, but probably clear, I think, is the whole legacy of Mycenaean culture is really lost, not fully though.


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  • And of course, there are more theories about the fall of the Roman Empire than there are about the fall of the Mycenaean world.


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  • So, the fact that this was a Greek script that was available in the Mycenaean Period tells us very confidently that the Mycenaeans were Greeks.


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  • Whoever was writing the poems of Homer, whichever poets were contributing to that over the ages after the Mycenaean Period, they hadn't seen those Mycenaean sites.


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  • An omnipresent bureaucracy with its detailed and all encompassing records gives the clearest picture of the power exercised by the centralized monarchs of the Mycenaean Age."


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  • He's taken to the beautiful city on the island of Scheria, Phaiacia, and is treated with great respect as you're supposed to in the Mycenaean world.


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  • It is evident that these different Mycenaean towns, all throughout the Greek world, on both sides of the Aegean Sea, were in touch with each other.


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  • Now, that's not what queens do. I'm sure the Mycenaean queens didn't do that, but it's very, very interesting that that is what the Homeric queens do.

    但王后不做这个 我肯定迈锡尼王后,不织布,但非常有趣的是,荷马史诗中的王后却在织布

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  • I think it's very important to notice that some of these places that were big in the Mycenaean world were entirely abandoned and not settled again by the Greeks.


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  • There are also differences, sometimes, in the shape of weapons that we find in the Greek World after the Mycenaean Period compared to what are described in Homer's poems.


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  • You have the destruction completely of the Mycenaean Bronze Age culture.


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  • Some of them only go so far as Athens, which had the good fortune somehow of not being destroyed, one of the few important Mycenaean places that is not destroyed.


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  • Was it the world of the Mycenaean Bronze Age?


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  • And that, I think, we have to understand as being because of his function in the situation, namely there is a multi-city invasion of Troy being carried on by these Mycenaean Greeks.


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  • And if you look at the whole story that he tells, that really means quite soon after the fall of the Mycenaean world, probably maybe a century earlier than what Finley suggests.


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  • Now, not all Mycenaean sites are so far from the sea; some of them are closer, but what it's important to say is that none of them are right on the sea.


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  • There's nothing like that in the Mycenaean world.


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  • There's one very abstruse clue where somebody seems to know something about it, but fundamentally it's an illiterate society and that is a major difference between the world of Homer and the Mycenaean world.


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  • I think we must remember that there were people creating and repeating, and working out, and changing a poetic tradition that started in the Mycenaean world and lasted for the rest of Greek history.


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  • The notion that this is about the Mycenaean world is an outlier, and then I would say the largest consensus is something like Finley's consensus, but people verging in both directions from that.


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